Two days later, I sat at my desk surrounded by stacks of reports, data sheets, and strategic plans, and Eli who sat opposite the desk. The room was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of papers and the hum of the air conditioning, I took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand to plan for the upcoming board meeting.

I begin by reviewing the agenda from our last meeting, noting any unfinished business or follow-ups required. My goal is to ensure that every item on the agenda is not only relevant but also crucial for steering our organization forward as the stakes are high, and every detail matters as we had promised the world to give a new AI Algorithm for the gaming industry by the end of the financial year.

Next, I shifted through the latest reports and financial statements. The numbers were more than just figures; they were the heartbeat of our business. As I reviewed the documents, I hoped that the team had identified key trends, potential red flags, and growth opportunities just as I headed. I checked all the reports from the departments and Jessel Ting's report stood out. She had identified a niche in the Automobile industry, something Sean Edins and I planned to work on.

"Eli, please draft a preliminary agenda, and ensure a balance of routine updates with strategic discussions for the board meeting. It's important to allocate time for both operational reviews and long-term planning. Consider which team members should present each topic, ensuring that the right voices are heard and that their contributions will be impactful." I spoke up to Eli.

"Yes, Chairman Armand," He responded.

As I outlined the meeting's flow, I anticipated the questions and concerns that might arise. An hour later, Eli had finalized the agenda, and we reviewed it meticulously, checking for clarity and coherence. Satisfied with the plan, I asked Eli to send out the agenda and supporting materials to the board members, confident that they would prepare for the session.

"That's it for the day "I spoke up and Eli nodded as he stood up.

"Thank you, Chairman Armand. The board meeting starts at eight tomorrow, and I will be in the office by six a.m. to ensure everything goes as planned.

"Thank you, Eli, "I nodded at him.

He turned to leave, stopped for a minute, and said "Thank you for the other day, the medicine and taking care of me. I feel much better and the wounds on my back have healed "

"You are most welcome Eli "I responded, raking my eyes on his body from head to toe.

His eyes widened and then he turned and left the office in a hurry. As I closed my laptop and glanced around the room, I felt a mix of anticipation and responsibility that was beckoning me to protect Eli at all costs.

Early the next day, I settled into the leather chair at the head of the long, polished table. I couldn't help but survey the room with a mix of satisfaction and determination. The board members had arrived with their expressions a blend of anticipation and respect. Each one of them knew that today's meeting was crucial, and the gravity of our decisions weighed heavily on their shoulders. My brother Mark, his assistant and trusted aide Bruno Dirk, Max, my security team, Max my security head, Kaveesha Bandara the CFO, my adopted sister and head of Research and Development, my aunties Monicah Payne, Brenda Marlucky, and Vikylou Salane, my cousins, Duncan, Michael and Simone plus Eli and Grace were all present in the board meeting.

I cleared my throat; the room immediately fell silent. My voice cut through the tension with practiced ease, carrying the authority and confidence that come from years of running Armand Inc. through both turbulent and prosperous times. "Good morning, everyone. Let's get started."

I scan the faces around the table, noting the subtle nods and attentive postures. Each individual brings a unique perspective, I scrutinized every report, every suggestion and pointed out all the flaws, and dismantled any hit of incompetence or weakness. The silence after I gave my opinion was deafening, filled with the uncomfortable weight of unspoken reprimands.

"I don't want to hear problems; I want solutions," I emphasized.

Jessel Ting took the floor and presented her agenda. I saw heads nodding in agreement, but I also caught the glimmer of skepticism in Mark, Bruno, and my cousin Duncan. But she came prepared as she garnered the support of the Kaveesha and Max.

The meeting progressed in a whirlwind of numbers, strategies, and debates, but I stayed anchored and focused on the outcomes we needed to achieve. Grace and Eli were meticulous as they provided us with coffee, and snacks and even interrupted us to ensure we had a meal at the VIP Lounge at the executive office.

After lunch, the board members looked more resolved, their initial apprehensions replaced with a shared sense of purpose, and I felt the weight of our collective goals and the impact of our decisions. As the meeting wrapped up, I allowed myself a moment of reflection and was satisfied that leading this meeting was another step in the ongoing journey of shaping our future.

"Chairman Armand, we would like to address the matter of the security breach the other day "It was my cousin Simone James, my aunty Monica Payne's daughter who spoke up.

"What about it? "Max interjected before I could respond.

"It would be important to have the board briefed about this since a security breach is a rare occurrence and we need to have a clear report about it. "Simone emphasized.

Grace stood up and said "Chairman Armand, the report about the breach was prepared and is the last item on the agenda for today "

Her statement surprised me, and I perused through my tablet and found that they had added it as an agenda for today. I stared around the room and noted how Mark and Bruno looked uncomfortable and when I turned to Max, he nodded at me and his pleading eyes made me huff in annoyance.

"Proceed "I spoke up.

"Chairman Armand, the security breach was done by a hacker called Jinx. The transaction was untraceable at first, but the hacker relented finally and informed us that he had been paid by someone working in Armand Inc. They wanted to frame your new secretary" Max explained.

Simone's jaw dropped a clear indication she had walked into a trap that had been set by either Aunty Monica Payne or Max.

"I would like to speak about this matter. Eli here is qualified to be my secretary. This is not about who his parents are but his qualifications and work ethic. I trust him and ask you all to refrain from such unhandled tricks. If you feel that you do not want to be in Armand Inc., I am ready to buy your shares, and you can leave quietly without causing a hustle. "I calmly spoke but the weight of my words was clear as I watched the masked expressions that came from Mark and Bruno. And by the way, Aunty Monica Payne's eyes glistened. I knew she had discovered what they did and had pushed for the agenda to expose them and hence I added "If this happens again, you will finally see how brutal I can be"?

"Yes, Chairman Armand" The voices all rose in the room and when I turned to Eli, I could see the wave of admiration that filled his face.