
The two soldiers crouched behind their makeshift barricade, tension etched on their faces.

"Any word from HQ?" the first soldier asked, his voice tight with anxiety.

His companion shook his head. "Nothing. We're to stay put while they figure out how to stop those guys."

"After that rampage?" The first soldier's voice was tinged with despair. "I don't think there's anything that can stop them... or this Dr. Nickola guy."

"Yeah, we'd need a miracle-" The second soldier's words were cut short by a sudden, otherworldly sound.

"What was that?!" he exclaimed, eyes wide.

Unbeknownst to them, Francisco had just materialized nearby. He tapped his communicator, speaking softly. "The teleporter works, pop. I'm downtown already."

The second soldier spotted him first. "Oh, man! It's another one!"

"Shhh! He hasn't seen us yet!" his companion hissed.

Francisco surveyed the devastation around him, his heart heavy. "This is awful. Why would Doctor Nickola brainwash them and make them do this?"

Dr. Williams' voice crackled through his earpiece. "He's a selfish man of petty thoughts, Scott. Right now, you need to concern yourself with stopping his plans."

The first soldier tensed, ready for action. "When I give the word, we'll fire. Maybe we can catch him by surprise."

Oblivious to the soldiers' presence, Francisco continued his conversation. "Okay. Which one should I be stopping first?"

"I've been reviewing their designs," Dr. Williams replied, "and I believe you're better off disabling Brayden's suit first."

Francisco's voice wavered slightly. "Brayden? Are you sure I have to fight him first?"

The second soldier, overhearing, whispered in confusion, "He's fighting the others?"

Francisco's next words were tinged with nervous humor. "Why couldn't you make an origami suit or a pillow suit, Dad?"

Dr. Williams' response was tinged with frustration and regret. "They were supposed to help people! I didn't expect them to be stolen and weaponized!"

The soldiers exchanged glances. "Y'hear that? He's with Dr. Williams," the second one murmured.

"So what? So were the others before they turned on everyone!" his companion retorted.

Francisco took a deep breath. "I know. I'm sorry, I don't mean to complain. I'm just nervous."

Dr. Williams' voice softened. "I understand. This will be hard for you, son. I'll be online to support you!"

The second soldier's eyes lit up with hope. "You heard him! He's going to help that guy for us!"

But his companion remained skeptical. "Maybe you misheard! All a cunning trap!"

Suddenly, Francisco turned towards them, having finally noticed their presence. "Hello!"

The soldiers jumped, startled. "AAAH!"

Francisco raised his hands apologetically. "Sorry to startle you! But don't worry! I'm here to help save everyone. If you'll excuse me, I'd better get going. Have a good day!"

As Francisco strode away, purpose in his step, the soldiers were left staring after him, a mixture of hope and uncertainty on their faces. The city around them lay in ruins, but perhaps, just perhaps, this unexpected arrival might turn the tide of their seemingly hopeless situation.

Francisco made his way through the devastated city, his heart heavy as he approached the demolition area. Finally, he spotted a familiar figure amidst the chaos.

"Brayden!" he called out, his voice a mixture of relief and apprehension. "Hey! It's me, Francisco."

Brayden was wearing the demolition suit, a cutting-edge armor featuring a striking yellow helmet that complements the sleek black body of the suit. The suit is accentuated with a vibrant red chest plate and limbs, creating a powerful and visually captivating appearance.

Brayden turned, a flicker of recognition passing over his face. "Francisco! Little bro?"

"Right! That's me!" Francisco confirmed, hope rising in his chest.

But Brayden's next words shattered that hope. "I like your look, bro. But if you want to make an impression, you've gotta enter with a bang!"

Before Francisco could react, a deafening explosion rocked the area. BOOM! Brayden began hurling explosives in every direction, his laughter echoing through the destruction.

Francisco sprinted for cover, his hand instinctively reaching for his ultra pistol. As he ran, he charged the weapon, his voice strained as he shouted, "I don't want to fight you!"

"This is no fight," Brayden cackled, "this is a massacre!"

Dr. Williams' voice crackled through Francisco's communicator. "Francisco, you have to-"

"I know, I know!" Francisco cut him off, his heart pounding as he steeled himself for what he had to do.

Taking a deep breath, Francisco emerged from his hiding spot and fired a charge shot at Brayden. The blast struck the suit, disabling it and sending Brayden crumpling to the ground, unconscious.

Francisco stood over his fallen brother, his voice barely a whisper. "...I'm sorry..."

Dr. Williams' voice came through again, steady and focused. "All right, now that he's down, you need to scan his weapon."

Francisco complied, his hands shaking slightly as he completed the scan.

"Very good," Dr. Williams continued. "Your variable tool system will now activate. You can now, with a click of a button, transform your pistols into an explosive gun."

Francisco's voice was uncertain. "So...I can shoot explosives now?"

"You can, but be careful," his father warned.

"I don't feel comfortable with this..." Francisco admitted, the weight of his new ability settling heavily on his shoulders.

Dr. Williams sighed. "I wish there was another way. Once this is over, everything will go back to normal."

"Okay..." Francisco replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

"Are you ready to move to the next area?" Dr. Williams asked.

Francisco took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders. "Yes, sir."

With a flash of light, Francisco teleported away, leaving the unconscious Brayden behind. As he vanished, the weight of what he had done – and what he still had to do – pressed heavily upon him. The city lay in ruins around him, and somewhere out there, his other siblings waited, unwitting pawns in Dr. Nickola's twisted game.