Chapter 55

People bleeding and a city in ruins.

The drawing style was characteristically childlike, yet the content was the exact opposite.

Yeoreum, though not trained in psychology, could tell that Gyeoul's drawing was far from ordinary.



Sophia and the others seemed to share the same sentiment, looking at the drawing with expressions of horror.

Only young Levinas, failing to grasp the situation, was focused in her drawing.

"What is this..."

Who should speak first?

In a situation where the adults were eyeing each other, Gyeoul started drawing something new.

A child, hiding behind a tree, covering their mouth.

Nearby, people bleeding were lurking around.

Yeoreum felt a choking sensation but decided to ask for the child's sake.

"...Gyeoul, what's this situation about?"

"It's about quietly hiding."


"Yes. If you're found, you die."

Being caught by someone bleeding means death.

Was it some kind of metaphor?

Yeoreum, pondering, remembered Gyeoul had lived in the forest until recently.

She had lived deep in the forest, avoiding people's gaze.

Hiding in a safe tube whenever someone approached.

Yeoreum quickly realized that the drawing reflected her past experiences.


Should she take the child to the hospital?

She seemed to be getting better, bit by bit.

While Yeoreum was conflicted, Sophia cautiously spoke up.

"Did other people turn into these bleeding figures too?"

"Other people?"

"Yes, the ones around you now."

Gyeoul looked around at Sophia's question.

People gazing at her with strange looks.

Gyeoul hoped that if a zombie apocalypse ever came, these people wouldn't turn into zombies.

"I hope they don't change."

"Is that so?"


The idea of people she could call by name turning into zombies in this world seemed terribly sad.

Gyeoul, feeling somewhat bitter, picked up a red crayon.

Indeed, a zombie apocalypse was best enjoyed as a fantasy.

"Right, let's try hard to make sure they never change."


Never changing.

Was there a zombie virus in this world?

As Gyeoul tilted her head in wonder, Jung Yu-na cleared her throat and headed towards the kitchen.

"Ah, right. There were drinks."

Yeoreum followed Jung Yu-na into the kitchen.

After using a soundproofing spell to ensure Gyeoul couldn't hear, they began to talk.

"What do you think?"

"...We should just watch for now."

"Watch? Is that okay?"

"Yes. Gyeoul just said she didn't want us to turn into monsters."

She did say that.

But what did it really mean?

She had a sense of what it was about, but since it was vague, Yeoreum just waited for Jung Yu-na's words.

"I think she means she doesn't want us to become bad adults."

"Uh... you think so?"

"Yes. But it's not all bad. She still sees us as good people, for now."

"Ah, right."

Does she mean she doesn't want us to betray her?

Yeoreum resolved to try harder.

"I'm not perfect either, so I'll ask a professional."

"You don't think we need to take Gyeoul?"

"Yes. She's too smart and suspicious for her age. If we force her, it might backfire."

That made sense.

It would be different if she went on her own accord, rather than being led by others.

"Got it. I'll ask you for a favor."


After finishing their conversation, they returned to the living room with drinks.

There, Choi Jinhyuk was judging the completed drawing.

"The winner is..."

"The winner is...?!"

Levinas clenched her fists tightly, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Gyeoul also seemed to be quietly hopeful.

The tension built, like a drum roll, as Choi Jinhyuk spoke.

"The winner is Sophia."



Both children's spirits visibly sank.

Sophia, surprised by their reaction, seemed uncomfortable.

Shouldn't one of the children have been chosen as the winner?

Sophia, not feeling particularly good about winning over the children, just watched them with a deflated energy.

"Hey, Choi Jinhyuk. Come here."

"Why, what's up..."

"Just come."

As Gyeoul watched Choi Jinhyuk being led away by Yeoreum, she thought he seemed like a fair person.

Sophia's drawing was so impressive it was hard to believe it was done with crayons.


"Next time, Levinas will win."



Isn't it quite fun?

I sipped the drink Yeoreum brought and flipped through the sketchbook.

'I'll draw again.'

