Ch 1: Rebirth and overwork.

When I woke up, I became confused. I staring at an old fashion roof rather than at a starless night in a dark alley.

Why? Who took me? Where am I?

I sat up and stared down at my body. I saw almost my same body shape after the surgeries, I also had an old vintage type-of-dress for some reason. I started to get up and walked right beside a window and opened it.

I behold a new world. It was a small town, but it was sunny and nice. There was something weird though, as the clothes, and transportation were old fashioned & incredibly distinguished.

I felt like I was in a town back at the old Victorian days or something.

Frowning upon this curious, amazing and yet strange view, I could not help but wonder, how the hell did I ended up here?

'Amelia Cora Baker!!' The voice of an older woman sounded scarily closed by.

I, myself, grabbed myself from the window walls instinctively preparing myself for whatever it was coming this way.

*PAM!* The door behind me opened just a kick. 'Finally you're up!' A rather older and quite larger lady exclaimed extremely annoyed. 'Put your clothes on and go do the breakfast!' She demanded with crossed arms.

I just stared at her confused. 'Em, come again?' I asked because I was confused about everything.

'Stop pretending to be deaf!' She stomped toward me and grabbed me by my gown. 'Start making yourself useful and GO. MAKE. BREAKFAST!' She then threw to my little closet and spat at me. 'Seriously, you just become more useless each day.' She stomped out of my room and closed the door in the process. 'You better be downstairs in FIVE MINUTES!!' The woman warned me. 'Otherwise I'll throw you to horse cleaning duty!' She threatened with her voice sounding farther each stomping step she took.

I, on the other hand, could only breath once I did not hear her voice anymore. I opened the little closet slowly, only to reveal 3 dresses. Three pitiful, colorless and old dresses. They were still fine, but I could bet by the older woman's attire that everyone had it better than me.

I quickly chose the first one on the right, it sort had its own apron already, therefore it might be quicker.

As I changed from what now I recognized as a night gown to the dress with the apron, memories that were not mine started to pop up.

'Amelia . . . Cora. . .' I stopped in my tracks as I started to see Amelia's memory. 'Oh no. No, no, no and no.' I started to quickly get more ready as I walked towards a small desk that contained a few things such as a hair brush, white ribbons y woody hair pins.

I quickly made myself a cute bun with a cute looking ribbon and I quickly found the only shoes that the owner of this body recognized. Her shoes were tight and small, one had a clear huge whole in its sole which made the shoes even more uncomfortable.

'I need to get out of here.' I looked and found a small mirror on the wall close to the door. I saw that despite the old clothes, I was very good looking. I had brunette tanned skin, bright blond and curly long hair, golden eyes and just as I noticed before, I had the hour glass figure of before. 'No, we need to get out here.' I declared to myself as I opened the door and quickly went to the kitchen thank to the memories of Amelia.




Four hours. . . Four hours and I no longer wanted to deal with these shoes.

The good news is that I had an (very low) allowance thanks to the senior lady who I now recognized as Madam Charcoal. The head maid of my step family.

Amelia's story is basically the typical Cinderella backstory, but instead of the father remarrying, it was the mother who remarried another man. And mom was still alive, just under the forever control of her new husband along with a step brother, a step sister, and one half little brother.

I shook my head as I quickly chopped the vegetables and put them in the put for the casserole that Amelia knew by heart.

The other maids stared at me, like they knew something was "off" with Amelia but no one cared enough or was weirded out enough to ask. They just gave me the side-eye and continued working.

Breakfast was long gone and I barely ate a piece of bread with butter a tea in my little break.

The good news is, with all the work I was doing ahead of time, I might be able to get permission to go to the shoe store to get new shoes. Or maybe work boots. Whichever works best for me and it's cheap enough.

'Wow! Finally made yourself useful for once!' Madam Charcoal snickered. 'What do you want now Amelia?' Her smile turned into a frown.

I turned to see her and I opened my mouth. 'Madam, before I tell what

I need I will tell what I've done since I was up.' I started of by explaining what I accomplished. 'I cleaned the family's bedroom and bathrooms, I steeped upstairs, made breakfast by own since the other maids were still not up. . .' Gave the maids a side-eye back.

Madam raised her eyebrows in surprise at that one and quickly turned to see the other maids quite outraged. The other maids shivered and went away with tasks just to run from Madam.

'Em, I'm also finishing the lunch time for family, and I offer to buy the needs as I am out of the house.' I declared with a smile.

Madam gave me a look. 'So do you want to get out of the house?' I nodded. 'Why?'

