First-Half Of The Meeting: Black Daffodil's Authority

Hi, everyone, this is Narcissus.

Today, I'm starting my day in a room I built on a whim after I just washed my face and had Kuzunoha cast some arcane spell to maintain my hygiene—it was good that she was also really adamant on my health and cleanliness, since I had become her great donor of Valtherion blood to experiment and consume.

Kuzunoha side, I called this new structure the "meeting chamber," and while it looked suitably dignified, thanks to the increase of variety in the available-plus-yesterday-loot materials, it mostly served as an excuse to build something—and maybe procrastinate a little before jumping into my planned workshop projects.

"The air is different." Lupina could be seen closing her eyes as she sniffed to taste the new environment. "I'm not hating it."