
Leo squinted his eyes and saw a muscular hunky man, who did not seem to do any cardio, run at full speed behind a frail-looking girl with black hair.

The girl was in the short-haired middle-aged man's path, and without any surprises, bumped into him and the youngster following him.

Leo walked briskly and reached the scene of drama.

"You! How dare you bump into this young master!?" The shorter red-haired youngster scowled at the young girl. 

The middle-aged man held the girl's collar and hunched his back to stare into her eyes. 

"How dare you…"

Leo closed his eyes and sighed. 

As arrogant and unreasonable as always. 

The muscular man caught up with the girl and looking at the middle-aged man and the youngster, said with a slight bow, "My apologies to Sir Emmett and young master Brendon. This girl ran away from training and caused us quite some trouble."

"Hmph. Fools who don't know their place need to be taught a lesson or they'll keep repeating it," the youngster, Brendon, said. 

"That's right, my son. You must always establish your authority lest these servants take you for granted," the middle-aged man, Emmett, said.

Brendon nodded his head. "I'll punish her for the audacity she had shown. You don't mind this, do you Sir Leto?"

The muscular man spread out his hands and shook his head. "Of course not."

Leo internally sighed again as he watched this. This was the treatment a servant who hadn't awakened yet got in the family. 

Even the awakened ones were no different if their prowess was low and they didn't seem too useful. 

What Brendon said, he did it. 

He punched, kicked, and beat the helpless girl black and blue. Leo could see a small smile on his face as the girl begged for mercy and cried her lungs out.

The scene was far too disturbing for most, so they decisively either averted their eyes or went about their business, pretending nothing wrong was happening.

Leo remembered that in his past life, he was horrified by the scene and timidly distanced himself from this place. This was the first time he had ever seen someone being beaten so much, the memory was bound to be with him.

After a solid five minutes of thrashing, Brendon tossed the girl on the sand beside the wooden pier, as if she was garbage. 

The girl twitched, groaned, and bled from a lot of places on the sand. Everyone turned a blind eye to her and left the area as quickly as possible so as to not get associated with the girl.

Leo did not move. He watched everybody leave, but his gaze was fixed on the twitching girl. Life was still in her, but it seemed to be vanishing slowly.

Leo walked closer to her and saw her eyes slowly turning lifeless. 

He felt really bad for the poor girl. Really very bad. 

From the bottom of his heart, he could sympathize and feel her pain.

However, he could not save her. Firstly, he had no healing options on him, secondly, he was no more than a puny mortal. And lastly, there was something he wanted to see and check, and know if it was true or not.


The last thing Ellyse saw was the bright sun blinding her vision. Everything went dark after that. 

She was conscious and knew she had died, but there were no thoughts forming within her, and she was just looking at whatever was happening to her.

A few moments after everything turned dark, Ellyse felt a fluctuation. She didn't know how, but she could feel it coming from her soul.

A tremor ran through her soul as it vibrated wildly. 

A choking feeling then took over, but after a few instances, it was gone. 

A cold current flowed through Ellyse, soon to be replaced by warmth.

Ah, it feels nice…

Ellyse could finally think, and this was her first thought in a while.

She then felt something rough on herself, and eventually, something cold on her eyes.

The sudden chill made her abruptly open her eyes, only to close it again as everything was too bright and blinding.

"Are you alright?" She heard a soft voice of a guy.

Ellyse slowly opened her eyes this time and was baffled when she saw a guy in a three piece monochrome suit, wearing a hat. 

Ellyse blinked in befuddlement, and her gaze then fell on the guy's emerald green eyes. They sure were pretty.

Shoving aside this thought and trying not to be distracted, she first looked around to see what her situation was.

She was rushing to save a girl and got hit by a truck. She should've been dead, but wasn't. 

Looking around, Ellyse was on some island, and there were…

Huh? What type of ships are those?

Ellyse was confused as she saw wooden steamships.

She was about to be distracted again, but Leo's dry cough made her attention divert.

"I don't think you should be lying down on sand like that. Do you need my help or can you get up?" 

Ellyse frowned as she heard that. Help was the last thing she needed from a guy. 

She pushed her palms against the ground and tried to get up, but then felt a sudden ache all over her body.

"Ahhh!" Ellyse let out a painful cry.

Leo sighed and shook his head. He didn't listen to the girl anymore and went ahead to help her stand up.

Ellyse felt pain all over her body, and there was no energy to resist Leo's advances.

"Are you aware of your situation? Or do you want me to help you recall?"

Ellyse subconsciously tried to recall things as Leo reminded her, and a sharp pain assaulted her head.

She groaned and clutched her head in pain. Leo stopped in his tracks and let her recover first.

Strange and unknown memories flashed in front of Ellyse's eyes.

Memories that weren't hers. In them, she found herself running in a forest.

Then, someone caught her and pinned her against a tree. 

It was a muscular man with a disgustingly creepy look on his face that Ellyse was well aware of.

"Haha, I'll taste you today before the ceremony begins."

The man's words confirmed her thoughts. She couldn't bear to watch it for long, and as if the Heavens had heard her, some strange whistling sound occurred that startled the man, giving Ellyse an opportunity to run.

The man clicked his tongue and ran behind her, cursing her and commanding her to stop right at this instance.

Ellyse didn't know how she was so fast, but she quickly distanced herself from the man, only to eventually get bumped into a redhead boy.

After that, a soul-shaking horror filled Ellyse's conscious as she looked at what had happened. 

She snapped back to reality and felt her whole body tremble. Her legs seemed to have turned into jelly and she couldn't stand properly for any longer.

Leo supported her and said, "Get a hold of yourself. The Awakening Ceremony is about to start, we can't afford to be late."

Ellyse's mind was a mess and her body was not coordinating with her. She could only just leave herself at Leo's mercy and do as he was asking her to do.

This was absolutely the worst situation she could possibly be in. 

Walking together with the strange boy, Ellyse arranged her thoughts and analyzed her situation while Leo thought to himself,

I wasn't wrong about this. She really did come back from the dead.