The Time Of Nihil

The bonfire flickered gently, its light casting long shadows across the small circle of gathered figures. The tension in the air was palpable, heightened by the stillness of the night and the weight of Viviane's words.

I leaned forward slightly, my curiosity piqued. "How long are we talking here, Viviane?"

"Centuries," she replied, her tone as flat as the lake's surface on a windless night. "Perhaps more. It does not follow a conventional pattern. Some say it's random, others claim there is an order to it, but if there is, it is beyond mortal comprehension.

"Though, you might have grasped the concept behind it, seeing how bright you are for your age," she said as she slightly squinted. "Figuratively, and literally."

Amelia shifted uneasily, her Skypiercer resting on her shoulder. "And you're certain this is... that, Lady Vivivane?"