Let Me Kidnap You, My Lady

The lake had quieted, its surface shimmering in soft ripples that belied the chaos of moments prior. Viviane stood at its edge, shoulders tense and gaze distant, her exhaustion both physical and emotional, albeit not the worst one I've seen.

She could probably go more for a couple of rounds fighting Verina and eventually won through battle of attrition. But it seemed like she had no intention to deal with us for a prolonged period of time.

Verina, triumphant but composed, kept a wary eye on the nymph, while Kuzunoha, ever the spectating provocateur, lounged atop her conjured platform with an amused smile.

And me? I was still dripping wet, my pride slightly bruised but otherwise intact, and determined to salvage what remained of this negotiation.

I stepped forward, the wet earth squelching under the boots that I had procured back from the riverbed. "Lady Viviane," I began, my tone softer now, "I owe you an apology. A proper one."