Somashift, And The Fifth Ordeal Of The Midnight

"So this is how it feels like," Verina muttered as she changed between her biological legs and her Aetherstride prosthetics again and again. "It doesn't consume any lifeline either, now that I think about it."

Kuzunoha haughtily answered, "Yes, praise me more for my ingenuity~" 

After restoring Verina's legs with the Valtherion blood, I implored Kuzunoha to modify our kilnalan's soul and vessel to accommodate 'dimensional bodyparts' that allowed her to shift between having a pair of proper legs or her Atherstride prosthetics.

As much as she was grateful to have her legs back, she found it much more useful and comfortable to wear the Aetherstride. I planned to craft a leg accessory or boots that would allow the same function, but we only had a few minutes left before the Ordeal of the Midnight.