Two days later. . .
As the British in the old world would say, bloody hell. I thought biting my interior lip. As I feared, the blizzard just doesn't stop. I prepared myself to go out. 'Liam, don't leave your sister. You Scout, bite anyone who tries to enter that isn't me.' I ordered.
'Kay Kay!' Liam raised his hand to let me know he heard me and the went back to play with some wood blocks. Scout barked in affirmation.
I went out, and paddled my way through the snow until being able tot get to the barn. I did all the necessities of the animals, plus milking the goats and went back paddling to the house.
It took me two hours and a half. The snow is just that heavy.
Hopefully the apartment people are not getting any more tired and cranky about the blizzard than I already am. They did say that the blizzard will be hard on all of us, but they never said how long it would last. I sighed putting my snow clothing away and came to warm up by the fire. I really hope that the weather doesn't last as much as I fear because otherwise I probably drive myself insane before Liam does. And that's a problem.
Liam came over and nudge my arm. 'Momma, I'm hungry.' Liam said.
I chuckled and looked at him. 'You are only asking for food out of boredom.' I declared. 'Sorry Liam, but as far as the snow is letting us see, we have to ration our food supplies extremely careful, otherwise, things will get ugly.' I declined. 'Didn't I gave you colors and paper?' I asked him.
'I got bored.' Liam told me.
Oh boy. I sighed. 'Want to. . . Play in the kid's area with baby girl?' I asked him.
Liam thought about it for a bit and nodded with a smile.
I took the kids downstairs and let them play in the kid's area while I went to check and see the inventory. Food? Check. Cutely? Check. Wine? Check. Gastronomy cutlery? Check and shiny. Yup! Everything is the same . . . As yesterday. I sighed a bit tired, but not because I did a lot of work, but because I didn't have anything to do. I got so used to be working my ass all day ever since I arrived in this world that I forgot what it was like to just exist and relax. I ctreched my back making it crack a little. 'Phew.' I sighed. Should I get started with the gingerbread houses comissions? I asked myself and then shook my head against it. Nah, I never gave a specific date except for the two weeks to let her know about how the process is going, I still have time. I nodded to myself.
*Pam!!* Something—Or rather someone fell. 'Waaaahhhhh!!' And started crying.
Mama bear instincts kick in and I rapidly run to check what happened. 'What is going on?!' I asked worried.
Liam turned to look at me like a deer in headlights, or like he was found guilty of a crime. 'I-I, S-She— I- . . .' Liam started to tear up and make grabbing hands.
I ignored him and took up the baby. 'Liam, did make her fall?' I asked him.
'Did you make her fall on purpose or by accident?' I asked him with seriousness. 'Tell me now.' I declared.
Liam was tearing and trembling like I was going to murder him, but he shook his head, 'n-No. . .' He started to sob. 'I-I didn't. . . I'm s-sowy. . . I didn't make her fall. . . Sh-she fell on her own. . .'
I sighed of relief and kneeled to his level. 'Liam, I believe you. As long as I am sure you are saying the truth, I'm sure you are being honest.' I put a hand on his shoulder. 'But also, as you are older than baby girl, you are her big brother, and without your older siblings you need to be more careful around her. Can you do it?' I asked him.
Liam nodded slowly.
'Good, now how about a good old goat milkshake with frozen berry compota?' I carried Oiam with one arm and the baby with the other as we went to the kitchen.
'Yes please.' Liam nodded to the idea.
I smiled and cured their sadness with the pleasures of family.
The next day. . .
Same old same old when it came to go outside. The good news is, I decided to bake a cake for Liam since his birthday is tomorrow and I was able to get him decipher a bunch of Christmas puzzles that I made to entertain him. It has kept him busy for hours which is good.
Baby girl is now capable of crawling which means it has become from a little princess to a little escapist. She has become too smart at crawling into small places, and in less than two hours I had to get the help of Liam to get baby girl out of under the bed, the table, and as weird as it sounds, the oven.
I'm not joking, I fortunately found her BEFORE I turned it on, otherwise things would have gotten horribly wrong afterwards.
Because of that, I've grounded the young lady in the crib. She might be a good escapist, but she still isn't capable of standing up on her own, but when she does. . . I don't know what measures I'll take but hopefully I won't need to make them until the blizzard is over.
I took a look through the window and saw that practically, the blizzard was now slowly moving. It was still snowing heavily, but not at a race car's speed anymore.
Hm. . . I thought about the thought I was thinking and, decided to do it. But not before putting the cake in the oven. I smiled to myself as I kept mixing the batter.
. . .
20 minutes later. . .
We were outside. As expected, it was snowing heavily, but the wind had lost speed to the point that the worst thing the wind could do was make your eyelashes gather snowflakes as they fell.
'Hahaha!!' Liam was jumping around making stompings through this snow. 'Wohooo!!'
'Don't run so far away Liam!' I told him. 'If you are too far away, I won't see you!!' I let him know. Thank goodness the winter clothing is green, it'll be easier to spot. I sighed trying to relax myself as I helped my baby daughter get used to the snow. 'Do you like it?' I looked at her.
She was, pouting and shivering to say the least. I think she was saying no.
