Chapter 11

As I was meditating, I could feel that I was making progress. I'd been at it for a whole day, and though time had passed, I didn't feel tired at all. Morning light was streaming in through the window, and I opened my eyes to see the modest room around me. It had a simple bed, a desk, a chair, and a magic-powered lamp lighting up the space. 

I glanced outside the window to confirm it was morning. *I could replace sleeping with meditation*, I thought, but quickly brushed that idea off. I liked sleeping too much to give it up. Anyway, it was time to start my day. I needed to complete the tasks I hadn't gotten around to yesterday.

After finishing my morning workout, taking a shower, and having breakfast, I found myself walking through Diagon Alley. As I passed the various shops, one caught my attention—an alchemist's shop. I decided to go in and get a proper cauldron for my alchemy.

Inside, I approached the owner. "Where can I buy alchemy materials?" I asked.

The shopkeeper, an older man with a knowing look, pointed to a wall. "It's over there, lad."

I gave him a confused look. "That's just a wall."

He chuckled. "No, lad, behind the wall. Look to the corner—there's a hidden door. Once you're inside, you'll find all the herbs you need. And kid, don't get any ideas about stealing. There's a ward in place that'll stun you if you try."

I nodded in understanding and headed toward the door. Inside, the herbs were laid out behind protective wards to keep them fresh. I activated my *Alchemist's Gaze*, carefully selecting and grabbing 30 of each herb available. There were so many to choose from, it took me a while, but I wanted to stock up.

Once I was done, I returned to the shopkeeper and placed all the items on the counter.

"That's quite a haul," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I want to practice my alchemy," I replied. "Also, do you have a good alchemy book, the best cauldron you have, and a proper alchemy table?"

He nodded. "I've got what you need." He walked over to one of the cauldrons on display and pointed. "This is a Standard Size 2 Pewter Cauldron. It'll be perfect for what you want to do."

He didn't stop there, though. "Seems like you need more than just a cauldron. Give me a moment." He moved around the shop, gathering various items.

"This," he said, handing me a bag, "is for keeping herbs fresh. It's charmed with a stasis ward, so the herbs won't age, and it has an extension charm to give you more space inside."

He continued, showing me the alchemy table. "This is the best alchemy table I've got, made from Fir wood. It's ideal for transfiguration, which goes hand-in-hand with alchemy, as both deal with transforming one thing into another. It'll pair perfectly with your Pewter Cauldron."

He placed a thick alchemy book on the counter. "Everything you need to know about alchemy is in here," he said, then pointed to a set of glass bottles. "And these bottles will keep your potions from expiring. I'm giving you a hundred of them to start with."

I was impressed with how much he'd prepared for me. He really knew his stuff. *This guy's a huge help*, I thought to myself. I'd have to set all this up later.

"How much for all of this?" I asked.

The shopkeeper paused for a moment, calculating the total. After a few minutes, he said, "720 Galleons for everything."

It was expensive, but given how much I was getting, it seemed fair. I opened my trunk, took out the Galleons, and paid him, then started putting all the items I'd bought away.

"Have a nice day," I said, feeling satisfied with my purchases. "Thanks for everything. I'll be back if I need anything else."

"Good luck, lad," he replied with a smile, as I stepped out of the shop, ready to continue with the rest of my day.

After leaving the alchemist's shop, I started walking toward Gringotts, but my attention was caught by a bookstore—Flourish and Blotts. If I remembered correctly, this was the go-to spot for buying schoolbooks, hosting book signings, and finding a variety of magical texts. It was located about halfway down Diagon Alley. Some of the books sold there included *The Book of Charms & Spells*, *A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration*, and *Magical Drafts and Potions*. I figured it wouldn't hurt to pick up a few more books, so I decided to stop in.

Once inside, I looked around and started browsing. I asked the shopkeeper for a list of books that students needed for each year at Hogwarts. He handed me a complete list, and I grabbed the required books for all seven years. I also picked up a few extra books on runes and alchemy to supplement what I already had. I knew I could also check the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts for rarer books, but having these on hand would be a good start.

After collecting everything, I paid the shopkeeper—110 Galleons in total. Once I was done, I left the store, determined to head straight to Gringotts without any more detours.

When I arrived at the bank, I made my way to the front counter. It was a relatively quiet day, and I asked to see my vault manager, Snagwort.

"What brings you back, Lord Cromwell?" he said in his usual gruff, somewhat aggressive tone. I didn't mind it—goblins were warriors first, bankers second.

"I wanted to ask if you could repair my family manor and also put up the best wards you can around the property," I said, keeping my tone calm and direct.

Snagwort gestured for me to follow him. "Let's go to my office."

Once inside, he shuffled through some papers on his desk before looking up at me. "Give me a moment. I'll check the damage reports on the manor." He scanned the documents, then nodded. "Good news—the manor isn't heavily damaged. Only a few rooms were affected by the explosion, and some of the wards were weakened. We can repair everything within a month."

He handed me a picture of the manor, and I was taken aback by its size. The estate was massive, surrounded by forest and gardens, with a large lake on the property. The manor itself was grand, far more than I had imagined.

"How much will that cost?" I asked.

Snagwort looked at me steadily. "It'll be around 50,000 Galleons."

I quickly calculated the amount in Muggle money—about £246,500. Expensive, but reasonable for the repairs and protections I wanted. "Alright, I'll pay," I said.

I opened my trunk and took out the 50,000 Galleons. I didn't want to touch the Galleons stored in my vault just yet.

Snagwort took the Galleons and placed them in a pouch. "We should have the repairs and wards completed in about a month."

"Thank you," I said, satisfied with the timeline. "That'll be all for today."

As I turned to leave, a thought struck me, and I paused. "One more thing—since I'm emancipated now, can I get the Trace removed from my wand?"

Snagwort raised an eyebrow at me. "Yes, by law and in the eyes of magic, you are considered an adult. That ring you're wearing is proof enough. You can have the Trace removed anytime."

"Thanks," I said, feeling a sense of relief. With that, I left Gringotts and headed toward the Ministry of Magic to get the Trace removed from my wand.