Nezha Depicted

The last time I checked it, my Sanity was 80%. Now it has already dropped to 76%.

Verina's Sanity was barely fluctuating throughout the whole day, so what am I doing wrong?

"Did I push myself too much…?"

But if I didn't put in this much effort, nobody will.

I'm not the smartest nor the most creative person among my peers, so I worked harder than all of them to maintain a status quo that won't be belittled by anyone.

I'm not an extroverted person, but I forced myself to be in a theater club and all sorts of community organizations, becoming their representatives.

I chewed glass of things I don't find comfort in order to gain proper skills and experience, ensuring the betterment of my life as a whole. Or so I believe.

I could barely breathe comfortably when I was still haunted by my weird obsession with people's facial imperfection.

Life has been rough.

"Do I want this life to be like that…?"