Ch 5: Arrangements.

Baron Bridgeford and Judge Sapphirefield took the liberty of examining and comparing the documents I gathered with theirs while they let me rest in the sofa asleep.

When I woke up, they were nearly done and were writing some letters for some people.

'Good morning.' I said a bit groggy.

'Good morning young Amelia.' Baron Bridgeford stranded up from his seat and grouched down to talk to me face to face. 'Are you ready to receive your inheritance?' He asked.

'I feel hungry.' I answered more hungry and sleepy than overjoyed.

The Baron and the judge laughed heartily at my words. 'You are just like your father.' The Baron commented with a nostalgic look on his face. 'Come sit at the table, someone is actually about to bring some tea and cookies.' He offered his hand.

I grabbed his hand let him help me get up from where I was sleeping and walked to the table where I sat on a chair.

'Hmm.' The judge took one look at me. 'It seems lady Baker has had a rough sleep. Where do we take you?' He asked to himself.

'Take me where?' I asked a bit more conscious.

'Where to take you is question.' The judge answered. 'You see, since you are still young you might still need some guidance.' He noted.

I frowned a bit. 'To all respect sir, I've been taking care of my own since I was 14, I haven't relied on anyone in that household, not even my mother, therefore, I'm pretty sure I can handle the struggles ahead.' I told him straight to his face with a monotone voice.

The Baron almost laughed. The judge frowned a little.

The Baron Bridgeford cleared his throat. 'Well, it's your choice.' He assured. 'Ignore that part from Sapphirefield, he has the "old mind set" so he's just looking out for you in his own way.'

'I already did that for myself but thank you.' I answered as I slammed my face to the table with the sleep dreading me over.

The Baron chuckled while the judge sighed deeply.

'Putting that aside Amelia, do you actually have any plans after receiving your things?' The Baron asked.

'Well, I found a few options that definitely involved not being in other people's custody if that's what you are asking.' I answered trying to collect my thoughts.

'Can you tell us what are those options?' The Baron asked.

'Well, the thing that I will most definitely do is move towns, there's nothing left for me here, therefore, it's best for me to leave.' I answered with honesty.

'Understandable.' The Baron nodded. 'But I do suggest leaving at the end of this month at the latest, otherwise, you will have to stay for the winter and I don't think that's something you want to do.' He suggested.

'I'll take note of that.' I said nodding with my head. 'Do you recommend any places in particular?' I asked.

'Well, in my opinion I can suggest another town close by at least for the winter, but if you are willing to risk it, you might want to try Opal City.' The Baron said.

The judge nodded in approval. 'The city might be safer for you.' The judge complied.

'I might need a map for the towns and cities of this country.' I told them quite embarrassed. 'But, what about the animals my father left for me?' I asked remind them. 'I'm not sure if they will be allowed within the city.' I frown worried.

'Don't worry about it.' The Baron assured me. 'The city itself might not allow all the animals to leave with you, but, close by or around the city they will. You just need to buy a chunk of land that they might be selling and there you can build your house and everything for the animals.' He explained patiently.

I smiled. 'That's a relief.' I sighed.

'If you need a town to crash for the winter before all that, then I highly suggest Hollywood town.' The judge said.

I had to hold a snicker after hearing the word "Hollywood." 'O-Okay, I'll take note of that, thank you.' I said with a smile trying to not to laugh.

A servant brought tea and cookies and I immediately took to along with my tea. 'Ah… That's good tea.' I said after taking a sip of the tea.

'I'm glad you like it.' The judge smiled approvingly.

'Keep eating, because after this, you might have to skip meals since you'll be living by youserlf.' The Baron told me as he nodded towards other two servants who brought sandwiches.

'You are most absolutely right.' I started to eat the sandwich. 'Thankfully, leaving as a servant made teach myself to be as independent as a man so, I think I will be just fine.' I assured them.

'I sure hope so.' The Baron nodded towards me and then went into a small thought. 'By the way, do you have exact plans about what do you want to do or will do? Or ar you just planning to work as a farmer thanks to the money and animals from your father?' He asked.

I thought about it. In my previous life I was business woman who had the unfortunate downfall thanks to her ex, but I still have knowledge about how to manage a small business. 'I was thinking of making my own little store. Maybe out of. . . Farm products?' I shrugged my shoulders. 'I will start with the farming and then maybe, just maybe start my own little business. But I try to do things one step at a time.' I explained.

The Baron and judge nodded in approval. 'You also thinking of marrying someone?' The judge asked while receiving a side eye from the Baron.

