Dungeon & Dumbass

"You notice the plain drape over the lord's shoulder wasn't even a cape at all, but a grafted sheet of undead skin. You have an inkling that his idiotic servant mustn't have the slightest clue of the faker pretending to be his lord."

"I cast a fireball at the servant," Verina said, preparing her dice.

"And what is your reasoning behind that action?"

"The servant does not err when he speaks and can still properly function as a servant, and thus, he is not really idiotic." Verina dramatically pointed her index finger forward. "He is an underling who works under the same banner of that faker."

"The servant immediately revealed himself to be a shapeshifting devil as he disrupted your casting concentration. Following him, the fake lord transformed into a brute giant of hulking muscle. Turns out, the servant has been the mastermind all along. He laughs at how foolish you are to hastily confront him alone and secluded from everyone else in the town."