Midnight negotiation.

I arrived just outside of town as the sun was setting. the shadows were remarkeably advantageous for approaching the ground outside the town walls. I then flung myself into the small alleyway between the stable and the large stone wall outside. I landed and folded my wings so that it seemed like I was wearing a long vest. A naturally comfortable position for me. I slid my tails back into my back and then conjured a head dress to mask my horns. it was a marginal method of hiding my inhuman identity. After all humans have a tendency to dislike any non human creatures. 

I walked out and around the stable approaching the gate with plenty of time to get to the guards before night fall. 

" halt. Who goes there. " said one of the guards. An older gentleman in platemail. Clearly a knight of some kind. 

" Hail guard, My name is Malin. I am seeking entry to your town to seek refuge from the dark. " I smiled at him sweetly. 

"Papers?" he inquired. 

" I have none. I recently found myself Alone in the wood west of here. I didn't even have my bag on me. "

" I see. What is your profession. " 

" I am a healer by trade, an adventurer of sorts. I was contracted with the guild in my home town but I do not have my guild signia on me. sadly. " 

" alright, Well since there has been a precedent we shall defer your fees to the guild for now. However you must proceed straight there and qualify for the position. I shall escort you myself. A thin man like you would be easy pickings for the thieves guild. " 

I laugh at his gest. " I am afraid I would be as the only thing I have to defend myself is a stick. " 

" I knew you were the right man for the joke. Come. The guildhall is this way. " 

I Followed the man through the sleepy town and chatted with him. Getting the lay of the land. I learned many things from him during that small trip. like how the farmers have been complaining about the drought lately. How there has been strange monsters sighted from the forest, and how the neighboring town has gone dark. All things that a guard of his station probably wouldn't be privy too. SO I had to ask. 

" If you don't mind me asking, Are you a knight sir?" I tried to beat around the bush. Gentlemen of that age prefer that. 

" I used to be. I am retired now. To old to fight the larger threats these days, but I can still handle a rapscallion or three. " he said winking at me. 

" I bet you were a real dragon slayer back in the day. " 

" OH yes... Killed no less than a hundred. Laid more than that. " he said chuckling. 

I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. but it wasn't my problem. I didn't care to inquire further. I made small talk until we arived at the guild hall. Since I made an impression he introduced me to the guild master himself.

The guild master was a mild mannered man with big bushy eyebrows and a scar running down his face. He looked me over and said, " You look like the capable sort, even if your down on your luck. Please fill out this form and we will get you into the system. " he handed me a form with the demeanor of an experienced bartender. I went to fill it out but when I wrote healer down on the sheet he laughed.

" A warrior or a mage I expected, but a healer. Thats quite a bold claim for someone dressed so casually. " He said. 

" And yet here I am putting it on my sheet. " I countered. 

" do you have some evidence to support that, A clerical talisman perhaps? " He asked. 

" I woke up in the forest with nothing but the skin on my back. I conjured everything else. I am a healer though. Put me in front of any wounded person and I shall restore them. " I said. 

" Oh really. Any wounded person? I just so happen to have someone who needs some healing. " he said challenging me. " follow me, whippersnapper. " 

I followed him through the guild and down into what I could only assume was a basement converted into a medical ward. The place was surprisingly spot less and When I looked behind the counter I saw why. The man behind the counter to the medical wing was no shorter than seven feet tall, and no thinner than a refrigerator. His clothing was well pressed and even his tasteful mustache was carefully and meticulously styled. This man was the definition of maximum effort. 

He looked me over once and I knew he didn't see much. I didn't look like anything clothed as I am. " Guild master. " his sonorous voice shook me to my core. " Why have you brought zis child before me. Are they ill. Do they need me to nurse them back to health like a little baby bird?" 

It was everything I could do not to scream yes at the top of my lungs. instead I just let the guild master do the talking. 

" No this baby bird has decided that they are a healer who can heal anyone, and gave me lip when I pointed it out on their resume. So we are here for them to prove it. I am here to see Gerald. " he said. 

