I woke up late in the morning, and I quickly dressed up. I was so tired from the journey that I literally slept like a baby.
I quickly made a bun with my grandmother's wood hair clips. And attached the old ribbon around the bun. Then, I quickly ran downstairs and didn't found they guys anywhere.
I started to quickly panic because I didn't know if they just left without feeding my animals or if they had didn't told me, where they were or what are they up to now, until. . .
*Toc toc toc* Someone knocked on my door.
I opened it and saw a new face. It was an older men in his late 50s but well dressed and even with a top hat.
'Good even My lady, My name is Daniel Claystone, the Landlord of this household.' The landlord bowed lightly to me.
'It's nice to meet you.' I said to him bowing lightly too. 'Have you come for the monthly payment?' I asked.
'Not for now, I just wanted to meet the lady that will take care of this land for the winter.' Claystone answered politely while looking at me up and down. 'Do you live with someone?'
I frowned lightly. I don't know if he has double intentions for me or for someone he knows, probably like Judge Sapphirefield, but it's best to give a biased answer just to be safe. I thought to myself. 'Well, I just got here yesterday, so I don't know a lot of people.' I responded carefully. 'But for now it's just me with Marianne Robinson.' I asnwered. 'Since I'm going to start selling farms goods thanks to my animals, she will come to help me and get home at the evening.' I explained.
Claystone nodded at my answer approvingly. 'So, there are no males in the household?' He asked.
So he does have other intentions. My smile twitched a bit but I kept my composure. 'Not for now. Unfortunately, I went through a heartbreak recently, which is why I changed towns for a change of pace. Therefore, I don't see myself dating or much less marrying someone in the future.' I answered.
Claystone nodded understanding and looked away briefly.
He must have noticed my dissatisfaction with his question, so he's probably thinking about how to change the subject. I noticed and let him be.
'In that case, how will you sustent yourself and pay Marianne?' He asked. 'From what I understand, it will be farm goods, but, can you enlighten?' He asked.
I brightly smiled. 'Sure. Come with me.' I let him pass and guided him to the basement. 'Since the place didn't have a chicken coop I had to move the chickens to the basement, don't worry, once I get the chicken coop, I will move them there.' I promised.
'Don't worry, it's probably my fault. I tended to focus more on the comfort of the people rather than the animals they would bring, but thanks for letting me know.' Mr. Claystone apologized scratching his nape.
I took the wood barrier and showed him the chickens living and thriving in the small for them.
'As you can see, it's still good enough for them to lay eggs, therefore, I plan to sell a dozen for 4. 50 copper.' I told him.
The landlord nodded approvingly. 'It might take sometime before they start laying eggs because of the journey home.' He noted. 'Any other product?'
I nodded while blocking the entrance with the wood barrier. 'Please follow me.' I requested him while going upstairs and going to the back door.
We quickly went to see the sheep and goats.
'As you can see, the fleece of the sheep is becoming a little to huge for their bodies, once I make their homes, I shall start taking the fleece and make wool out of them and sell it.' I explained to him. 'Also, 2 of the goats are milking right now, therefore, I can sell goat milk and make cheese from it.' I added.
The landlord nodded approvingly.
'I'm also thinking of opening a little eh. . . A little bakery, I'm very good at baking and making various types of bread, but of course, that will only be until I start from farm goods.' I added.
The landlord raised his eyebrows impressed. 'For a young woman you sure are ambitious.'
'Hehehe.' I for a laugh. That because I have to get my shit together after dealing with all the bullshit both in my past life and in this one before even thinking of having a relationship. I recalled for myself. 'Well, to get married to a good man I need to make money for both myself and the dowry for my future husband. Since my father is dead and I just went in no contact with my mother, then I have to do things myself.' I shrugged.
The landlord looked at me with pity, but a good pity not a "looking down at you" pity. 'If that's the case, then I'll let you be, but before that,' he pointed towards the household, 'let me give you my address on paper in case next month I don't get to you for the monthly payment.' He reminded me.
'Oh, great! Let's go!' We walked in a comfortable silence all the way to the kitchen, where I opened my diary and gave him ink and paper. 'Here you go!'
'Great!' The landlord quickly wrote his name, his home and mail address.
I myself, took out a jar of goat cheese and a dozen eggs and took them to him.
'Here you go.' The landlord was definetely a real one, because as soon as he wrote everything he closed the book without trying to peek inside it. 'If that everything, then I'll go.'
'Wait!' I told him while giving him the eggs and cheese. 'Here, take as a thank you and for maybe giving me a few extra days to get the money.' I said bluntly.
The landlord put the eggs gently at the kitchen counter and opened the jar of goat cheese and smell it. 'Hmm! That's good. I'll take the eggs and cheese and will give an extra week.' He offered.
