Another Puzzle

Ye Yang and Hell ventured into the hidden passageway. The air was cool and damp, the only sound the soft echo of their footsteps. As they delved deeper, the passageway widened, revealing a hidden cavern.


Hell examined the cave, "It's not natural but made by someone, and it looks quite old, at least a thousand years old."


Ye Yang went deeper into the cave and saw an illuminated object in the distance. He approached cautiously, wary of possible traps, but Hell's words reassured him, "Go on, I've checked. There's no trap here, just another scroll."


As Ye Yang reached the illuminated light, he found it was an artifact with some bugs stored on it, which emitted the light.


Hell explained, "If this thing is here, then these bugs were placed here recently. They'll die within a week after being captured, and until then, they'll illuminate a light as a signal to call others."