Time To Hunt  


A collective gasp swept across the crowd. Those who'd been boasting about their abilities or making predictions moments before, now stood frozen while gazing upon the carnage-ridden scenes flickering on the monitors above.

"It's… over already? That fight between the bull and Yellow Flash? Didn't the commentator just announce its commencement a few milliseconds ago?

"No! Something… It's not right."

"Such swift brutality!"

"Poor Golden Crane… His mother will be furious!"

These whispers of awe, tinged with dread, resonated, eventually finding their way into a horrified emerald green serpent's ears as he watched that very battle play out.

"Big… Big… BROTHER! No… no, no, NO! It can't BE!" Lu Jade was trembling, but not from dread, but excitement. He looked at Thienika and shouted, "He… He… won… the fight already!?"

Thienika focused her attention on a very peculiar scene unfolding.

Within a crater, formed by the clash of a bull's determination and an arrogant crane's folly, lay a massive feathered body. The magnificent Golden Crane with a lineage known for its speed was now crumpled, immobile, its golden plumage dull and its wings were twitching uncontrollably.

And above that defeated form, a golden hoof was firmly planted.


"Yellow Flash is… subdued?!"


"That damned bull… It's laughing! So arrogant!"

The crowd erupted once more. They were confused, yet astonished. Even the announcers, whose job it was to paint the scenes with dramatic commentary were speechless.

Only Thienika and Lu Jade had a glimmer of an answer to this shocking revelation.

"It… it has to be the 'Logia Mist', yessss!" Lu Jade's realization was bittersweet.

From those depths of that battleground, a memory materialized, and within it, truth unfolded as scenes flickered.


Within the heart of the crater, shrouded in purple fog, a terrifying scene played out.

"This… This purple haze…! I can barely see?!" Yellow Flash's arrogant confidence vanished instantly. "Where the hell… did this haze… come from?"

The Logia Mist was seeping into his very being. His eyes were burning, and his once-sharp vision was becoming blurry as he watched a figure moving towards him with dread. But who?

"Who's there?"

Before him was a scene ripped from a bad nightmare, for his own reflection was gazing upon him with pity. Such weakness he beheld, it shook even his own being. He wanted to rush forth and help himself from those ghostly claws extending!

"Get AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed in a voice more akin to a frightened hatchling than a mighty Golden Crane who'd slaughtered many with its potent techniques.

The illusions created by Raphael's ability, fueled by Kwan Yuu's lingering darkness, was wreaking havoc upon the arrogant Crane's mind.


"No! I don't want to die! Mommy! SAVE ME!"

His pleas came echoing from his shattered soul as he tried to flee.

"This isn't real…! None of this is real!" Yellow Flash was running through a strange scenery while attacking multiple shadows who darted out at him from all angles. He was so terrified.

Within the frantic swipes of his hammer, Raphael saw a golden opportunity, "Taste my hooves, bird-brain!"


With a terrifying thud, the Golden Bull Thork landed upon Yellow Flash's back, crushing him into that crater. The impact had him gasping for breath as he fell unconscious, and surrendered to the fog's embrace, while whispering,

"Just a dream… Just a dream…"

"Such power…!" Lu Jade uttered with an awestruck fascination. He had heard of this Logia Mist technique from his Big Brother, but he had just now seen its effect in action. Even a 5th Layer Nightmare Calamity was subjected to its potent illusions.

Thienika spoke softly, "To make those of a greater cultivation stage cower and hallucinate? Truly amazing."


Qi Hawk leaned forward with an intensity that had even his most trusted advisors shifting nervously. He was watching Raphael's victory play out on the massive screen with a focused intent that those lesser creatures couldn't even fathom comprehending.

"Hmm… Interesting. That mist's potency exceeds those I've encountered."

He'd known this bull possessed some skills that had allowed him to escape Lu Ignis's domain. But after consuming the 'Devil Star Fruit' and the repercussions it triggered, he thought that bull had become weaker.

But now?

"He's more cunning than I anticipated." Qi Hawk then glanced at his daughter with a very suspicious look. "Hmm."

Meanwhile, within the frosty landscape…

"Ha! What an idiot!"

Raphael snickered as he observed golden particles that resembled snowflakes rising from where Yellow Flash had been moments before. His vanquished opponent was now merely a fading memory within this race track.

The rules were simple: to stay within this realm, you had to fight.

And those who lost… well, they simply ceased to exist within the Trial, for their physical forms would vanish and be sent back to the venue outside to nurse their bruised pride.

He glanced down. The 'Heavenly Sky Hammer' was truly a sight to behold with its intricacies and electric aura.

Too bad its owner was a moron, he thought to himself with amusement before adding it to his shadows, for he might have a use for this trinkets, perhaps a gift for Bat General Kong, or maybe a toy for Melissa.

His hooves tapped impatiently on the snow as he scanned his surroundings with blood-red eyes, searching for those holographic arrows that directed all contenders to the final destination.

There! A faint blue arrow hovered ahead. It pointed towards a towering glacier.