'Maybe a week and three days?' I asked pleading while looked at me with the "seriously?" stare. 'The wool and cheese take time to take a firm grip before selling it.' I added my reasoning.
The landlord looked at me both proud and disapprovingly. 'A week and two days, no more nor less.' He said.
'Deal!' I agreed.
I guided him to the door, we waved goodbye and I finally relaxed in the old rocking chair of the living room. 'Man, it's cold. But thankfully, not as cold as outside.' I signed while hugging myself and fell asleep.
'Amelia. . .' A male voice sounded in my head.
'Hmm . . . It's too early dad.' I murmured.
'What dad are you talking about!?' Hael's voice woke me up in a jump start.
'Hael!' I gasped as I opened my eyes and looked at him pretty scared. 'Where have you been?! I looked for you! But then, the landlord came and I. . .' I started to ramble but then Hael stopped me.
'Hey! Hey. Don't worry, Marianne knock on our door pretty early and asked us to come to her house since she needed help with the fruit and berries you asked for.' Hael explained. 'When we returned, we saw you sleeping in the chair so Marianne's mom and her decided to use your kitchen to cook the rest of the bear and hare while Jonathan fed the animals and I took you back to your room to sleep.'
I blinked at him.
'I just woke you up because Marianne has just finished the food.' Hael added.
I got up and walked with Hael to the dinning table.
'Hi Amelia!' Marianne waved at me and hugged me. 'We have the berries and we just put them close to the kitchen back door. They're not much but hopefully they are enough for whatever it is you want to do.' She said to me.
I nodded understanding. 'Thank you Marianne.' I po+attend her head.
An older woman in her mid 30s appeared with a bowl of bear stew in her hands. 'Oh! You must be Amelia Baker!' The woman put the bowl of stew in the dinning table. 'Nice to meet you, my name is Viola Robinson, mother of Marianne here.' She presented herself with a bow.
'Nice to meet you as well Ms. Robinson.' I said bowing politely and kindly to her. 'I hope we can get along just fine, not just as business partners but as neighbours as well.' I said to her.
'Oh, you are just as kind as Marianne told me you were.' Viola smiled cutely.
'Let's eat everyone!' Hael sat down at the dinning table and sat out to dig in but Jonathan stopped him by pulling his ear. 'Ow! Hey, that hurts!' Hael complained.
'Be more mindful with your manners Hael! You are in front of women and then have the indicency of acting like a pig.' Jonathan "scolded" Hael while rolling his eyes and sitting down. 'Anyway, please let us sit and eat just to make sure this guy won't take anything before hand.' He pointed at Hael like he was annoyed by him.
Hael looked at him like he was "annoyed." But Marianne and I knew he got heartbroken because Jonathan called him a "pig."
'Good idea,' Ms. Robinson nodded in approval. 'Let's go.'
Marianne and I looked at each other while sitting down and then looked at the lovebirds. They were just so good and so bad suppressing their romantic and sexual desire towards each other.
But putting that aside, we decided to eat in peace. For the most part.
'By the way, Lady Baker, I saw the size and fur of the black bear and let me tell you it's beautiful.' Viola commented. 'Since it's yours then you have the right to decide what to do with it.' She implied.
So, Marianne's mother is like that, eh? I raised an eyebrow and then looked briefly at Marianne who was only silently shaking her head. Dang. Even her own daughter disapproves of her nosiness. I noted but then smiled. 'Why yes, you are right. But for now I would like to keep it for myself. After all, the days will only grow colder and I might as well use it to sleep.' I answered.
Everyone nodded knowing full well at that. No one could argue that the winter is just getting closer and things might become tricky when it comes to money, food and clothing. Keeping things such as animal skins, while old fashion (and maybe savage to some), they might come in handy when it comes to winter.
'From what I heard from my daughter, you are very good with traps.' Ms. Robinson inquired.
'Eh, I'm not exactly sure. I only tried it once and was lucky enough to trap a black bear, but Jonathan here was the one who kill it.' I admitted.
'Nonesense! Having traps around your house and fence will help you in the long run, not just to hunt but to keep pests and depredators away in the future.' Ms. Robinson related to me. 'We might have a huge fortress, but there's always that wild animal or pest that is always able to get through it and makes the whole neighborhood annoyed.' She rolled her eyes just imaging it.
I nodded surprised. 'What animals or pests might we be talking about?' I asked curious.
'Well, definitely not bears, those are very easy to spot for up there in the highest deck of the walls.' Ms. Robinson assured me. 'But there are rats, rabbits, foxes and even sometimes coyotes who make through it, and you being a woman soon to be left alone, must be extra careful.' She warned me while rubbing her eyes in annoyance.