" Gerald huh. Well at least you know how to break them in easy. " he said chuckling. " Gerald is a sweet hearted boy. IF you can help him, be my geust. " he said to me before standing up and leading the way. 

Gerald was completly wrapped in bandages. he was missing a leg, and an arm. His eyes were open but swollen and covered in bruises.


I looked him over and started exhaling mana particulate. Neither of the men seemed to knotice. " So if I help him. Then I pass?" I asked. 

" Yes, Gerald here is suffering from a particularly nasty curse that constantly opens up new wounds on his body. We are having to heal them regularly and he has taken a toll on Gustav. If you can relieve gustav of some of this burden you pass. " He said.


I watched the mana particulate as it surrounded the man named gerald. I saw it react with the curse's mana. IT turned to a purplish evil light and then flowed into him. An outline of an almost demonic entity raged around the boy. It drew its claws around his midsection causing blood to seep into his bandages.


I stepped forward. examining his new wound. " You are aware that I am not human correct guild master. " I said looking back at him. 

" Yes, you said as much on your resume. You identified yourself as a... manavore?" he said looking at the paper. 

" good, so I don't need to worry about my disguise here. " I said unfurling my wings, my tendrils immerged form my back and began to interact with the air above him. Corralling the curse into a singular location.

" Oh my god... are you a demon?" Gustav said looking at my wings and tails.

" No. " was all I could manage without loosing my conce traction on the task at hand.

I then reached forward and took a bite out of it. The curse began to react violently. Two more cuts opened up. One of my tendril like tails decended to just above the cuts emmiting a green pulse of energy. The blood and the cuts disapeared in the presence of the positive healing beam, leaving clean bandages. My battle was long an hard as I ate the curse out of the man. 

They stood in the background silent as I worked. To them it seemed that I was taking bites of the air. They didn't stop me but I could tell they were sharing glances that communicated more distrust and a seemingly strange level of intimacy between the two.

The next thing that I addressed was the mans missing leg. I unwrapped it and placed both of my hands around it. One on each side hovering about an inch above. I then constructed a spell form over the area, a spell circle became visible. When I activated it his leg began to regenerate like that of a salamanders. A small foot emerged from the end and it eventually grew into a whole leg. The process took about two hours to complete. And another two hours for the arm.


When I was done I removed all the mans bandages, Revealing to Gustav that I had healed him. ALL of him. 

He turned to the guildmaster. " We must have him. pay him whatever he wants. " he said. 

I smiled at the honor. 

" even if he's a demon?" The guildmaster said pointing out gustavs accusations from earlier.

" yes, absolutely. Don't give him guild secrets but definitely recruit him. "

" well I will be damned. I just wanted you to heal some of his cuts. but you went and healed his missing leg, his arm, and bypassed Gustavs predjudice. " he wrote something on the page.

" I filled in healer myself and signed it. Your verified. Let me show you to your quarters for the evening." He motioned to the door.


" Thank you guildmaster I would appreciate it. " I said remaining polite. 

I was rewarded by being clapped on the back by gustav, " Feel free to come back to my medical ward any time you want little bird. Take a few of my patients out of here when you leave, maybe?" 

I followed the guild master out to my quarters. They wernt impressive. perhaps just bigger than a closet. " They arn't much but they are free with your membership and as much privacy as we can afford to lone adventurers. I will send your guild badge by tomorrow morning and the Dining hall downstairs is 24 hour. you can order food. Liquor too. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

" Umm, have you ever heard of a city named caelorn? " I asked taking a shot in the dark. 

" I have not. There isn't a city within one hundred miles with that name. " he said. 

" Alright, that will be all. "  I say. My face must have taken on a dour quality as they inquired further.

" is that where your from?" the guildmaster asked. " i remember you said that you woke up in the forest, naked and alone. " 

" yes, I did." 

" That forest is full of strange goings on. One of which is a few gates to other worlds. Perhaps you were dropped through one?" he said. 

" that is as best I can figure too" I nodded. 

" Well good night then. You can worry about the rest in the morning. " he said as he was departing. I let him go this time. I was tired and it was time to end the day.