Ch 10 : Bake & wool sale.

The next day . . .

After feeding the animals and sending Marianne to pastor the sheep, Elizabeth and I went to check on the wool.

'Wow, when you said that the wool easily dried at the right temperature you weren't kidding.' I said tocuhing the precious and beautiful wool already dried.

'We still need to brush it.' Elizabeth gave a me a brush for the wool. 'The more good looking the more they are willing to offer.' She recommended starting to brush some chunks.

I nodded and started to do what she was doing. It was a much harder work than I thought it would be, but that meant I could ask for more if it came down to it without feeling much guilty about it.

. . . .

In the afternoon, Marianne, Elizabeth and I decided to take a break and go to mainstreet to see what was new.

A lot of people (especially women) were giving Elizabeth the side-eye, but I made sure that my company was more terrifying so that they would look elsewhere.

We went to a Miscellaneous store, one where it seemed a lot of people would trade small items or chunks of goods to get their necessities and even copper.

As we entered the Store, I noticed that there were very few pastries in the counter. Some loaf bread and fresh baked buns, but that's about it.

I smiled at that and went to the counter. 'Excuse me.' I called for the person at the other side of the counter.

'Hello fair lady, do you need anything?' He asked.

'You see, I've been wanting to sell some wool and baked goods, but because it's winter and cold, I won't be able to make a market stand yet, therefore, I wanted to know whether you'll be willing to buy my goods.' I asked him with a small.

The man went into thought for a little bit then smiled. 'Well, I don't have much say in what comes in and what comes out of the store, but if you want, I can call my boss and arrange a meeting so he can try them and settle a price for you.' He offered.

'Yes thank you. Although, I have to prepare some things before that meeting, do you know when your boss might be free?' I asked him.

'Well, he usually comes everyday, but only does stay in order to restock once a month, although fortunately for you, that day is next week, so I will give him you message tomorrow and probably when you come by again you'll receive an answer.' The guy explained.

I sighed. For a moment I forgot that we don't have electronics in this world, therefore, this is the fastest way to get an answer through a person. I nodded understand. 'Thank you, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Is that okay?' I asked.

The guy nodded. 'More than okay, Miss. . .' The guys pointed that he didn't know my name.

'Oh, sorry for my lack of manners, my name is Amelia Cora Baker, or just Miss Baker if you must.' I presented myself a bit embarrassed.

'And my name is Owen Riverstain.' The man behind the counter presented himself and we shook hands.

After a while, the girls got what they needed (and some things that they wanted) and we left to see the other parts of the town, though it was mostly Marianne and Elizabeth guiding me since I was new in town and I haven't really checked the place out since I got here.





The next day. . .

After brushing some more wool, we took a break and went to town because Elizabeth wanted to check her home since she hasn't really been there for a while and while she did that, I went to the Miscellaneous store where I saw Owen again and asked him about his boss's answer.

'Well, he said something along the lines of "she better bring something good or I'll not get any."' Owen answered. 'In other words, you can meet him next week at 9:00 a.m. with your goods for his inspections and he will decide how much is he willing to give you.' He explained more detailed.

I jumped in excitement, 'yes! Thank you so much. I promise his boss that he will not regret it.' I promised Owen.

'You better because if you get him angry, I'll be the one paying the broken dishes.' Owen said half joking and half serious.

I nodded understanding. 'I'll be back next week with the goods~!' I promised getting out of the store and went quickly to Elizabeth's home.




At night. . .

"Elizabeth's home was burned down. I also know the reason as to why everyone thinks she's a home-breaker.

Turns out, her sister's husband had started to like her and being the alcoholic womanizer that he is, he tried to get with her, but Elizabeth refused him and then he started to make false rumors about Elizabeth being the one who tried to seduce him.

No one in town or her family believed her, even her father who favored her and she had to move towns. But her sister and her husband followed her just to make her life miserable and when they found out that "someone" was helping her by giving her jobs to do, they decided to take extreme measures by lighting on fire her house.

But of course, they didn't count with the fact that Elizabeth stayed with me the entire time and when they started to bad mouth her, I gave him a hard reality check about how things work in this world. Especially when it came to the frigging part where they just admitted to wanting to KILL ELIZABETH!!

Obviously, soldiers were called and I gave my testimony loud and clear for everyone to hear. Then Elizabeth gave her testimony and how her life has been, after this. A few hours later, the judge of this town quickly gave the verdict that the victim was Elizabeth and that the couple would be thrown out of the town by tomorrow.

Those little shits even had the audacity to call for Elizabeth for help, but of course, I took Elizabeth back to my house so she wouldn't listen to them or gave in to them.

