The couple’s secret

Qi Jianyi managed to keep her health condition hidden from He Zeqing, but as the week passed, the day of the audition finally arrived. Despite her composed exterior, she couldn't help feeling a mix of nervousness and unease.

Part of her anxiety stemmed from the fact that it had been a while since she participated in an audition as a judge. The responsibility weighed on her, and she hoped she would be able to select the right talents for her story. 

However, the bigger source of her nerves was her health. Over the past week, her coughing had worsened significantly, and every bout left her feeling weaker than before.

To keep her condition a secret, Qi Jianyi had become adept at disappearing into the washroom whenever her coughing fits struck. She used work as an excuse to avoid prolonged contact with her family, even going so far as to limit her interactions with Song Chengfeng.