The Capital of Zhao Kingdom

Without Hindu? What will happen to Version 10 though? Who would assist Yuan? Did he kinda mess up the future?

Various thoughts flashed past Dylan's mind. In the end, he pushed them away. The Solo-Leveling Halo innate talent was too valuable to be given up. If it might have really affected the future in a major way. He doesn't regret it. Strength is the foundation of everything. Only with powerful strength can you truly control your fate in your hands.

Dylan doesn't like to rest his life on others and external variables. Future knowledge may be important but strength is far more important. What's the use if you know something is about to happen but you can't participate or stop it because you're a weakling? Only with sufficient strength could he really maximize the use of his future knowledge and become ready perfectly for the incoming opportunities!

He doesn't have a fluke mentality. He likes to have the initiative on his hands rather than being passive.

'It's time to grind exps and reach the Noble Realm as soon as possible before the two year-mark.'

Just like that, Dylan came out of the OldYork City. He contacted a carriage service because the destination this time was quite a distance away. It would take a year and a half if you travel on foot.

It took three days before the carriage reached the Zhao Kingdom's capital. The most prosperous place!

Dylan looked at the entrance to the capital. Unlike other places, there were no guards to speak to.

There was a fifty-meter wall surrounding the capital that one couldn't even see a glimpse of the other side. This separated the capital from the inner and outer walls of the kingdom. Because at the center of the capital is where the royal family lives.

Dylan looked around him. Surprisingly, within 20 meters from the entrance, there are no people. At the entrance, there were only three people with silver-quality equipment from head to toe. The three of them had staff in their hand.

'I didn't expect to see the formally accepted as the strongest profession out of all professions.'

Dylan clicked his tongue.

These are mages! The absolute ruler of this world! Most of the royalty and upper echelons in every kingdom are mages. Even the strongest forces not affiliated with royalty are all mages. Only 20% of the world's population are mages. The number of fighters is even higher.

However, these 20% could be said to have a tight grasp of 75% of the resources of the world. A level 30 mage could fight a level 40 warrior. In the same realm, a mage is invincible against warrior professions. 10 or 15 warriors? Blast them with a spell! Spam!

The warriors could only fight back if they had really high-level equipment and skills.



Name: Newton

Level 90 (Ninth Grade Awakened Mage)

Race: Demon

Profession: Mage

Danger Level: Very Dangerous!


'Demon?!' Dylan's pupil shrank for a second before it came back to normal. He looked at the back of the seemingly middle-aged man for a moment. Then looked at the other two beside him.


Name: Lyria

Level 83 (8th Grade Awakened Mage)

Race: Human

Profession: Mage

Danger Level: Dangerous


Name: Randolf

Level 81 (8th Grade Awakened Mage)

Race: Human

Profession: Mage

Danger Level: Dangerous


Dylan took a deep breath and decided to mind his own business. He didn't know why they had a demon in their lineup. But he has nothing to do with it for the time being. Currently, meddling only has risks with no benefits.

'It's still two years before the arrival of players. Then there would be two more years before the demon invasion. What the fuck does a demon doing here? Spying four years early?'

Dylan felt he discovered something.

Just like that, the three inserted gold coins each on a slit in the wall. Then, the wall parted for them.

Dylan watched their backs disappear and couldn't help but complain. 'How lax! Even a demon managed to enter just with a damn gold coin...'

'It seems this kingdom is so peaceful that the people have become relaxed. They didn't foresee the demon invasion. Huh, they deserve it coming.'

Maybe they just too confident. After all, who dares to cause trouble at the Capital of Zhao Kingdom where the strongest forces were stationed? Even a Saint would have to act carefully here...

Dylan inserted a gold coin on the wall. Still, he had to admit it was a brilliant method to segregate the poor and the rich. Only those people worth of time could really enter.

It prevents just anyone from entering. The royalty might be saying 'If you don't even have a gold coin. What business do you have here?

Two birds in one stone. They earn gold coins from people and it also acts as a barrier. This capital was a business-centric place!

Just like that, after Dylan entered. He was assaulted by the hustle and bustle of the place. Well, it was more like a damn vegetable market but a rich version.

People with lavish clothes walk around with personal guards. There are a lot of warriors with silver equipment. Dylan noticed that the warriors didn't dare to be within the range of mages, avoiding them like the plague.

On the other hand, the highest equipment that Dylan was worn by a level 167 mage. A Noble Mage with a full set of gold-quality equipment! What a big shot...

Such a mage might be able to fight the level 199 Chris Evan. Of course, this was just Dylan's speculation. After all, being considered the strongest Mage isn't for nothing. It was absolutely proven.

People at level 100-170 swagger around, which made Dylan think. He could see that most of these NPC were aristocrats. They had a full lineup of guards around them. Fortunately, he haven't spotted any Saint Expert yet. This means Saints are rare and could be considered a high-end force.

But what made Dylan feel better was the Aristocrat and Mages didn't seem to be that arrogant compared to the fictional books he read in the past. They do not deliberately look down on warriors and other people of low status. As a bottom line, one would just feel their aura of superiority but doesn't actively display it for all to see.