Boss Level Fight

Just like that, another five minutes passed. At this time, the goblin horde was finally countable. From previous hundreds, now, there's only one hundred fifty of them.

Orochi and the rest were visibly exhausted. The Savage Deer was on the floor motionless. It's not dead, but its state wasn't that far away from death. The accumulated wound finally took a toll on its body. Even a drop of water can fill a bucket once accumulated.

Dylan, Kenjaku, Kevin, and Hank were beside the Savage Deer. Dylan was glaring at the goblins that were now hesitant to attack. Although they are ferocious. The goblins who saw their kind fell one by one and finally began to have second thoughts. It's not that they're concerned about their fallen comrades. What they were afraid of was that they were the ones to fall.

The goblins communicated with each other with gibberish words that Dylan couldn't understand.

"What are they talking about?" Dylan looked at Kenjaku.

Kenjaku shrugged. "Beats me... Do I look like someone who knows the goblin language?"

Dylan sighed. "Well, you're a geek so..."

"HAHAHA! I can't blame Dylan. After all, our Kenjaku here is a bit of a nerd. It won't be strange if he knows goblin languages." Hank laughed boisterously.

"Is this the time to laugh? If the goblins decided to attack again. We'll be dead." Kevin's face darkened as he reminded everyone. He knew that they were trying to lighten the mood and improve the morale of the group. However, in his opinion, it was futile.

The team, even their leader Orochi, was filled with minor wounds. Dylan's was even worse with the stab from his shoulder and chest.

Suddenly, Orochi floated beside them. Although Orochi was in a sorry state just like them. His demeanor didn't change at all.

"What's the plan leader?" Hank caressed his scarred cheeks habitually and asked.

Orochi didn't respond and just stared in a specific direction.

Kenjaku let out a sarcastic expression. "What's the plan? Are you kidding me? We can only run. The five of us are drained of mana. My stamina won't last longer if we have another fight with one hundred fifty goblins. I hate to say it but we'll die."

Dylan looked at their unresponsive leader for a moment, then at the direction where he was looking. 'Where is he looking at? And why are the goblins not attacking anymore? Isn't this too convenient? Are they really giving us time to breathe?'

Dylan knew that the goblins weren't stupid. They won't give them time to breathe at all. Did these unsightly green creatures really stop their attack due to fear?

'No, that's not right! If they stopped attacking. It means they receive a command!' Dylan's expression changed as he remembered there was still a hobgoblin behind the horde.

The final boss!

Suddenly, a loud roar resounded throughout the area. The source of the sound was actually in the direction where Orochi was looking at.

Dylan's expression changed for the worse. 'He could actually feel the hobgoblin's existence! My guess is right. He got some kind of spatial awareness.'

Then, what happened next made Hank and the rest shudder. The remaining 150 goblins lined up like disciplined soldiers. They arrange themselves into two lines. One was on the right, one on the left. There's an eight-meter wide space in the middle.

The attention of the group was focused in front. An intense rumbling, the sound of heavy footsteps, and the shaking of the ground.


An explosive sound was produced in the source of the roar; the two towering trees were blasted into the air, reaching fifteen meters in height.

It was a gargantuan ten-meter-tall goblin! It looked the same as the goblins, but its muscular, jacked frame made it look scary. Bulging biceps and triceps, boulder 3D-like shoulders, six-pack abs, huge wide neck, and monstrous shredded legs.

It reminded Dylan of the Hulk due to its green skin and huge body. The difference was the abomination in front of him was bigger than the Hulk in terms of Physique!

Kevin and Hank were stupefied at the massive figure that appeared. It roared toward the remaining goblins as if communicating with them.

Kenjaku felt helpless. "No matter what tricks and strategies. In the face of absolute power, it's all useless."

"A mere Hobgoblin?" Orochi's voice echoed. Suddenly, the sunlight within sixty meters began to concentrate on his body. His body was illuminated by the superposition of sunlight which made it hard to see his figure.

"What is he doing? Is he about to make a big move?" Dylan asked. "It's strange... He's gathering the sunlight in one area but I don't feel an increase in the temperature."

"Because he's not making any big moves." A solemn expression appeared on Kenjaku's face. "He's borrowing the power of the sun. I don't know how, but Orochi was special. It's been five years since I met him. He has this kind of unexplainable ability to borrow the power of the sun. He can use it to light up the surroundings and even convert it to mana."

'Of course, he's the incarnation of the sun god.' Dylan rolled his eyes inwardly. But outside, he pretended to exclaim to get more information: "Isn't that too powerful? Convert sunlight to mana??"

"No... There's a side effect. After converting sunlight to mana. He'll fall into a severe state of weakness for an hour, and he won't be able to use mana for three days. So he only uses it as a last resort. Such a situation is absolutely dangerous."

'So he's not really infallible. No one is really unbeatable. Even if it's an incarnation of a deity.' Dylan heave a sigh of relief.



Name: Berthold

Race: Hobgoblin

Level 35

Profession: Warrior

Danger Level: Extremely Dangerous


Who will win? A titled level 30 character versus a Goblin that evolved to Hobgoblin with a warrior profession? This is a battle between two boss-level characters. At least, for Dylan's current strength they're boss level.

Yes, monsters can actually obtain a profession. There's even a wizard profession in the evolutionary route of goblins called "Shaman".

Just like that, the Hobgoblin released a terrifying roar again. It was enranged as a human dared to provoke him. The Hobgoblin was visibly annoyed by the shining light!