'Not really.' I shook my head. 'I don't want to end up manipulated until becoming hopeless like my mother, or worse, ending up dead like my father.' I smiled sadly. I'm also afraid of being stolen from all that I could create like before, but it's better if I don't reveal anything from that. I thought to myself and looked at my plate. 'I feel like it's better for me to be alone rather than being with someone who will hurt me in the future.' I sighed.

The judge and Baron looked at each and then at me briefly.

'Well, it's your decision in the end.' The Baron shrugged. 'Even if you were interested in someone, you will most likely have to leave them because, according to traditions, it's the female's family who has to pay the husband for the marriage.' He explained. 'And right know, I don't think you'll be willing to even share some of them money any time soon.' He noted giving the judge a side eye.

The judge turned to see the papers and documents while making a small grunt.

'You are definitely right, my heart is in finding a new place to live and start fresh and my brain is filling with ideas in order to multiply the inheritance money that my father left for me.' I said making the "money gesture." 'I don't have time or space or even will for myself to find a relationship.' I shrugged it off while going back to my sandwich.

The Baron gave an "I told you so" side eye to the judge and if they were discussing something. I had an idea about what they were discussing about, but I prefer to stay oblivious to it.

As the phrase said, "Ignorance is bliss."




After a few hours. . .

I asked to use the kitchen to bake something.

'What is that you want to make?' The Baron asked curiously.

'Well, you see, a man called Rubeus helped to find out how to get my inheritance fair and square.' I explained. 'I promised to make him pancakes and that's what I want to do now so I can get the things I left with him while bringing him the food.'

The Baron and judge looked at each other confused. 'What are pancakes?' They both asked.

'Cakes that can be cook with a pan.' I explained simply.

They both raised their eyebrows.

Within a time a time to spare, I created a huge amount of pancake dough and asked the seniors to watch for me while I ran back to Rubeus' place to get my things and Rubeus himself.

Thankfully, my things were still hanging in the branches of the tree safe and sound.

I called for Rubeus who was still there (and alive) and asked him to accompany me to the Sapphire household to get his pancakes.

As soon as he heard that he would get his pancakes, he quickly appeared through the front door ready to go.

We went to the Sapphire household and we were both surprised to see that the dough expanded quite a bit, so the seniors and a few cooks had to divide the dough in other containments.

I apologized for that and quickly started to get the pancakes done.

Sometime later, I was able to make around 50 pancakes and there were still A LOT of leftover dough, so I saved it up and put it somewhere safe.

The seniors, Rubeus and cooks were staring at the sole tower of beautifully smelling cakes.

'You can start eating them.' I allowed them to do so. 'I would preferably eat them for breakfast but it's best to do it now. Also, they are very good with butter, and jam and even syrup.' I suggested.

Rubeus took it as a sign and put out his own jar of jam while the cooks went to the cupboard to search for the jams and butter.

I myself served some pancakes and served myself some jam in the process. I would also like some maple syrup, but I haven't heard from anyone that sells or even knows about maple syrup. So it's best if I don't mention a weird thing in front of a lot of people. I reasoned to myself feeling bad about it but confided I myself that it was for the best.

After this early dinner, I packed some pancakes for Rubeus to take home and he left making small jumps with the food in his hands. The other leftovers were divided between the cooks and a few servants.

I myself went with the seniors to a temporal bedchamber in the Sapphirehousehold while I keep figuring things out.

'By the way, do you guys know where my grandmother's keepsake box is?' I asked remembering the letter.

'Oh don't worry.' The Baron told me. 'Before dying, your father gave the judge the key and made it public, but he gave the real box to me.' He smiled. 'He must have known the new found greedy business of his wife and affair partner, so he left the box in my hands.' He put a hand on my shoulder. 'Don't worry, I'll bring it to you after you are officially separated from your mother.' He promised.

I sighed of relief. 'Thank you both for everything. But what about the third witness?' I asked curiosly.

'He was murdered.' Both seniors answered with sadness.

My eyes widened in shock.

'We don't have proof, but we believe it was your stepfather trying to find the keepsake box for your mother.' The judge explained. 'You could say that the man was. . . In love with your father, but due to social and religious issues, he could never bring himself to open his feeling to your father.'