I kneeled down and took off the broken shoe. 'Do you think anyone could tolerate anymore of this?' I showed the hole in the shoe.

Madam flinched like she saw the most painful image of all time. 'Okay, you made your point. But we don't have that much allowance to buy you shoes—'

'Who said I wanted to use the house allowance?' I asked raising an eyebrow. 'I'm going to use my allowance for either buying new shoes or repair these ones, whichever is more cheap and quick.' I explained.

Madam made an "o" with her mouth. 'Understood.' She scratch her head. 'In that case, finish the casserole and I'll make you run errands for the kitchen. That way, you can go to the shoe store while you are at it.' She went away.

'Thank you!' I thanked her and turned back to check the casserole dish and even started to collect the other vegetables for the salad. I also started to do bake some buns so the family may have them with the casserole and put them in the oven.

After a finishing the casserole and thankfully taking the buns out, I went for Madam to get the list of things as well as the money.

'Is the casserole done?' Madam asked as she followed me to the door.

'Yes Madam.' I answered monotonously. 'I also took out enough vegetables for a salad, they right beside the casserole pot in the bowl on their own.'

Madam nodded approvingly. 'Anything else?' She asked.

'Eh? Oh. I also made some fresh buns for the family so they can have them with the casserole.' I told her.

Some maids froze in the process.

'I believe they should be above the oven under a white rag.' I told Madam. 'Hopefully, no one will try to eat them.' I chuckled as if it was some funny joke. But inside, I knew the maids would have already ate the buns, therefore, with me telling madam where exactly the buns were, the gluttony maids won't be able to get Amelia in trouble again.

The maids around us started to move slowly and I myself turned to see Madam Charcoal. 'Don't worry, as long as no took more than 3 buns, it should still be enough buns for the Meadowood family.' I took myself out and left the maids deal with Madam true rage.

With the recent new memories still foggy, I had to rely in both common sense and how people came from and went to everywhere.

It took me a few minutes, but then I was finally able to find the shoe maker.

I quickly went without running (because the sole in my shoe made the dirt and rocks come inside which made it painfully uncomfortable) to the desk and add the bell sound.

And older man took a look from the other side of a wall. 'Oh! Hello there.' He came to me. 'Is there any problem?' He asked kindly.

'Which is quicker, new shoes or repairmen of shoes?' I asked.

The shoe maker blinked. 'Well usually, new shoes, but it can depend on how bad is the repairmen's needed.' He answered.

I took out the broken shoe and showed him the damage.

The shoe maker raised his eyebrows in surprise. 'I'm afraid there's nothing left for this shoe.' He took the broken shoe and took a closer look. 'If you had brought it to me before making it too big, I could patch it up, but the shoe is already useless.' He declared shaking his head.

I sighed heavily. 'I was afraid of that.' I rubbed my eyes. 'How much do new shoes cost?' I asked.

'Depends on the design and size.' The shoe maker smiled and let me inside his workplace. 'Let me have your measurements so we can have a better range.'

I went inside and he carefully took the measurements for both my feet.

'Wow, no wonder this shoes broke, the feet already outgrew them.' The shoe maker noted. 'Eh, no offense of course.' He added afraid of being rude.

'No problem, I already knew I needed new ones, but I never had the time for it.' I scratch my head with a bit of shame.

The shoe maker noted that. 'Do you still have things to do?' He asked.

I nodded.

'In that case, I'll let you borrow some shoes about once size bigger than you feet. Once you complete your tasks, come see me at the end of the day so you can choose your new shoes.' He suggested putting my old shoes away and lending me the borrowed shoes. 'How does that sound?' He asked.

I smiled brightly. 'It would be great! Thank you!' I took the borrowed shoes and put them on. 'Ohhhh~~ it's so much better~.' I moaned in delight at the feeling of having feet protected. 'A bit big, but already better.' I gave my approval.

The shoe maker laughed. 'In that case I'll try to see if there's wool shoes for you. Winter is coming and who knows when you'll be able to afford shoes again.' He recommended.

'Thank you so much!' I hugged him and then broke the hug. 'When does the store closes again?' I asked a bit embarrassed.

'Around when the sun sets completely.' The shoe maker answered.

'I'll make sure to be here by then.' I promised as I ran out to make the errands while waving my hand goodbye.

The shoe maker waved goodbye too and I went to the market to buy the needed things.




The good news is, I made incredible things. The bad news, is that I've become a low key criminal.