Marianne sighed heavily at the thought of it.
Wow, I must put tricky traps then. I thought to myself as I smiled. 'Thank you for letting me know.' I thanked her.
'Thank you for letting me try the bear young lady.' Ms. Robinson thank me. 'Another question that I have is, what are you planning to do with the berries?' She asked.
'I was planning to do some baking.' I answered. 'Berries can also be made into jam which I know how to do and go well as topping, so I'm planning to. . . test some ideas.' I explained.
'Oh I see.' Ms. Robinson smiled. 'I heard you also have goat cheese.' She inquired.
'You can take the goat cheese as payment for the berries.' I straight up told her.
'Aw~ thank you.' Ms. Robinson smiled brightly.
'Mom!' Marianne scolded her mother.
Ms. Robinson then noted just how transparent she was being and blushed like a cherry. 'My apologies.' Looked down at her.
I smiled. 'It's not a problem don't worry.' I assured. 'But now I get to ask somethings.' I inquired. 'Is there anyone who knows how to make wool or someone who can teach me?' I asked.
Ms. Robinson thought about. 'Well, she's not willing to teach, but she's willing to trade the raw fleece.' She clarified. 'It's hard for her to make ends meet because not a lot of people are willing to cooperate or trade with her since she's rumored to be a home-breaker though. But if you are willling to risk it, then go ahead. She has a small workshop in the east area.' She indicated.
'Thank you very much.' I nodded understanding. 'Is there any bakery or restaurants?' I asked.
'No, not yet.' Ms. Robinson shook her head and winked at me knowing why I asked. 'If you want a place to make your store or bakery, then I suggest you look for the main street's old area. There are a lot of buildings who are still stable enough to be repaired and have a good structure and view quality.' She suggested.
'I'll take note of that, thank you.' I thanked her.
After that, we all talked about trivial things and subjects, after finishing the meal, I gave 4 jars of goat cheese to Ms. Robinson and she went home with her daughter.
'Guys, just to remind you, you need to be more silent.' I advised them. 'I was able to hear what you did yesterday but I didn't said anything because I was too tired. Today is different.' I informed them. 'Let me hear you once again, and I'll make one of you sleep with the horses tonight.' I gave my final warning. 'Good night.' I yawned and went to my room and left them to their deeds.
Fortunately, this time they were more mindful of their deeds and I could barely some whispers. I was able to fall asleep soon enough.
The next day. . .
I woke up early this time and I quickly went to get my winter dress instead of the fall dress.
This is because, after taking the black bear skin from my body, I felt like water freezing up in a lake, so basically, the winter dress was calling for me.
I quickly went to check on the guys and they were practically feeding the animals outside so I went after them.
'Hey guys!' I called for them. 'Have you fed the chickens?!' I asked them.
'Hi Amelia!' Hael waved at me. 'Yes! We have, don't worry!' He winked at me.
Jonathan turned to see him sternly. I smiled.
'Okay! I'll prepare breakfast!' I told them returning to the house.
'We also went to chop some wood for you! It should be near the fireplace!' Hael told me from the distance.
'Okay, thanks!' I waved at him and then finally ran to the fireplace and quickly found beautiful chopped wood.
I put about 3 medium chunks of it and turned started the fire. I also took small chunks of woods to turn on the stove and oven.
By using a small bag of baking flour, two eggs, and half a jar of goat milk, I then mixed it and left it for a bit on the side while I took out some berries that I could recognize as raspberries and crushed them until they became a mix of berrie sauce or porridge and then I added a bit of what was left of goat milk and mix it up.
After mixing up the berries with the goat milk and mix it with the batter. The batter turned a bit pink but nothing too colorful, I was a bit confused by it, but then I tried and concluded, 'it may not look like it, but it definetely tastes like it.'
I took out one of my father's baking mold and put the batter in there. Right there and then I remembered that it might have been better with butter first, but I didn't have any so I had to risk it.
I then with a baking glove in my hand I started to enter inside the oven and concluded it was hot enough. After putting a few mor chunks of wood, I put the batter inside it and let it bake.
Right afterwards, I used the heat of the oven that connected to the stove and used pans to make eggs, bacon and oatmeal porridge with goat milk.
Then I took another type of berries which I also recognized as blueberries and put them in 3 mini bowls as a portion of fruit.
The eggs were ready then and there and had the brilliant idea of putting the eggs on top of the porridge and the bacon below the eggs making a smiley face in each portion of porridge.
The guys came right in after I finished breakfast.
While they weren't the biggest fan of porridge, they admitted that my idea of making oatmeal porridge with milk instead of water was more appetizing.
They were even more amazed by the smiley face of eggs and bacon on top of the porridge.