'So, after knowing what your father's wife and affair partner were doing, plus the fact that was dying out of a broken heart, he dedicated to deceive the both of them by creating a fake box but with the real letter.' The Baron explained. 'We told him that he shouldn't do this, that there was no guarantee that they could be caught. But he said "but at least we will know who did it." And then . . .' He paused and rubbed face a little. 'Well, ever since then, Sapphirefield and me have been keeping a hawk eye on Mesdowood.' He signed. 'But even then, it seems that we didn't do enough,' he looked at me, 'for we were so focused in trying to arrest them that we forgot to rescue you from them. I'm sorry Amelia.' The Baron hugged me. 'Because of us, you had to come to save yourself and had to rely on yourself ever since. I hope you and your father can forgive us one day.' His voice broke.

I just hugged him back and patted his back. The judge gave us a half-hug and then made us tag along until we reached the bedchamber where I'll be staying.

I said goodbye to them and closed the door and signed of relief. Today was just another rollercoaster of the rest of my life as Amelia.

One thing is for sure, I had to relax.

I decided to first take a LONG deserved bath, and then brush my broken hair. Seriously, I need to find a way to get a hair product that helps my hair instead of wanting me to cut it even more. I thought determined and quickly wrote in my diary.

"Things to get or buy. Better shampoo and (probably create) a conditioner.

I'm free from my stepfamily and will receive my inheritance in a few days. I'm living in the Sapphire household in a bedchamber offered to me by the judge Sapphirefield.

I also gave Rubeus his pancakes and he went back with them overjoyed and making small jumps. Maybe for my future store I could add a small breakfast buffet with eggs, bacon and pancakes!

Turns out the keepsake box from my grandmother is in the Baron's hands. The commoner witness sacrificed himself to make sure the Baron and judge had Meadowood in their eyes after his "sudden" death.

It seemed that the judge was extremely interested in my love life and desires, but the Baron quickly helped me to change the subject and making clear that such things were not in my interest. I'm curious as to why does he wanted my interest in this things, but I think it's better to stay ignorant and oblivious to it. As the phrase says, "ignorance is bliss."

In the next few days I'll start searching for a new place to live. Hopefully, I'll find a place in another town for the winter at the very least because winter is coming, and as I've seen the people prepare as well as the weather becoming colder, I cannot help but think it's definetely going to be a frozen winter.

But, I'll deal with that later. For now, time to sleep."

I finished writing, and put everything in the cabinets closed by. I put my nightgown, I blowed out the candle and went to sleep soundly.




A few days later. . .

"I'm officially out of Meadowood's custody and hair! I have received the 50,000 gold coins from the bank as well as my grandmother's keepsake box! It's full with all the containments that the letter says.

Also, I received almost all of my 1,487.50 in total. Because I missed about a day of work in total, I received 1,462.50 in total.

1,541.20 + 1,462.50 = 2,000 + 900 + 100 + 3 + 0.70 = 2,000 + 1,000 + 3 +0.70 = 3,003.70 copper in total.

I first thought of waiting for the next spring, but then my mother decided to make an unannounced visit to. . . Well. . . Let's just say that she tried to guilt trip me into letting her and Theo live with me. Even though I had nothing against Theodore, I had a lot of beef with her, so, to spite her and her audacity, I decided to make my moving date today.

I was worried of having to live in the forest, but thankfully, three days before today, Baron Bridgeford gave a me solid and asked a favor from an old friend of his who had an old but stable household in a Village called Jackforks Valley where I will be able to live.

I have decided to leave today early in the morning and now will head to what will be a small farm house with small space but enough land for my animals to roam nearly enough and be able to create a few chunks of extra money during winter.

And, even though Meadowood made sure there was no proof of him wanting to kill me in end, he still had to pay compensation to me by either giving me the household, or, giving me a huge chunk of emergency supplies as well as a good amount of money.

The amount of money was of 10,000 silver coins. As I remember, each silver coin holds a value of 250 copper.

Therefore, 10,000 silver coins x 250 copper value of each silver coin = 2, 500, 000 copper coins.

2, 500, 000 + 3,003.70 = 2, 000, 000 + 500, 000 + 3,000 +3 + 0.70 = 2, 503, 003.70 copper coins!!

I'm practically rich at this point! But I cannot give myself luxury just yet.

Although, this amount was a smaller settlement for the second option because technically my father's household did had that much value because it was getting weak and rusty.

And, even though it is naughty of me, I kinda did a bit of "witchcraft" in the household. If it does work, then that'll make my mother regret her life choices and make my stepfather's family life miserable in there. Although, I made small request to my father's spirit to not bother Theodore too much. He's just a baby, therefore, he has no blame for his parents' studpidities.

I have to go now, the Jackforks valley is literally two days south from here, but it might take more time considering that I have animals on board so we must leave quickly if we want to make at least before the first fall of snow."