I offered her a place to stay with me until she could find somewhere in town to live and she accepted immediately. I also recommended that she wrote her version of the story and sent it to her family, because her sister was bound to twist things and that would end up badly for her.

She didn't hesitate anymore and just to get it done, she even payed for a messenger falcon just so her letter made it to her parents before her sister did.

She's being crying in her sleep, but I know she will be fine. In the end, she's already in her lowest point, the only way she can go now is up.

The work with the wool that we are doing should help her maintaining her mind off things.

And hopefully, the money we make can cheer her up even more."

I laid down in my bed and hugged and sang to Elizabeth so she would sleep better. She needs comfort, love and support right now.

3 days later. . .

'Pastries? Ready? 118.34 pieces of 100 grams each of wool? Check. Lunch? Check.' I listed off the things Elizabeth and I brought to the cart. 'Elizabeth, hop on or we'll be late!' I called for her while hopping on Peanut.

'Coming!!' Elizabeth ran off (but not before closing the door) and hopped on the cart. 'Ready!' She exclaimed.

I nodded and commanded Peanut to walk. Peanut was being obedient today, so he did it with enthusiasm.

As we went through the road to mainstreet, we encountered Marianne who looked trouble.

'Yo! Marianne!' I pull the reins for Peanut to stop. 'What's up?' I asked her.

'Huh?' Marianne looked up and raise her eyebrows. 'Oh, nothing much, I just had a small argument with my mother, that's all.' She smiled.

Something doesn't feel right. I frowned briefly before smiling again. 'Okay, by the way I already fed the animals, just go to them and pastor them as usual. I'm going to the Miscellaneous store and try to sell my goods, so I'll try to be back after lunch.' I told her before commanding Pesnut to move again.

'By the way Marianne, we left a cheese sanwhich and bowl of oatmeal in the kitchen counter!' Elizabeth told Marianne as we went on our departed ways. 'You can eat it for lunch or now as you se fit!' She waved Marianne goodbye.

Marianne smiled and waved at her goodbye. 'Okay! Thank you!' Marianne went on towards my house and soon we lost sight of her.

'Marianne doesn't seem to like me that much huh?' Elizabeth spoke out loud.

'I don't think you are the problem Eli.' I said to her. 'Marianne has been having mommy issues for a long while. Although I don't know for how long, I can deduct that those problems aroused long before we even came into the picture. Therefore, I'm pretty sure that the problem is the mother, but not us.' I told her.

Elizabeth smiled at me. 'Thanks for letting me know.' She said with a smile.

'No problem.' I said to her and we continued our merry way to the store.

. . . . .

At the store. . .

The owner of the store was none less than a very good long man in his 20s. Seriously, from the way that Owen described I guessed the owner to be about 40 or 50, maybe in his late 30s at the earliest, but 20?! Damn, talking about an old soul in a young body.

The young man was a black hair, fair skin, blue eyes and with the body of an Olympic gymnastist. I felt my face blush a little, but then I looked at Elizabeth and her eyes went like "oh this guy is mine," with a wide close-mouthed smile.

I smiled at her, knowing that she felt like she could finally find someone in peace. I feel bad about Grover though. I thought to myself as I nocited that Grover fancied Elizabeth every time he came to work with his brother on the Barn alongside their father.

My mind went back to business as soon as I heard the owner's throat clear itself to call for my attention.

'Well, they do have good features, in fact I can see the hard work and dedication you both put in them.' The owner of the store declared. 'But unfortunately, I don't have that much budget to buy everything of both, I can consider half of each stuff that you brought for this month and maybe the other half for this month, but that's about it.' He concluded.

Elizabeth and I both looked at each other than nodded. 'That's okay, we understand, but we must talk about the price you're willing to offer before we sell the deal.' I reminded him. 'We have about 118.34 pieces of of wool that weight 100 grams each, and I give the 100 grams of 216 copper. For the muffins I can give them for 15.30 copper for a dozen, a dozen cookies for 10 copper, and each loaf of bread are about 12.34 copper.' I told him the prices.

'Of course, of course.' The owner nodded fully understanding. 'I will pay for two dozens of cookies, 3 loafs of bread and a dozen of muffins.' He went with the food's full price without hesitation. 'But, I'm not too sure about the wool price since, em, I kinda consider it too high.' He admitted while frowning a bit and gritting his teeth uncomfortable for the price.

'Hmmm. . .' I pretended to go deep in thought. 'In that case, how about I low the wool price down to 81 copper per 100 grams, does it sound better?' I offered back.

The frown from owner softened and even smiled. 'Oh yeah, much better.' He extended his hand. 'We have a deal then.' He declared.

I shook hands with him and then Elizabeth shook hands with him.