'Em. Can I eat the eggs and bacon and leave the porridge?' Hael asked "innocently."
'Want to be my taste tester?' I asked back.
'Yes!' Hael exclaimed excited.
'Then eat the porridge.' I told him seriously.
Jonathan cracked up while eating the porridge with almost no problem.
'I also put blueberries beside you. So you eat them inside the porridge and eat it all together.' I explained it to them. 'Either that, or just mix the egg yolk with the porridge and it might taste less numb.' I advised them.
While Jonathan followed the second suggestion, Hael did the first suggestion after literally just eaten the eggs and bacon.
'By the way, are you guys staying for the winter here in Jackforks or are you guys leaving soon?' I asked them.
'We'll be leaving today.' Jonathan clarified.
'. . . Oh. I see.' I said somewhat surprised. 'Not that I mind, but, are you sure? Winter is coming in fast now and . . .' I stopped myself before touching a sensible subject.
'Don't worry.' Jonathan shook his head calming me down. 'We met some people that come from the same place as us and want to return home soon, they offered us to go back with them so we will.' He explained the situation with me.
'And we will be taking the cart with us, since, you know, it was borrowed either way.' Hael reminded me that little fact.
'Oh. Oh! Right! I forgot!' I slapped my forehead remembering that fact. 'I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about that.' I murmured.
'Again, don't worry about us. We'll be traveling with a big group and with little luggage except for water and food; and with the cart, the food and water will not froze up so easily. They already have the horses ready, they just need the cart which we will be offering as we have to contribute with them in order to make it back safely.' Hael explained to me in greater detail their plan.
I nodded understanding. 'But either way, if you are able to, I would like to receive a te-letter, from both of you once you reach to safety.' I pleaded.
They both nodded in agreement. 'We promised.' The promised loud and clear.
I singed of relief. Both that relief was cut short when I started to smell the good break in the making. 'Oh, the bread! I almost forgot!' I stood up and ran to the kitchen oven, put on my baking gloves and took out the raspberry bread. 'Oh lala~, just in time!' I exclaimed and turned to see the boys. 'Hael, get me a cold wet rug, John, get me one big plate please.' I ordered them to both of them.
They quickly went to get the things I asked them to bring.
I quickly put the hot baking mold on top of the wet rug, and waited for Jonathan to bring the plate.
Onde John got the plate and set it on the table, I took the mold out it upside down and softly slammed it to the plate without breaking it.
I took out a wooden spoon and started to hit on the mold hoping the bread would come out eventually.
'What's that supposed to do?' Hael asked consfused to what I was doing.
'Usually, I put butter on inside the baking mold so the batter does not stick to it.' I explained pausing. 'Unfortunately, I don't have any so I decided to risk and now I'm regretting my decision.' I pouted looking down.
The boys laughed a little but were cordial and understanding.
I put the spoon on the side, took the baking mold with my hand that is still with the rug, then I slammed it on the plate once again and hear a clear *thud* under the mold.
We all gasped softly.
I lifted the baking mold softly, and fortunately, the bread came out without being raw, broken or sandy. In other words, it was a fluke of success.
'Wahooo!' I jumped accidentally throwing the hot mold to the air.
'¡Aaahh!' Jonathan got down barely dodging the mold. 'Be careful!' He reclaimed.
'Whoops! Sorry!' I apologized.
We all laughed at this as I took a knife and started to cut the break into slices. 'Wanna try a slice?'
'Do I?!' Hael exclaimed jumping up and down out of excitement. 'Can we taste it?' Hael asked drooling at the bread.
I laughed at him. 'Sure!' I took the hot mold and but it safely in the kitchen counter. 'Let me just get a knife.'
At the gates. . .
I gifted half of the raspberry loaf to the guys plus one chicken each, in case they get desperate. That way there's less pressure of keeping the animals alive with me. So, from the 16 chickens that I still had, now I was left with 14.
Wait, 14? I thought to myself. Oh, that's right! I forgot to give Marianne her chicken! I noted as I saw the group leave.
Hael waved at me and I waved back as I saw them leaving a few meters past the gates which they started to close slowly.
I signed of relief and walked back to my new home.
As I walked back to my neighbourhood, I noticed that the people would stare at me for a bit, giving side glances and stares as I walked back then.
Can't say I know the reason, but I think it's because I'm a new face to get used to.
I returned to my new household (rented, but it was mine at least) and got to work in making traps.
"Maybe I should get a guardian dog or two. But while I find one, I must try to protect my fences so that foxes or coyotes don't try to hunt my livestock." I wrote in my diary as I invented a few traps or remembering a few traps from my past live that I saw on videos and drawings.
Hopefully, I can make them with the material that I already have.
If not, then hopefully I can get a trade for something I already have.