Chapter 7

Archivauld watched on with mute incomprehension as Parcival, having been just thrown down the stairs, scrambled back to his feet, unsteady after being hurled like a rag doll.

A very angry-looking barkeep followed close behind, taking the steps three at a time, murder in his eyes as he rushed Parcival. Archivauld wasn't sure what was going on, but the distant wailing cries of Violet gave him a good idea. 

He could vaguely hear the woman sobbing, saying, "She's dead, nooo!! Tessa is dead,"

Archivuald grimaced as realization hit him. That rotten snake! Of course Parcival would do something stupid like killing that poor woman and ruin their stay. 

Grasping the worn haft of his axe, Archivauld leapt to his feet, his chair toppling over. Given the circumstances, he wasn't sure if he should help the barkeep or Parcival.

Quicker than he looked, the barkeep leapt down a full flight of stairs, tackling Parcival, and started raining fists on the man's face, each blow filling the air with meaty thuds. Parcival was doing his best to defend, but he was disoriented after being thrown down the stairs and having his head repeatedly slammed against the floor. Archivuald hesitated. Perhaps he should just let it happen? It was what Parcival deserved. Thankfully, or perhaps unfortunately, he didn't have to make a choice.

Quicker than his large form belied, Tanur appeared, his weapon raised. There was a loud meaty crunch as the spiked ball of his morning star slammed into the back of Jimmy's head, blood, bone and gore showering the area, absolutely drenching Parcival.

Parcival spat blood and a tooth as he pushed the twitching corpse of Jimmy off him. 

"It's about time! What the hell Archie, why were you just standing around?" Parcival snapped, clambering unsteadily to his feet.

Archivuald inhaled sharply as he gripped the haft of his ax tighter. He wanted so badly to lodge the chipped and worn blade of his axe in the man's head.

"I would have helped, but you seemed to have it in hand," Archivuald replied evenly. 

Parcival swore, his retort cut off as the front door swung open and Yurlan, carrying a large pack ran in. He must have been returning after securing supplies when he heard the commotion. 

 "What's going on?" Yurlan demanded, his discerning gaze darting about the room, taking in the corpse of the barkeep and the two bloodied men standing over him. 

Parcival as he touched his bloodied face. "Sorry boss, I fucked up. You know how I like to play rough when I drink. I was choking the girl a little too hard and must have collapsed her windpipe. Thought she would wake up like others have, but I guess not. Didn't even know she was dead until this dead guy kicked down my door," Parcival said with a shrug, as if it was just another day.

Yurlan swore under his breath. "You rat bastard… Can't you just control yourself for one damned night?" Yurlan took a deep, calming breath. "Well, now we have to leave. Grab your shit, we are going right now," Yurlan ordered.

The few patrons and workers who had been around to witness the murders had wisely made themselves scarce. Either going to get the city guard or just fleeing the tavern. The only one still in the building was Violet, her loud sobs drifting down the stairs. 

When none of them moved, Yurlan spoke again.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Move damn it!" Yurlan shouted. 

As if an explosion was set off, they all moved. Archivauld ran up the stairs to his room, stuffing what little he had into the pack they stole from the dead inquisitors. Slinging his pack on one shoulder he rushed out into the hallway, bumping into Parcival.

"Damn you to the Nether Archie, out of my way," Parcival swore, shoving him aside as he passed.

Archivauld slammed hard into the wall as the bloodied and bruised man passed, hesitating for only a moment before following. Well, this wasn't just great! 

So much for keeping their heads down and enjoying a week of food and a soft bed. 

On edge he decided it was unwise to try comforting the hysterical Violet, instead rushed down the stairs and out the front door. The harsh summer sun made him squint as he stepped outside. The streets outside seemed abandoned as the group fled Jimmy's tavern, anxious to get away before the city guard arrived. All the while they fled, Archivauld cursed Parcival in his mind.

Only one freaking day, and they were already fleeing another scene of carnage! Archivuald couldn't wait to part ways and leave these Nether blasted assholes behind. Thankfully for the bandits, the city of Svarten was large, and it would take a while for a patrol to respond this deep in the slums. By the time the soldiers arrived, the group would be long gone. Mostly because the soldiers didn't enjoy coming into the crime infested and seedy areas of the city that much.

Despite the murder of two innocents, the group seemed to have gotten off scot free. Having fled through dark smelly alleys for a couple hours, they came across an abandoned building. 

Noone had followed them, which was good, but that didn't mean there were no repercussions.

Two murdered in cold blood, even in the slums, would attract a lot of unhealthy attention when they didn't want any. 