The owner and Owen took 54.20 pieces of of wool for 81 copper each 100 grams. That about about 4,390.20 copper in exchange for the wool. From the bake sale on the other hand, 2 dozens of cookies made 20 copper, 3 loafs of bread made 37.02 copper, & the dozen of muffins were 15.30.

"4,390.20 +. 37.02 + 20 + 15.30 = 4,000 + 300 + 90 + (0.20) + 30 + 7 + (0.02) + +20 + 10+ + 5 + 0.30= 4,000 + 300 + 120 + 0.22+ +30+ + 12 + 0.30= 4,000 + 420 + 42 + 0.70 = 4,462.52 copper in total is what we obtained.

Diving the money of the wool in half: 4,390.20➗ 2 people = 2, 195.10 copper for Elizabeth.

As for me, with my half of the money that I obtained plus the pastries I sold:

4,462.52 - 2,195.10 = 2,267.42 copper in total for me."

I smiled to myself as I wrote this in my diary and the quickly putting it away in my bag along with the precious money bag in my pouch. 'Thank you very much for this, see you next month!' I promised as Elizabeth and I left to my horse and cart.

'I'll give ya the money at home, is that okay?' I asked her.

Elizabeth nodded hoping to the cart.

'Okay.' I hopped on Peanut and we rode through the road back to the house.

Now I don't have to worry for rent and I can spend it on new clothes! I thought to myself as I smelled my winter clothing. Ew, yeah, I must do that by tomorrow. I nodded to myself.




At home. . .

I saw that Marianne was eating inside and that the barn has been worked on quite nicely.

I went to the guys and gave them about 1,000 copper coins since the barn is one fourth done. They were happy and I was happy. Thank to the walls already halfway done, the sheep and goats were already taking cover from the wind which was a relief.

Then Elizabeth and I entered and found Marianne eating her lunch.

'Hello Marianne.' I called for her. She looked at me and smiled. 'How were things here?' I asked her.

'Very good, although, I'm not sure if I want to go home yet.' Marianne murmured the last part looking down.

Elizabeth and I looked at each other and could the other thought of the same thing: Mommy issues.

'Is there something wrong?' I asked her sitting down with her.

'Yes and no.' She sighed hopeless.

'Is everything okay at home?' Elizabeth asked.

'Not really. Turns out the job that my mother told me about was actually a lie for me to come home and try to get me married to someone she knows and. . .' Marianne instantly almost got angry but then took a deep breath and sighed. 'When I declined she told me that I was being a spoiled brat and ungrateful.' She covered her face with her hands. 'Don't know what to do with her anymore.' She whimpered frustrated.

'Oh, Marianne, I'm so sorry.' I patted her back.

'I just want to live my life like you two, okay?! I don't want to get married I-I want to travel and live outside of this Forks. . . But mother just doesn't allow me.' Marianne punched the table in anger.

'Hey! First off, don't hit the table, that came from the landlord; you break it, you buy it and fix it.' I warned her. 'Second of off, do I have to remind you that I my story is not that much different from yours, but you don't see me giving up in freedom right?' I reminded her.

'Yes I know. But the thing is, your mother doesn't know where and, practically would never really care about it. Mine on the other hand, she always finds me or finds out where I am and literally finds ways to make go home and . . . I always end up believing her.' She smacks herself in the face.

'Then lie about what you're doing.' I recommended her. 'The landlord once asked indirectly about when I would decide to marry and I answered something along the lines of "when I have the money to do so." That way, you have to figure out where to run and at the same time work, I believe that your mom doesn't have that much dowry to offer your future husband, right?' I asked her.

Marianne thought about it and shook her head.

'Then how she expects you to marry?!' I reminded her. 'Tell her "want me to marry? Let me work to get the dowry." Now that will make her shut up and let you keep working until you get the right amount of dowry.' I suggested to her. 'And you will use that secret dowry to travel. And look on the bright side, you are 16 years old, you have UP until your mid-twenties before you mother decides to pressure you again.' I added.

Marianne looked at me with bright eyes. 'Y-You are right! I can do this!' She sat up and smiled brightly. 'I will get out of here!' She exclaimed excitedly.

'Very good Marianne!' I cheered for her.

Elizabeth applauded happily for her.

Soon afterwards, I made dinner for both of them which was practically roasted veggies with a bit of butter and a slice of loaf bread and then sent Marianne on her way.

'Before I leave, Elizabeth. . .' Marianne walked to Elizabeth sheepishly. 'Is it true that your sister was ruined your house?'

I gave Marianne a look but Elizabeth nodded. 'But don't worry, thanks to Amelia I have a place to stay.' Elizabeth explained. 'In summer I'll go find my own place, but for now it's better to stay with her since there's still a lot of wool to sell, make into yarn, and from yarn to clothesto sell.' She added.

