Chapter 4 (The end)

Just like that, many months passed by. I was struggling to get used to this whole no-meat diet—those days of delicious, juicy treats felt like a distant memory. But for Mom's sake, I kept my complaints to myself and tried to be a good companion. The humans stopped coming around more and more, which was a relief. It's like the intruder had vanished, leaving a void that I didn't mind at all.

But now, Mom always sits with that small, glowing box in her hands, the one she used to chat with the human on. Instead of her usual bright, happy demeanor, she's now staring at it with tear-filled eyes, holding it close as if it might offer her some comfort. She doesn't talk to it anymore; she just cries, her tears splashing down onto the screen.

What happened, Mom? Don't cry! I'm right here, by your side! I love you so much, and I wish I could make you feel better!

She used to be so full of life and laughter, but now her days are overshadowed by sadness. Before leaving for work, she would sit in silence, her eyes red and puffy from crying. When she returns home, the same cloud of gloom follows her, and it breaks my heart to see her so down.

I don't know what happened, but seeing Mom so sad and distressed is hard to bear. I wish I could wag my tail and bring back her smile. I wish I could chase away her worries and make her feel as loved and cherished as she has always made me feel. 

A few more days passed, and one day, Mom came home in a state that broke my heart. Her clothes were rumpled and torn, and her cheek was red and puffy. She had clearly been through something rough, and as she walked in, tears streamed down her face.

She shut the door behind her with a soft thud and collapsed right there in the hallway, sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. Her shoulders shook with the intensity of her crying, and the sight of her distress made my heart ache.

I rushed to her side, my paws skidding slightly on the hardwood floor as I hurried to offer comfort. I nuzzled her gently, showering her with kisses on her tear-streaked face, hoping to bring her some small measure of relief. I grabbed my favorite toy, the one that always brings me joy and security, and nudged it towards her with my nose. It was a worn, squeaky ball that had been my loyal companion for ages.

"Don't cry, please, Mom," I whimpered softly, my ears drooping with concern. I tried to press my toy into her lap, as if to say, "Here, take this. It makes me happy, so maybe it will help you too."

When she finally noticed me, her tears seemed to flow even harder. She reached out and pulled me into her embrace with a desperate, tight hug. I could feel her trembling and hear her ragged breaths as she held me close, her tears soaking into my fur.

I stayed there, wrapped in her arms, doing my best to provide comfort. I licked her face gently, trying to offer solace and warmth. I snuggled closer, resting my head on her shoulder, and made soft, comforting sounds to let her know I was there for her. The world outside seemed to fade away as I focused entirely on being her steadfast companion in this moment of pain.

Despite my best efforts, the weight of her sadness was palpable, and I could only hope that my presence, my kisses, and my cherished toy would somehow help mend her heart.

"Men are predators, Choco... how dare he cheat on me and with the woman who always bullied me at work! Just what was he thinking?"

I didn't fully understand the words Mom was saying through her tears, but it was clear that the weird-looking human was at the center of her distress. Her voice trembled with hurt and anger, and I could sense the depth of her pain.

The way she spoke about him and the woman who had always been cruel to her at work made my fur bristle. How could he betray her with someone who had already caused her so much suffering? It seemed like he had taken everything that was dear to her and twisted it into more heartache.

Seeing Mom so brokenhearted and distraught was unbearable. Her usual strength and cheerfulness had vanished, replaced by an ocean of tears and a deep, consuming sadness. The once warm and loving home felt cold and empty, overshadowed by the betrayal and hurt she was enduring.

If I ever come across that human again, I swear I'll show him just how deeply he's hurt us. I'll bite him right on his behind, and I'll do it with all the force of my fury and frustration. How dare he come into our lives and cause so much pain? I'll make sure he knows that he's not just up against Mom, but me too. I'll protect her from any more hurt and show him that he's messed with the wrong family.

It took a few days, but Mom finally got back to her fabulous self, and I couldn't be prouder of how I played a part in it. She's back to playing with me a lot, and our home is once again filled with joy and laughter. I must say, my exceptional presence and unwavering support were crucial in helping her recover from that distress.

Mom's back to showering me with all the love and attention I deserve, and it's clear she knows just how lucky she is to have me by her side. I bask in the glory of her affection, knowing it's all thanks to my noble efforts. I love Mom too, of course, but let's be honest—without me, she wouldn't have found her way back to her radiant self so quickly.

I'm not just any dog; I'm the ultimate comfort and joy. Seeing Mom smile again and enjoying our time together makes me feel like the king of the world. After all, it's only natural for someone as magnificent as me to bring happiness wherever I go.

And finally, Mom threw away that old meal plan from the fridge and made a new one that included both meat and veggies. It looked healthy and, dare I say, quite perfect.

"Let no man decide our life, Choco. Let's live our life the way we want," she declared with renewed determination.

Ahh… meat!!

Everything went back to normal, just as it should be.

I won!!