This time, I'll add more detail.

As I was drawing a new picture with Levinas, Yeoreum approached with a dejected Choi Jinhyuk.

"Gyeoul, are you drawing again?"

"Yes. It's more fun than I thought."

"Fun, really?"


Was she happy that I found it fun?

Yeoreum, coming closer, looked at my sketchbook.

Despite it not being exceptionally skilled, she examined it as closely as if it were a masterpiece.

"This time... it's a pond?"

"Yes. Sophia suggested I try drawing something with a brighter mood."

Certainly, it was a reasonable suggestion.

I had been drawing only zombie-themed pictures.

Thinking of Sophia, I decided to draw her in the pond.

It was a picture of Sophia swimming freely like a shark.

"Gyeoul really has a talent for drawing."


"Yes. Her skills improve in real time with each drawing. This is Sophia, right?"

"Yes, yes..."

I wondered if I had a talent for drawing.

Embarrassed, I bowed my head, focusing only on my sketchbook.

Of course, my wildly wagging tail was impossible to hide.

It wagged so vigorously that it occasionally tapped both Yeoreum and Levinas sitting beside me.


Turning around, Yeoreum saw my tail and smiled with her eyes.

Feeling shy, I just continued drawing silently, and then Yeoreum took out her smartphone.

"Gyeoul, the photo you took earlier? I posted it, and the response was amazing."


"Yes. Want to see?"


Yeoreum tapped on her phone, opening a social media app.

The top photo was a moth caterpillar I had snapped on a whim.

"The comments are crazy. They say you took a great photo."

"Is it that good?"

I glanced at Yeoreum before scanning the comments.

There were reactions, but I couldn't find any praising the photo.

Maybe I just didn't notice them among so many comments.

-Look at the ears and tail shadow in the picture, lol

-Did she just snap whatever she found interesting? lol

-Wow, seriously wow...

There were an overwhelming number of 'lol's in the comments.

Feeling awkward, I looked up at Yeoreum.

"There are a lot of lols in the comments."

"Yes. It means they're laughing."

I knew that.

The issue was why they were laughing at the photo I took.

"They must be mocking it because it's a terrible photo."

"No, no! They're laughing because it's so well taken."

"People laugh at well-taken photos?"

"Uh, yes! The photos Gyeoul takes have this charm that touches the child in an adult's heart! They're laughing out of sheer delight!"

Laughing out of delight.

Perhaps it reminded them of their own childhoods playing with insects?

I wasn't sure, but if Yeoreum said so, then it must be true.

Deciding not to worry about it, I reached for a crayon when Yeoreum gently tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Gyeoul."


"How do you feel about staying at home?"

Yeoreum glanced at me nervously.

I looked at her and slowly responded.

"I guess? It's all the same to me."

"Is it?"

"Yes. It's no different from living in a container."

Was my answer strange?

Yeoreum babbled, waving her hands in the air.

"But, there's hot water here, right? You can draw in the living room like this."

"Yes. The hot water is nice, but the people are the same."


Yeoreum looked down at me, her expression one of puzzlement.

My outstretched hand pointed towards the bathroom.

"I don't care how nice a house is. What matters more is who I live with."


Yeoreum's eyes widened in surprise.

It was the expression of someone who had just received a shock.

"The container home may not be as nice as this, but it's the same in that I can be with everyone. That's why both places are the same to me."

"That's right!"


Yeoreum clapped her hands and showed a bright smile.

Her gaze, however, was not on me, but rather fixed on thin air.

She looked like someone deep in thought.

"Money is important, but people always come first."

I had realized something while moving between dimensions.

The home and valuables I had treasured so much didn't even come to mind.

Only the longing for my family and friends remained.

That's why I, despite being poor, started donating to free meal services.

"...Gyeoul is really thoughtful."

"That's true."

Sophia looked at me with a warm smile.

Yeoreum blushed and fiddled with her fingers.

I stared blankly at both of them for a moment, then picked up a crayon.

Now, I was really planning to draw.


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