I was able to get good deals thanks my charming y beautiful face and get all the things needed at a much lower price. For the most part and thank goodness, because sometimes things were much pricey than when the momeries of it returned.

I quickly came to the house and received both a thumbs up and an apology from Madam for not believing that the maids were at fault.

The old maids were bound to receive punishment from my mother herself and would be fired thanks to stepfather who did not took the news of the maids' stupid gluttony lightly.

'Also, the shoes I have right now are borrowed, the real new shoes are waiting for me at the store, so. . . I could I?' I asked putting my hands in a pleading position.

'Since you were able to get good deals and better change than before, I will let you. But quickly come back afterwards.' Madam allowed me to go.

'Thank you!' I almost hugged her but I contained myself. 'I'll be quick!!' I promised as I ran out of the house again with full speed.




'Ohh!!' I exclaimed as I felt the new comfortable new shoes. 'They're great! Not beautiful, but they feel comfortable and and light! Thank you!' I thanked the shoe maker while reaching my purse. 'How much is it?' I asked.

'Twenty coppers.' He answered while extending his hand.

I saw the moths fly out of my purse. But the shoes were great and were confirmed to last for more years than other new versions. It was a good investiment in feet survival. 'Okay.' I took twenty coins of copper and gave them to the shoe maker. 'Can I now how to wash them without fearing they might break.' I asked.

'Don't worry about. They both heat and cold proof, therefore they're safe to use in winter, but, to wash them, it's better to use cold water and let them dry inside.' The shoe maker explained.

'Why is inside?' I asked.

'Because they might shrink in size if they out-door air-dry.' He answered.

'Oh! Thank you for clarification.' I thank him. 'Anyway, thank you very much.' I went to the door. 'Have a goodnight!' I waved my hand goodbye.

'Have a good night too!' He waved his own hand goodbye,

I quickly went home and went in the kitchen door. I didn't want to use the front door because, at this time, the Meadowood family were already eating dinner.

And from the memories of Amelia, one didn't want to come through the front door and expect a silent greeting from Lord Meadowood.

'Here you are America Cora.' Madam found me baking my buns and looked down at my feet. 'The shoes are not good-looking, but they seem efficient.'

'They're also cold proof as well.' I beamed.

'Really? Good investment then.' Madam nodded in approval.

'Yeah, with the winter getting close, I did not wanted to go buy winter shoes as well.' I put the balls of mass in the oven. 'These shoes were expensive, but I valued their efficiency rather than their looks.' I commented.

Madam nodded in approval. 'The stupid maids will be replaced soon.' She commented as she and I stared at the oven.

'I heard.' I said. 'As long as they do not think of making me or anyone else look like the villain, then I don't care about it.' I shrugged.

Madam nodded understanding. 'Do you miss being in the table?' She signed towards where the Meadowood family was eating.

'Yes and no.' I answered.

Madam looked at me puzzled.

'Yes, because I miss my mom and my dad. When it was just the 3 of us.' I explained. 'But not now because I know I'm not wanted there.' I added.

Madam nodded understanding. 'So you are no longer looking for approval?'

'I never looked for stepdad's approval. I only did these things to try and make my mom see thatshe didn't need a man in her life, that I could provide for both her and me.' I opened up with Amelia's memories and emotions. 'But, she made her choices.' Dried traitorous tears from my eyes. 'Now that I've turned 19, I no longer have to respond to them.' I added.

Madam raised her eyebrows I surprise. 'You mean you're. . .'

'Leaving? Yes.' I nodded. 'Not today, probably not tomorrow, but someday. Mother made her choice letting that man chain her and gave him the key for it, I haven't give him the key for my own chains therefore, I can still break free from them anytime I want.'

'But, you don't have anywhere else to go.' Madam noted.

'Not right now.' I smiled to her. 'You can tell my stepfather everything I don't care. But don't expect me to tell or say anything else from now on, and even if I were to tell so you tell him afterwards, I don't think he will give a crap about it.' I shrugged it off.

Madam could not help but nod in agreement.

*Tink!!* The buns were ready.

I took the buns carefully and took out the buns and put them to cool down in the table. 'Anything else you wanted me to do?' I asked washing my hands.

Madam shook her head. 'You may go have dinner, there should be a plate in your room now.' She pointed to the stairs.

'Thank you.' I nodded and went upstairs to eat. 'Oh! By the way. . .' I turned to see her. 'Can I suggest punishing the maids with laundry or poop cleaning duty for the rest of their days until they are throwed out?'

