Second-Half Of The Creation Of the Organic Calculator

With the individual components created, we began the delicate assembly, each step a carefully orchestrated series of placements, bindings, and calibrations. The paths and synapses were laid onto the silicon backing, creating a network of layered, conductive pathways, each infused with trace elements from our harvested and processed materials alike.

This process needed an immaculate and nearly-atomic level of precision.

Thankfully, with Kuzunoha' assistance and my hands' unbelievable dexterity, we managed to work it out, somehow.

Layering the Conductive Ink Paths: The Memory Ink Alloy pathways were applied in a branching pattern, akin to the branching of neural dendrites. Kuzunoha's precise sorcery allowed for an even spread of ink, ensuring connectivity without premature bonding or coagulation. 

Each path was tested with faint electrical pulses, verifying that signal strength would propagate consistently without unnecessary degradation.