"Hmm, only one path? But there were many contestants…"

He then noticed faint, colorful trails leading toward other snowy landscapes and mountains, there were at least a hundred paths to choose from; each led to the same destination. And each path was being traversed by countless beasts, eager to reap benefits. Some sprinting, others galloping like himself, and a few just calmly taking a nap as if this contest wasn't worthy of their attention.

Such fools, he thought with a hint of Shao Jin's arrogance creeping back into his system.

'Perhaps its best I keep moving before others get any bright ideas about claiming my points.'

Above his head, now displayed 6 points. These he earned from defeating Yellow Flash.

He was about to spread his mighty black wings and take flight, to soar above these clumsy insects who crawled on those icy paths when another thought crossed his mind. "If I fly above, everyone will notice me, that'll attract unwarranted attention. Not a smart choice for someone who still desires to get another Pass."

He recalled the earlier fights and saw that most of the clashes were initiated by a simple action, the perception of an easy target.

Raphael's gaze fell on two Calamities battling it out on a distant hill. One was a massive, two-headed rhino with 4 points hovering above its skull and the other was a winged panther.

He could smell the burnt flesh from their exchange of attacks even from this distance. It was truly a battle to savor, but the panther was losing, his point count was zero, a delicious meal for a rhino.

"Hmm… 4 points… and those other ones earlier had a combined 4 as well…"

He watched as another creature, a tiny insect, flitted past. It was buzzing, "Don't forget, 1 point per kill!"

And this was the game he'd have to participate in. A morbid scorecard.

After shaking his head and dismissing that sight of death, Raphael then started his journey. He chose a path that led through a dense forest.

The tall trees were covered in snow. It muffled his hooves against the frozen earth as he navigated those twists and turns with ease, occasionally hopping over fallen branches and dodging roots that had sprung up like snakes from the cold ground.

An hour later…

Raphael paused at a fork in the path. Two arrows, a pale green and azure blue, flickered above. They pointed in opposite directions.

"Hmm… which one?"

His decision, however, wasn't left to his new, more gentle self.

No. It was his primal, that inherited instincts of a Calamity to dominate, that had him summoning his Generals.




A terrifying sight manifested that had the little ravens perched nearby scrambling to escape.

His two powerful commanders appeared beside him in their glory. Their dark essences radiated in waves, a sight that would make even seasoned competitors flee.

They waited patiently, both eager to please their lord and show how efficient their new evolutions were against anyone who'd dare challenge them this day.

"I have a plan."

Raphael then whispered, "Each of you shall lead two hundred of our finest shadow warriors. Go. And amass points for our cause. But DO NOT be too bold. Remain hidden in the shadows. Act weak to force your opponents to lower their guard, then strike at the opportune time. Do you understand? Especially you Kong, NO Dragon unless necessary!"

"Hmm… this strategy. You've finally grown into a true leader, Master." Kong smiled. This bull was more than meets the eye.

Even Melissa, who had wicked schemes and seductions brewing within, had to agree. His words were wise and practicality. Truly a shame to waste on simple souls like those participating today.

"Consider their points yours, Master!" She said while twirling her whip menacingly. "If they see me coming then…" her words of violence and terrifying possibilities didn't need to be said for her glowing pink eyes were already showcasing her true potential to bring harm, and revel in it.


Within seconds, hundreds of Shadow Bats erupted from Raphael's wings, following his trusted commanders in a silent swarm of death.

"Now then…"

Raphael wasn't done. He'd made a promise, and that promise would be kept, no matter the cost. He wouldn't leave any room for chance.

From his shadowy wings, another figure manifested. This one wasn't elegant like Melissa, nor had the sheer, primal ferocity that his commander Kong possessed.

It was a bizarre creature. One that resembled a bat but with a monstrous head and a jaw that split open in four segments. Its eyes were large and bulging with thin pink slits. Its massive abdomen had a vibrant red energy emanated from its segmented chitinous layer, and within, multiple bulges like those possessed by the Vampsquitoe were evident. This new addition was a treasure of chance, it truly stole his breath away.

Its arrival was less thunderous than the previous summons but somehow, this buzzing had the trees around them leaning further into the wind as if in a morbid bow of respect.

"Master, Bat Major Buzzer at your service.?" Its mandibles clicked respectfully.

"Hm, It's chosen to call itself Bat Major Buzzer. Clever. But, enough with the formalities. I have a special task. One that will grant you an even greater title!"

He then smirked before whispering his orders. This new creature who had inherited a sliver of Kwan Yuu's Will had a definite purpose brewing for her.

Buzzer listened intently as instructions were issued. "It will be my honor to serve Master!" she said before disappearing into the trees with a faint orange trail.

Raphael watched her go. He then lowered his head, closed his eyes and activated his echolocation.

"I need a suitable prey… Someone powerful, with… lots of points!"

Pulsing sounds began painting a clear map before his minds' eye. His monstrous ears twitched and caught screams of battle. His senses picked up a faint, but potent pulse of energy nearby. It was coming from the western portion of that frost-covered woods.

"I got it! TARGET… LOCATED!"

"Time to hunt."

He vanished in a burst of yellow lightning.