Valtherion Form

"Do you find your current form to be overwhelming?" Kuzunoha tilted her head.

"Not to me, but to anyone that I interact with in my current form." My hands grabbed a handful of my silky silverish hair. The sensation was similar to trying to grasp a comprehensive body of liquid due to how smooth and soft it was. "I can see that you're trying your best to keep your mind sane, my lovely secretary. You have been really fidgety and blushing like crazy since you saw this version of me."

"As someone who is bound to your will, it is the least I can do to maintain my own sanity and dignity~"

"But not everyone is the same as you." I pointed. "Now that I'm not lacking in brain cells anymore, I can tell that my current form is much more sensitive and responsive to my consciousness. In that regard, I still want to be able to go back to this form whenever I need it.