The next morning, the office was quiet, bathed in the soft light of early dawn. I arrived ahead of everyone, determined to get a head start on the day's tasks. I moved efficiently through the office, setting up meetings and organizing the agenda for Chairman Armand. The sense of purpose in my steps was palpable as he arranged everything meticulously, making sure the day's schedule would run smoothly.

As I was finishing, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway. Mark the Deputy President of Armand, approached with an anxious expression. He looked a bit disheveled, clearly having come in early himself.

"Eli," Mark began, his tone hesitant. "Do you have a moment?"

I looked up from my work, sensing the tension in Mark's demeanor. "Sure, Mark. What is up?"

Mark took a deep breath, clearly trying to find the right words. "I wanted to apologize for what happened that day I was in the office. I did not mean anything by it.