Madam turned to see me and gave an evil grinch-like smile. 'I'll take that suggestion into account.'

I smiled malevolently giving a thumbs up and went to my room afterwards.

Back in my old world, laundry is easy due to the laundry machine, but in this world, the clothes, sheets, and ribbons must be washed by hand and air dry. In other words, it is a nightmare to deal with. And the poop cleaning duty. . . Well, the "poop" part it is self-explanatory.

And while we are indeed approaching winter, there are still hot sun days when you actually wished to bathe yourself in the heat of the kitchen rather than of the sun.

In other words, the last day of the stupid maids' will be busy with torturous never-ending laundry and animal poop cleaning.




I ate, I undressed, put my night gown, I took my hair bun off (I used a LOT of hairpins) and practically ate silently and content.

*Pam Pam* Someone knock on my door.

I made myself invisible by not making a single sound.

'Amy? Dear? Are you still up?' A familiar voice came through the door.

'Amelia's mother.' I recognized as my head started to fill itself with memories of Amelia's lifetime with her mom and dad. I had to dry a tear form my face as I went up to door and with responded to her with the most cold voice I could make. 'Yes, I'm still awake, what do you want?'

'. . . Why didn't you tell me you needed new shoes?' Amelia's mom asked softly and shy.

'Well, remember that time when you promised to buy a beautiful barchelorette dress for my 16th birthday but you gave it to Sasha instead?' I recalled for her.

'. . .' Amelia's mom went silent.

'Can you really expect me to trust you after that?' I asked retorically.

'. . . How much was it?' Mother asked.

'How much what now?' I asked confused.

'How much money did the new shoes costed?' Amelia's mother asked. 'I'll give twice the money so you can buy an extra pair.' She promised.

'Yeah, no thank you.' I said. 'You're always making new promises but either "forgetting" and even breaking them, mother. I haven't trust in years, and I won't trust you now.' I declared cold and unapproachable.

'I-I have my own full pouch.' Amelia's mom declared making the coins sound. 'Please tell me. It's the least I can do.'

Now we're talking. I smiled to myself. 'Before I make the amount known, let me tell you that the shoes are also winter proof, and can last a long time, so don't be surprise by the amount.' I warned her.

'Okay.' She agreed.

' sighed and crossed my arms. 'Twenty coppers.'

'. . . So, forty coppers it is right?' She asked.

'Basically yeah.' I took my own pouch and opened the door and saw Amelia's mother.

Amelia's mom had a beautiful mature yet gorgeous hour-glass type of body as well as light skin, brown eyes, and straight long blond hair.

Basically, while the body got the hour-glass figure and blond hair from mom, Amelia most probable got the golden eyes, skin color and hair texture from the father. I noted while crossing my arms yet extendending my pouch expecting my money. I also think Amelia got the height of her father, because I have to look down to see mother. I also noted.

Amelia's mother, Rachel, started to take out the forty coppers and putting it in my pouch. 'There we go.' Rachel said as she put it the last coin in it. 'Do you need anymore?'

I looked at her confused.

'Remember that I am only allowed to see for so long and for short times.' Rachel tried to help me "remember." 'Do you want anymore money or is just that?' She asked again.

I thought about and then I recalled that I needed more clothes and something where to write my thoughts. 'Can I have forty more coppers and. . . A journal or diary?' I asked.

Rachel ended up giving me a sixty more coppers. 'I cannot bring you the diary, but I can give you money for it.' She mentioned. 'The cheapest one can cost up to 5 copper while the ink and pens about one copper per group.' She explained. 'Make good choices and deals like today dear.'

So either she heard from Madam Charcoal or spied on me. Either way I don't care. I nodded. 'Thank you, mother.' I went inside and closed the door as mother went away.

I sighed in relief and started to count how much copper I had. 'Lets see. . .' I separated the coins in groups that made 10 coppers. 'There are about 165 copper coins plus 25 metal cents that I found on the floor while making errands.' I sighed. 'The dress that Amelia saw last week was about 85 copper cents, the cheapest diary would about 5 coppers, and 1 copper for a group of one bottle of ink and five feathers. . .' I tried to make the calculations in my head. 'I would still have 74 coppers.' I sighed. 'Sorry Amelia, but I must either find material to make the dresses look better or find a cheaper choice.' I put all my money in my lunch and hided away under my pillow. 'Whichever is cheaper.' I sighed once more as I closed my eyes and slept.

My first day in this world was a nut case, but I pull it off and I would make sure to make it so from now on.

One day at a time, I say.