Let's Feast!

With all of this vivid emotion exuded, it seemed that everyone was already informed and even affirmed with the appropriate knowledge to know how big of a deal Qliphoth Object was.

And seeing how they were this convinced, I also assumed that Kuzunoha did something that proved my victory, instead of a mere proclamation. Though, since they were uniformed of my Valtherion form, the truth might be more muddled than I expected.

Regardless, it was a wave of positive reinforcement.

Even Amelia, normally reserved, offered a nod and a brief, genuine smile. "You've given us a leader we can trust in, Lady Narcissus. We'll follow your direction as long as it takes."

Behind her, Lydia leaned against one of the barricades, her sharp gray eyes shining with approval. "Our future's looking brighter than it ever did with the old crew," she commented, a rare look of genuine optimism in her gaze.