The choice

After a few seconds of hesititation, both the last few seconds he could spare before being noticed by anyone and the last few seconds before constantly having to survive attacks, Cor ran towards a wave of grade one monsters.

He was going to help them. He knew that it could be dangerous but he also knew that no NSC completely fell to monsters. Ever.

This was a chance to help people, get credit, get recognition and most importanly, get experience fighting monsters. After all chances like this, where you fight together with pseudo Elites, don't come often.

This was a good chance to see how they fight and what he should focus on in his journey. But of course he didn't have a lot of time to watch as most if not all of his attention should be in surviving the fights with the grade one monsters.

Nobody was talking to each other. Everyone was trying to survive, only saving people around them to increase the chances of surviving.

Cor slammed his bedframe into a huge rat, rattling the monster as he gave another rat a kick to gain the time needed to finish off the first one.

But the first rat was already going in for another attack making it so that Cor had to defend now while more and more rats where going into his direction.

How idiotic it was to even consider being able to learn from how pseudo Elites fought. Cor was having too much trouble even surviving! If he could not finish off the rats he would become dead meat in litteral seconds!

Panic almost overcame him, as he suddenly saw one of the rats slump down, an arrow stuck just above it's ear.

"Just keep them at bay and stuns them like you where doing! I will finish them off with my arrows! You're doing great!" Screamed a girl at him.

Hearing the voice, Cor thought it sounded a bit familiar. But it was not important right now. He had a chance to survive! This tactic could really work making them able to take out a lot of the rats easily with Cor stunning them and this bow woman hitting them while they where stationary! This was defenitely a tactic that could become a succes for him in the future as well, although he first had to go through today.

Giving another rat a large kick that rattled it, an arrow finished is off again. This continued for about a minute. But then something changed.

Cor's bedframe broke! It made sense, and honestly it is a surprise it lasted this long but now Cor had to resort to his hand and feet more (he could still use a small part of the bedframe that was left over from the break but it did not contain the same leverage almost becoming as usefull as a kick instead of being like a true weapon).

And not only this, the heavy kicks that Cor was dealing without restrain for the last minute where taking it's toll on his legs. This also meant his muscles, but his bones and skin where having the hardest time with the starving rat bodies. The surprising lack of fat made it so it felt like he was kicking bone sometimes!

He could not continue this for too long. If he broke one of his legs he would not even be able to escape!

Cor was hoping for a timely conclusion of this battle, otherwise he might have to do something drastic...