Chapter 33 Infinite Corridor 16



The eerie creatures have no emotions. They are born from sources of pollution, gathering darkness and distortion, existing solely for destruction and annihilation.

Su Qingyu should be resolute in this understanding.

But the differences between the eerie creatures are so vast that her heart begins to waver.

Aside from those controlled by replicas and following specific behavior patterns, there are also eerie beings like Shuangxi and Wuxin, who have signed contracts with humans.

Wuxin is smarter than Shuangxi; he directly expresses hunger and actively seeks food.

He even complains to Su Qingyu.

Seemingly friendly, non-aggressive, and communicative.

In reality, they are extremely dangerous beings, like a double-edged sword—while the blade points outward, the other side is also aimed at the one holding the sword.

In the novel *Thriller Descends*, it was mentioned that eerie beings sign contracts with humans to obtain the flesh, spirit money, and other things they need from them.

Loyalty is irrelevant.

In the long contract process, eerie beings will never develop feelings for humans. On the contrary, some foolish and naive humans try to talk about emotions with them.

When some high-level eerie creatures realized that pretending to have emotions could get them more rewards from their owners, they began to feign sentimentality.

If one believes in these emotions too easily, they could likely be devoured by the eerie creatures.

The novel also mentions a brief scene where a man signed a contract with the eerie bride. After her abilities saved him a few times, he fell in love with her.

After learning that the eerie bride was pierced through the heart with bone nails while alive, he not only did not feel fear but even felt pity, vowing to treat her well for the rest of his life.

It escalated to the point where, even without using the eerie bride's abilities, he frequently fed her with his flesh and blood.

He placed a ring on the eerie bride's finger, draped her in a red veil, and slept every night holding her cold corpse.

Until, in the end, he was eaten bit by bit by the eerie bride, yet he was still immersed in a world of love.

As for the eerie bride, after her owner died, she licked the bone of his thigh and returned to her replica, waiting for the next owner who could take her away.

Humans develop feelings of compassion for eerie beings like Shuangxi, Wuxin, and the eerie bride, whose bodies are not entirely rotten. But their essence is no different from those eerie creatures with twelve limbs and eight heads.

Su Qingyu rubbed her temples, placed the sleeping bag down, found a comfortable spot to lean on, and relaxed.

After Wuxin finished drinking the lamb bone soup, he might have felt it wasn't enough, so he went straight to knock on the door of room 604.

The old lady opened the door, probably thinking it was Su Qingyu. She was preparing to tempt her inside, but instead, she saw Wuxin holding an empty bowl.

"Another bowl," Wuxin said, shaking the empty bowl.

From behind, Su Qingyu observed Wuxin's tattered clothes, his silver hair crown heavily oxidized, and the empty bowl in his hand—he looked a bit like a small beggar.

The old lady completely ignored Wuxin, snatching the bowl from his hand and preparing to shut the door.

Wuxin pushed the old lady aside and entered her house.

"Wuxin!" Su Qingyu immediately stood up, remembering clearly that Shuangxi had once told her that eerie beings like them would have their powers severely weakened in other replicas.

Room 604 was the old lady's domain.

To barge in like this was too risky.

Su Qingyu had already been through two replicas, but she never had the chance to sign a contract with an eerie being in either one.

And in the novel *Thriller Descends*, it was also mentioned that signing a contract with an eerie creature is extremely demanding.

Heavenly timing, geographical advantage—everything must be in place. Not only does one need to be strong, but they also need the eerie being's approval.

Thus, Su Qingyu didn't want to lose a tribute card for no reason.

The obedient, white-ranked Shuangxi listened, but the gold-ranked Wuxin was like a rebellious child.

Su Qingyu tried to verbally command Wuxin to come out, but after the door to room 604 closed, her command could no longer reach him.

Helpless, she waited until the next morning, when the door to room 604 creaked open, waking the already light-sleeping Su Qingyu.

Wuxin came out, wiping blood from his mouth.

Seeing him unharmed, Su Qingyu was a little surprised.

Then, she realized something, her furrowed brows slowly relaxed, and joy flashed in her dark eyes.

In the first replica, Shuangxi had only touched the photo album in the room and was scratched by the black cat on his arm, almost shattering the tribute card.

Room 604 not only had the old lady but also her son, who could lift half a sheep.

Two eerie beings in their domain, and Wuxin boldly barged in unharmed, which could only mean one thing: Wuxin was stronger than both the old lady and her son.

Wuxin looked satisfied, his bony hand now stained red with fresh blood.

He appeared as though he had just feasted.

Su Qingyu's black eyes brightened: "Wuxin, what's in the room?"

"Lots of two-legged sheep."

"How many did you eat?"

Wuxin let out a chilling low laugh from deep in his throat: "I ate them all."

"Haha," Su Qingyu chuckled, slapping ten thousand spirit coins into Wuxin's hand. "From now on, without my permission, don't leave more than a meter from my side."

"As you command."

A crafty light appeared in Su Qingyu's eyes: "Don't worry, since you're so strong, I'll make the best use of you."

Wen Xuecha stumbled on a step, falling down the stairs and rolling to the sixth floor.

Her braid had come loose halfway, looking like a bird's nest, her face pale, her body weak. When she saw Su Qingyu, she stretched out her hand and called, "Sister Yu," then fainted, her head slumping to the side.

Su Qingyu rushed over to support Wen Xuecha. She noticed that Wen Xuecha was clutching a pink hairband tightly in her left hand.

Fortunately, Wen Xuecha noticed the clue that Su Qingyu had left and managed to escape the seventh floor safely.

Su Qingyu propped Wen Xuecha against the corridor, opened a bottle of mineral water, carefully gave her two sips, then pinched her philtrum.

After a while, Wen Xuecha slowly regained consciousness.

Upon seeing Su Qingyu, Wen Xuecha burst into tears, burying her face into Su Qingyu's waist, mumbling incoherently, "Sister Yu, it was so terrifying! The whole seventh-floor corridor was covered in blood!"

"Don't panic, tell me what happened."

Su Qingyu stroked her hair.

Wen Xuecha steadied her breathing and stammered, "W-when we were coming down from the first floor, it was pitch black below. I remember following you, but after a while, I couldn't hear your voice anymore.

In the darkness, a hand grabbed me, and someone imitated your voice. The voice was too eager and enthusiastic—it wasn't you.

When I broke free from the hand, I was scratched. Panicking, I kept descending, and then I saw the underground parking lot. I saw Li Lin sitting in his car, telling me he found the car keys and that I should go with him.

B-but... Li Lin must be dead, or I wouldn't have seen him there...

I know the rules say there's no basement, but I just couldn't control myself. In a moment of urgency, I pinched my wound, and the pain brought me back to my senses.

I kept walking for a long time until I returned to the seventh floor. It wasn't daylight yet, and I didn't see you, only a floor covered in blood.

The doors on the seventh floor were all open, every room pitch black. I sensed something was wrong and tried to leave, but I couldn't tell which side was east or west.

My intuition told me that something was about to come out of those rooms. I knew I couldn't stay on the seventh floor!

Luckily, I saw the pink hairband you left and managed to find the right exit and escape.

It's so strange, though. This time, I didn't see the little boy with the yellow hat at the corner of the stairs..."