Normally the city guard wouldn't put it to much effort when it was just another death in the slums, as that happened all the time, but they would surely ask questions. If anyone found out it was the Redstar bandits, with a sum total of forty gold reward on their heads, a lot of people would be very interested. Gold talked.

Yurlan looked furious as they set down their packs in the abandoned warehouse. 

"What were you thinking? I told you to lie low!" Yurlan shouted, punching Parcival in the face, hard.

The smaller man fell flat on his ass, massaging his jaw. It was the first time Archivuald had seen Yurlan had lose his cool, but judging by the fact Parcival didn't fight back, it wasn't his first time.

"Sorry boss, I didn't mean to," Parcival said, clearly holding himself back from a violent response.

Yurlan scowled. "You didn't mean to? That's what you always say…. Can't you just listen to me, for once?!" Yurlan asked, his nostrils flaring as he glowered down at the unruly man. 

Parcival looked away, seeming chagrined at the least. 

Yurlan angrily kicked the dirt and started furiously pacing all the while glowering down at Parcival. He looked ready burst as he muttered to himself.

"First, we get a ridiculous bounty put on us from the Order, and now this shit," Yurlan growled, taking a deep calming breath through his nose as he paced.

"It's okay, this can be salvaged. I was hoping for more time to properly gather supplies, but we can do that in Aslo. Since none of you can be trusted to not cause trouble, stay here and don't leave… Anyone who so much as pokes their head outside this building while i'm gone will have it cut off," Yurlan said.

Archivauld couldn't blame the man for his furious tirade. Honestly, Yurlan's response was surprisingly mild, given what happened. 

Archivuald sighed. So much for a week in a cosy bed and pleasant company. 

Now they were in a rundown, moldy warehouse that looked ready to collapse at any moment. At least it had some space for them to spread out. 

Once Yurlan left, Arhivuald found a corner, away from the other two and sat down hitting his head against the wall, wondering how he had ended up in this situation? What was he doing with these people? The answer was quite simple. He had made some stupid life choices, and by staying with these people it just kept getting worse. 

Things just kept spiraling even more out of control, with him being dragged along for the ride. He could go, leave right now, but what chance would he have on his own? 

The answer was next to none. Without forged documents, he would be discovered sooner rather than later. He would be lucky to be killed outright, most likely interrogated until he gave up the others. 

As much as he hated to admit it, his fate was tied to these bandits, at least for now.

With the earlier excitement fading, the day seemed to drag on. Anxious of every sound outside, Archivuald was on edge, his ax lying beside him. Despite his fears that they had been followed, and that inquisitors or the city guard would burst through the door at any moment nothing of the sort happened.

Eventually night fell, and Yurlan returned with some supplies. Yurlan had not only gathered some travel rations, but also got them a way back out of the city. They were leaving Svarten only a day after arriving, fleeing through the same tunnel they entered.

Just like the day prior, the group walked through the dark corridor of the tunnel in silence, the only sounds the heavy thud of their boots on dirt. Their guide seemed anxious, but then again, he had last time as well. Things were going surprisingly smoothly, but even so, Archivauld was on edge.

 Their sketchy guide seemed even more twitchy than last time as he repeatedly glanced around at the wooden support beams.

Archivauld had a nagging feeling in his gut, a feeling that just wouldn't fade. Everything seemed normal, but he couldn't shake his unease. The tunnel was empty and dark just like last time, taking quite a while to pass from one end to the other. 

Contrary to his bad feeling there was nothing in the tunnel, with the group exiting from a well hidden trap door into the forest. 

The forest was dark, only faintly lit by two of the three moons, the sounds of crickets filling the air. 

Archivuald hadn't thought it was odd that their escort brought up the rear, at least until the trap doors loudly slammed shut behind him.

There was a heavy click as thick iron was locked into place, the sound of the door locked behind him.

Several things happened all at once. 

A dozen lanterns flicked on, lighting up the forest and a dozen armed men with weapons drawn arrayed around them. 

Archivualds heart leaped in his chest, as None of them spoke as Yurlan and the others fanned out in a defensive position. They were surrounded on all sides.

Bows were drawn taught, and spears were lowered as a figure stepped from the ring of soldiers. A figure in a dark robe, with a red hand on his chest smiled brightly at them.

"Well well, well. What has you in such a rush this fine evening," the man said with a grin. 

Yurlan shared frantic glance with the others, clearly all sharing the same thoughts. This man was member of the red hand society, an infamous branch of the cult of the dark god.

They were similar in status to the order's templars in standing and power, very influential and very powerful. Having a dozen soldiers was bad enough, adding in a member of the red hand society was like adding the proverbial nail in their coffin.