I closed my diary and put it in my bag along with my other essentials. While leaving the bedchamber, I started to question whether I would need a weapon, since we are still in old times, I might need a weapon for different purposes and enemies.

But I would ask the seniors as I got out of the house and found my chickens, pigs, goats, and sheep in a huge cart being pulled by my two horses, Peanut and Jam, a long with Marianne with the pastor staff for the sheep.

Marianne had offered to come with me because she came from Jackfrost Valley received a new offer of work so she decided to tag along with me and help me.

The other girls, Lady Cottonwood and even Rubeus were with my animals as I came forward. 'Thank you again for everything.' I thanked them bowing for them.

'It was not much.' Lady Mary said with her sweet voice.

'Maybe, but you guys saved me, and I'll be forever grateful.' I promised. 'Oh! Before I forget.' I took out my pouch of money and went to each person to give them 1 gold coin along with 30 coppers coins.

That, and just to make the moving a little easier, I gave each of them a chicken. I even let them choose except for the roosters, I was going to need to them to get even more chickens in the future after all.

I had also packed the rest of the already made pancakes and gave the girls their share along to Cottonwood.

'Em, Lady Mary, Can I ask you to please send about 4 chickens to Madam Charcoal?' I asked sweetly.

'Of course.' Mary nodded.

From the 24 chickens that I had, I gave one to Lady Mary, one to Nyla, one to Marianne, one to Cottonwood, one to Rubeus and 4 to Madam Charcoal. 24 -9 = 15 chickens. Which was already enough to live by while still having the roosters.

'Aw, thank you Amy!' Nyla hugged her favorite chicken along with the coins I gave her.

'Thank you, Amelia.' Cottonwood received the animal and coins with care.

'Would you mind if I made her into a stew?' Rubeus asked inspecting the chicken.

I shrudded with just thinking about. 'Em, how about you make her chubby first.' I suggested. 'The more chubby, the bigger it will be.' I gave him my logic.

Rubeus nodded approving my logic.

I gave Lady Cottonwood the "freaking out" side eye and she gave me the "Don't worry" wink. I sighed deeply having a lot of mixed feelings about leaving, but at least I had Marianne to go with me and—

'Lady Baker!' The judge appeared along with the Baron and two young men.

'Yes?' I asked walking toward them.

'I apologize for this sudden arrangement, but for both your and the other girl's arrangement, we thought it might be better for you to have two men by your side at least until you get to Jackforks.' The judge said apologetic and worried.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Either it's what I think it is, or is the judge worrying too much.

Either way I don't care. 'Sure, but, who are they exactly?' I asked lookin at the gentleman behind them.

On of them was taller than the other, but curiously enough, they both had about the same color attire than the seniors respectively.

'This,' the judge pointed with his hand at the blue attire young men, 'my son, Jonathan Sapphirefield.' He said with a proud voice while dragging his son to side and giving him a half hug.

Jonathan looked at me, then I looked at him, then he look at his father, and I did the same. We both sighed deeply at this moment. We both knew what he wanted, but by the way we looked at each other, we silently concluded that we wouldn't like each other that way.

But I think I could smell something in Jonathan. . . Something. . . Definitely not heterosexual.

But I quickly looked away from Jonathan before the judge gave himself to the idea even more.

I swear I can even hear the snickering from the girls and even Rubeus. I cursed inside my head and turned to see Baron Bridgeford. 'What about him Baron Bridgeford?' I asked pointing with my nose towards the young men in green attire. 'Is he also your son?'

Both Baron and young men chuckled at the same time. 'I wish! But no, I've been eh. . . Single for a few years and have been childless since forever, he's actually my nephew.' The Baron answered with honesty. 'His name is Hael. Hael Bridgeford.' He presented his nephew.

The nephew stepped up, took my hand and kiss it. 'It's good to finally meet you my lady. Don't worry I won't intrude.' He let go of my hand. 'Jon and I will just escort to the town you want to go and that will be it.' He assured me looking back at Jonathan. 'Right Jon?' He asked the Sapphire son.

Jonathan nodded silently.

I myself blushed due to the kiss in my hand. I was mostly not used to be treated like that, especially from young and handsome men such as Hael.

'O-Okay, then, em. . . In that case, let's go.' I declared going to the cart to climb on it and have the reins of the horses.

'Alright!' The Baron's nephew quickly followed me with the judge's son after him.

We quickly got ready, we waved goodbye to those who will be behind, and we left.

Something tells me that it will be either a long or very short trip.