Chapter 204: I Always Will Choose Him

Almost in the early crack of dawn, both Kylian and Zenith decided to set their journey back to the Academy, since spending the night outside at the mountain shrine wasn't in their plan. 

Kylian expressed his humble gratitude towards both the monks before leaving, especially the elder monk who had shown him a way by finding a Blue Puya flower and offering it to the Moon Goddesses to cast away the unfortunate luck hovering over their future. 

But it seemed Zenith was still sulking at them for committing that lantern ritual before, which had created the argument on their first date day. However, after Kylian's persuasion, he half-heartedly expressed his gratitude before they left the shrine. 

It was a tedious journey back to the campus, but all the way Zenith guided him this time, making sure Kylian would feel safe and assured with him by holding hands tight together.