Marianne nodded understanding. 'In that case, have both of you a good night.' She waved at us goodbye and left.

Elizabeth and I went to make a quick bath to share and help to wash each other.

. . . .

'Elizabeth, just to let you know, since you'll be staying here, I'll have to let the landlord know about and you will have to pay half of the rent.' I told her. 'Not my rules, but the landlord's.' I clarified while washing her face.

'Don't worry, I have it contemplated.' Elizabeth assured me while her face half pink.

Yes, we were both naked. I didn't have a problem with it, but Elizabeth was a bit why about it.

'Good. Also, once Marianne comes to take care of the animals, I'll go with Jam to a clothing store to advertise the wool and maybe buy clothes. Do you want to go?' I asked her.

'Of course! It's been years since I had new clothing!' Elizabeth exclaimed excited.

'Good, by the way, do you have a way to make wool into yarn, or do you need to buy for it?' I asked her.

'Well, I can do it by hand but there was a spinning wheel that I would use to make wool into yarn was faster.' Elizabeth answered. 'Unfortunately, it got severely burned during that fire. So, unless you know someone who can make a spinning wheel. . .' Elizabeth stopped talking while thinking about it.

'Are you comfortable in talking with Mister Holt?' I asked her.

'Eh? Oh, you mean the father of Oaken and Grove?' Elizabeth asked turning to me and I nodded. 'Sure, but, I don't know whether they'll have the wood for it, since, they've been using it to make the barn.' She noted.

I nodded agreeing with her. And the chicken coop I'll soon ask for. . . Might as well leave for later. I shrugged. 'In that case, let's just keep making money with the other half of the first third of wool and the baking pastries I do, that way we'll be able to survive the winter, pay rent and get more comfortable yet warm clothing.' I declared while pouring water in Elizabeth's hair.

Elizabeth gasped while holding her breath as the water was poured on her head and through her body. 'Phew! Aye aye mam!' She declared excitedly. 'By the way, can I make a probably uncomfortable question?' She asked turning to see me.

I look down at her and smiled. 'Yes, my boobs and hips are natural. They come from my mother's side of the family.' I answered her not-spoken question.

Elizabeth blushed deep red and turned her eyes away from me. She probably felt embarrassed that I saw through her.

'Hahahaha. Don't worry your not the first person to asked me that.' I assured her. 'Marianne is the one who asked that, and even then I knew it was about my chest because she would often stare at it during work.' I recounted that part while laughing and touching my pair of big boobs and massaging them in front of her.

Let me tell you that she was sitting on the floor while I was standing up while massaging my boobs. So practically, Elizabeth had a VERY good view of my hands and boobs.

Elizabeth's face turned red and squealed. 'S-Stop doing that!' She covered her eyes. 'That's embarrassing!' She explained.

I chuckled. 'What would I be embarrassed? I'm in front of you not in front of a man. Much less in public.' I carified. 'Besides, sometimes I just touch myself because it feels good.' I let my boobs jiggle down while shrugging. 'Also, I need to prepare myself if I ever end up hooking up with someone or marrying that someone. Am I right?' I sat next to her.

Elizabeth uncovered un eye and looked at me. 'W-What do you mean "hooking up" with someone?' She asked confused and embarrassed.

I told her the answer on the ear.

Elizabeth's face had no price when she was no longer being a tomatoe anymore, but a deep black cherry and almost fainted!

I just burst out laughing.

. . . .

In the bedroom. . .

'Em, Amelia?' Elizabeth turned to see me. 'You seem to know how relationships work, but you don't seem to be much older, how come?' She asked while looking at me.

I, on the other hand, was writing in my diary and turned to see her. 'Well, I can't exactly say what relationship to have but I can safely guarantee what relationship NOT to have.' I clarified.

'How so?' Elizabeth raised an eyebrow confused.

'Well, my father let my mother get away with everything, even cheating before he passed. Now, I know that even though it would hurt me, it's better to be away from someone who thinks she or he can get away with everything before the slightest chance of getting more hurt happens.' I explained. 'I also know that I'm my own person, therefore, I have no obligation to make myself someone's else or be someone's object.' I declared.

Elizabeth looked at me with sparkling eyes.

'Last but not least, I don't loose hope.' I said closing down my book and laying beside her. 'If I loose hope for my future, no one will help me. I'm my worst enemy, so I must control myself from thinking I cannot do it by convincing myself that I can do it.' I explained as I yawned. 'I'm not planning to marry, if I have no choice but to do so, then I will, but since I've been able to make a life for myself, well, best alone in the world than being hurt in the future.' Shrugged and stared to fell asleep. 'Anywho, go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day.' I went to sleep.

Elizabeth looked at me and then to the roof, for a minutes she let my words sink in and then she fell asleep.