
[Abilities] { Alchemist prodigy} {Alchemist Gaze} {omnilingualism} { artefact creation}

Artifact Creation: The ability to create artifacts, superior to most who must learn and train in this skill. While still requiring study and practice, the user possesses an inherent affinity for artifact crafting. This natural talent grants them a deeper understanding of the intricacies of creation and imbues them with an intuitive grasp of artifact properties. Though they must still conduct research and practice to perfect their craft, their natural affinity and understanding of the process make them far more adept than most, allowing for quicker learning and more refined results.

[omnilingualism] (intuitively translates any languages he comes into contact with, including written, spoken, computer, or body language ).

[Alchemist Gaze] has the ability to see energies, and how to use them, but cannot interact with them. It can also see the components of ingredients and provide information on how to use them. This eye has infinite use.

Alchemist prodigy: The ability to perform alchemy, superior to most who must study and train in the skill. While still requiring research and practice, the user possesses an inherent affinity for alchemical processes. This natural talent grants them a deeper understanding of the elements, materials, and principles of transmutation. Though they must still engage in experimentation and study to perfect their craft, their innate understanding allows them to perform alchemical transformations more efficiently and with more refined results than most. This makes their creations and potions more potent, their transmutations quicker, and their overall grasp of alchemy more intuitive than that of others.

[Alchemy Progression Path]

Apprentice Alchemist

Journeyman Alchemist

Adept Alchemist

Master Alchemist

Archmage Alchemist

Sage Alchemist

Celestial Alchemist



Ethan Cromwell [ image here]

Alice Crawford First wife [image here]

Selene Gallio [image here]

Daenerys Targaryen  [image here] (Do not give me shit about her; she is my favorite character from Game of Thrones)

It's not about catching them all; a maximum of seven will be enough. I won't be able to keep up with all the relationships if I include every girl the MC finds. I already have the girls in mind i may change later if someone gives me a good reason.



1. hp/dxd

2. marvel

3. Game of thrones


