Chapter 1

I'll start with my name. I'm Chocolate. I am the most handsome dog in the world. My mom says that every single day and I couldn't agree more. Everyone who sees me will always almost immediately fall in love with me. If you're strolling down the street, and suddenly, a beam of sunlight strikes, not because it's a sunny day, but because of my hair.

My golden locks are so shiny, they could blind a solar panel. As I walk, they swing with the air like they're auditioning for a shampoo commercial—on Broadway. Honestly, my hair has more charisma than most movie stars. It always makes girls go crazy for me when the air hits my golden hair and it flies in the air.

And coming to my daily routine, I wake up pretty early for nature calls and of course, if my mom doesn't look at me while doing it I can't do it. I am not a pervert. As soon as I wake up, I go and wake my mom. Honestly, she is so lazy.

With a beauty like me, she should be ready to take me out every day and show me off to people. And coming to my daily routine, I wake up pretty early for nature calls—if my mom doesn't look at me while I'm doing it, I can't go. I'm not a pervert. As soon as I wake up, I go and wake my mom. Honestly, she is so lazy. With a beauty like me, she should be ready to take me out every day and show me off to people.

I mean, have you seen my fur? It's practically glowing. Every strand is a masterpiece and my tail? Oh, it could have its own fan club.

"Choco, I already taught you how to pee in the toilet. Go there!!!" She went to sleep again.

No Mom... the toilet is dirty. I want a free space where I can see any potential dangers. I want to go out. Wake up. Wake up!!!! 

"Choco please…" She is sounding more drowsy than usual. Then I have to do my special technique.

I went out of the room and ran to the bed and jumped…

And now my name is Jhon Cena…

"Owww…Choco!!!" And now she is awake…

it's time for our morning walk. I prance around the neighborhood, making sure everyone gets a good look at my fabulous self. People stop and stare, and I can't blame them. I'm like a walking ray of sunshine. Mom tries to keep up, but really, she's just my assistant. Her job is to carry my poop bags and tell me how gorgeous I am, which she does, albeit a bit begrudgingly. The morning air is so nice.

"Coconut! You again peed inside the home. How many times do I have to tell you to go out!" The neighbor is screaming at Coconut again.

Coconut is just like my human. She is always lazy. She should watch me and learn. She is beautiful but she is lazy. She pees inside the home every day and takes scolding from her human.

"Choco how far are we going to walk? I've to get ready for the office. Go fast!"  

Mom... how can you ask me to pee in this dirty place? I want to find a neat spot. It should smell pleasant, and I need a view where I can watch for any danger that might threaten you.

My mom is an office worker. She always leaves right on time for work, no matter how late she gets up. That's because she skips her shower many times—her little secret.

Finally! It's a neat place. Ahhh….peeing in the morning after holding it back feels so good. Don't worry, Mom, no matter how busy I am, I'll always look out for any danger that might come your way.

"Choco take the meat out of the fridge meanwhile I'll go shower"

Of course Mom…I will.

After my morning ritual, I demand my breakfast—only the finest kibble for me, of course. Mom always tries to sneak in some veggies, but I turn my nose up at those. I deserve only the best!

Now, about her diet—my mom is a meat freak. She's like a gorilla woman! She eats meat constantly, three times a day, seven days a week. Veggies? Rarely. Meat is her absolute favorite.

After her shower, she cooks the meat in two separate ways—one for her and one for me. She's very particular about it, making sure mine is just the right temperature and perfectly portioned. Then, she fills my food bowl and water bowl after we both finish eating so I can eat again before she comes back home. I mean, why does she even need to go out? She has me! She should worship me 24/7, but instead, she goes out and comes back in the evening.

She claims she has to work to keep a roof over our heads and buy all that meat, but come on, I'm the real treasure here. She should be spending her time adoring me and catering to my every whim. Yet, day after day, she leaves me to go to this mysterious "office" place. Sometimes, I wonder if she has another dog there. How could she betray me like that? Oh well, at least she's back in time to give me my evening belly rubs and make sure I have a cozy spot to sleep.

"I'll come back soon. Look after the house, Choco. I love you," she said as she hugged me and kissed my head, then left quickly.

The house is so quiet. I miss her already.

This happens every day. It's so boring. I just probably go and have my beauty sleep. The comfortable bed and the soft cushion. It's already making me sleepy just thinking about it.

As I entered I saw something magnificent. Wait a minute!  

Who is that sexy thing... Oh my god, that's me!!

Oh, Choco, you stunning creature. Look at that radiant coat, each strand gleaming like spun gold. And those eyes, pools of amber that captivate all who gaze upon them. Truly, there is no other dog as magnificent as me.

And let's not forget about this tail. So full and luxurious, it practically demands attention. It can hold a separate fan club for it. Just what kind of luck did my human hold to take care of me?

With this boring day dragging on without my human, the only shining beacon of joy is the succulent meat on my plate. I must admit, I owe my human some gratitude for this. She always ensures that I am treated to the finest cuts of meat, cooked to perfection just for me. It's the one thing I can count on to brighten my day in her absence.

 Despite her mysterious disappearances to that place she calls "work," I must concede that she is a deserving human, at least in this regard. Her dedication to providing me with the most delicious meals is commendable, and for that, she earns a place in my good graces.