Showing a surprising amount of calm, it sas

Yurlan who was first to speak.

"Do I know you?" Yurlan asked.

The short well dressed man from the red hand society laughed, a sound that made Archivuald flinch.

"No we haven't met before, and I doubt you would have heard of me. My name is Hesko Pasko," the man said with an amused smile.

"What do you want? We are quite busy," Yurlan said gruffly.

"I was just curious, is all. I wanted to meet the famed Yurlan Sorgal, and see the man responsible for putting those hotty inquisitors in their place," Hesko said with an amused grin.

Yurlan casually gripped the haft of his bearded axe at his side, sharing a familair glance with Archivuald and the others. Archivauld knew that glance all too well. Their identities had been discovered and they would likely need to fight for their lives any moment.

"Who is this Yurlan you are talking about?" Yurlan asked, clearly trying to stall.

Hesko chuckled.

"No need to play coy with me, I am well aware you and your little cohort are the Red Star bandits. No need to brandish your weapons. The red hand society has no love for the inquisitors.. They have snubbed us at every opportunity, undercutting our businesses and blaspheming against the dark lord," Hesko said, spitting to one side.

"So, you are not here to capture us?" Yurlan asked slowly.

Hesko laughed amusedly. "Why would I bother doing that? You and your little band have caused some waves, throwing some sand in the eyes of our biggest competitors. If anything, i am here to offer gifts," Hesko said.

Yurlans' eyes narrowed suspiciously. 

"What kind of gifts?" 

Hesko laughed. "Well, for one, I suspect you are planning to go to Aslo before tackling the pass to the inner reaches. That is a death trap. The order is watching that area very closely, with all hands on high alert for you. My gift to you is a solution to your problem, a secret way through the Draukfer mountains unknown by the inquisition," Hesko said.

Yurlan frowned.

"I have never heard of a second route on this fracture through the great divide," Yurlan replied. 

"Wouldn't be a secret if everyone knew about it," Hesko laughed, tossing a rolled scroll at their feet. "Take it… On that scroll is the route I am talking about. It's very rarely traveled as it is quite dangerous, with unclaimed wilderness infested by monsters due to noone closing the rifts that spring up in that part of the mountains," Hesko said.

Yurlan tentatively leaned forward, never taking his eyes off the man as he picked up the scroll. 

"And what do you gain from this? Why are you helping us?" Yurlan asked.

Hesko laughed again.

"As i said, the cult and the order are not exactly friends. Our cooperation seems genial on the surface, but we are enemies in the shadows. The enemy of my enemy and all that. For now, your continued existence will be a blow to the orders' prestige. The longer you are free tarnishing their reputation, the more the public will sway to our side," Hesko said.

Yurlan slowly nodded. "I don't like being manipulated, but I suppose I should be thanking you," Yurlan said.

Hesko waved a hand dismissively. "Think nothing of it, just don't expect help from our enclave in the future. This is a one time thing, with not even the higher ups knowing about our meeting. If you survive the pass, I would appreciate you destroying that scroll," Hesko said.

"I take it Hesko is a fake name?" Yurlan asked.

"Of course, i'm not stupid,"

Yurlan grunted. "Destroying the scroll can be arranged. Is that all you wanted?" Yurlan asked.

Hesko smiled. "That's it. You are free to leave.. Whether you take my advice or not is up to you," Hesko said.

With that, the soldiers lowered their weapons, and the bandit group simply walked through. They were still on edge expecting an attack at any moment, but it appeared Hesko was a man of his word.

For his part, Archivuald didn't feel safe at all until the soldiers had completely disappeared.

"Do you think he was lying?" Tanur asked.

"Doubtful, why would he lie? If he wanted us dead, we would have been riddled full of arrows by now," Yurlan said.

Parcival spat a glob of phlegm onto the dirt. "I knew that little bastard was untrustworthy," Parcival said.

"At least we came out of it in one piece. I thought we were gooners for sure," Archivuald said.

Yurlan grunted.

"We got lucky this time. In the future, we will have to be a lot more careful," Yurlan said.

"What's the plan boss? Are we really doing what that man suggested?" Tanur asked.

"Seems like we don't have another choice 

unless we want to risk running the gauntlet and hope we don't get recognized by the inquisition," Yurlan said.

"I guess we will have a secret pass filled with monsters to look forward to," Tanur muttered.

Parcivaul grinned, his yellow teeth visible even in the dark.

"It shouldn't be all , monsters mean essence. Who knows, we might even find an emblem or two for our troubles?" Parcival said.

The previous mood faded, their spirits up at the prospect of essence stones, and emblems.

Sure, there would be a lot of risk, but then again, there was always risk in their line of work.