I tried not to laugh.
'Aaaahhhhh!!' Liam screamed.
I gasped worried. 'Liam!?' I saw Liam running to me with a dark shadow following behind him, 'Liam!!' I ran to him with the baby on my chest and a snow wood shovel on hand. 'Inside!' I ordered Liam to do as we switched sides.
I raised the shovel knocked over what seemed to be the shadow's head. *THUNK!* THE Shadow fell unconscious. '. . . Au.' Mostly.
I pointed the dangerous part of the shovel towards the shadow. 'Who are you?! What are you and what were you trying to do with my son?!' I demanded to know as I raised the wood shovel.
'W-Wait!! Wait!!' The shadow disappeared revealing Diana.
'. . . Diana?!' I was flabbergasted and furious. 'What the fucking he'll were you thinking?!' I slammed the shovel on her side.
'I-I just wanted to—'
'Take my son?! Grab him?! Kidnap him?!' I kicked her. 'Do you even know what human mother's are capable of doing for their children?! I almost went full momma bear mode!! I could have killed you!!!' I scolded her with my voice raised.
'What is going on here?!' Meadow appeared with her fairy wings.
'Diana was trying to take my son when I wasn't looking!!' I pointed at Diana.
'I was NOT!!' Diana touched her chest scoffing offended. 'Your son is to common-like to even be on my taste!' She crossed her arms.
I looked at her outraged. Then I looked at Meadow who seemed to struggle whether to be on my or on Diana's side. Well, Diana clearly has lived among fairies way too much to consider her humans. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. 'You two, listen here. I don't how fairies live in their world, but for humans, is imperative to be careful around the snow. The only reason I took the kids out was to get some fresh air and if they didn't get that, I don't get fresh air either, and if I don't get fresh air, my paranoia goes sky high and I might make a hate crime.' I detailed enough for them to go pale. 'I apologize in advance, but winter is just that dangerous for us, I do not want to go around trying to find wendigos.' I sighed heavily and turned around to go inside the house.
Meadow stopped me and turned me to see her with a confused look. 'What is a wendigo?'
. . . Oh! We doesn't know. I smiled evilly. 'A Wendigo was upon was a person who while being lost in the snow with his group, committed cannibalism due to hunger and a madness strike. Fue to such crime, mother earth punished him and sentenced him by becoming an evil spirit who would roam around in winter searching for humans to eat, and never have hunger satisfaction.' I tell the tale briefly and hollowly.
Both Meadow and Diana were now hugging each other in fear and horror.
'Which is why I installed myself the "five rules of winter."' I declared. 'One, always make sure you are fully stocked before the the first fall of winter and if it's possible, throughout the winter. Two, make sure you have full winter gear for both inside and out of the house. Three, never go out at night, it's a death sentence. Fourth, never go out during a snow fall with strong wind and heavy snow combined. Fifth, don't go out unless it's midday or you are sure there are other humans nearby.' I finished explaining.
Meadow and Diana gave me a stare.
'I went out with my kids because one, it was midday, two the blizzard wind has slowed down, and three because as I've said for who know how many times, fresh air.' I re-told them.
'Ohhhh.' Meadow and Diana nodded understanding.
'The reason why I freaked out, because Diana had some sort of shadow illusion which, naturally it freaked the kid and me out. Snow and darkness are the worst combinations to scare people of.' I pointed at Diana. 'If you want to go hunting o whatever gathering, do it, but not near my windows nor my house where the moment I see it through the window I go full survival mode. Is that clear?' I asked.
Diana nodded. 'I-I won't do it again, I'm sorry.' She lowered her head.
Meadow patted her shoulder and nodded in agreement.
'Good.' I sighed more relieved. 'You know Diana, you should really start connecting with other humans. It might be scary because you are closer to immortality than me, but you are half-human and you need to embrace that.' I advised Diana. 'Otherwise, you'll never understand things you didn't know you needed before.' I turned around and finally entered inside and left them outside.
Liam cried for two whole hours while having a mental breakdown. He's traumatized now. Good job, Diana.
. . .
Next day. . .
'Happy birthday to you~.' I sang to Liam as there was two mini candles (pre-bought a few days before for the occasion) in a small cake of two same size bases, covered in vanilla buttercream, strawberry jam filling in the middle and the cake itself was made of chocolate. 'Happy birthday to you~!' I kissed Liam's cheek. 'Happy birthday dear Liam, happy birthday to you~!' I gave a kiss a track to his cheeks.
Liam giggled and smiled. 'Thank you!' He started to get his hand way too close to the cake.
'Now now, before eating it, you must make a wish and blow out the candles.' I informed him stopping his hand.
His eyes were wide at that. 'I can make a wish to the candles?!' He asked excited.
'Yes! It is said that your wish will be granted, as long as you don't say it out loud.' I told him. 'Not a lot of people know about it though.' I winked at him.
Liam giggled and then looked at the candles. He closed his eyes, made a wish for few seconds and then he opened them. 'There, I made wish!' He raised his hands in victory.
I clapped for him. 'Good job! Now blow them out.' I urged him softly.
Liam nodded and took a deep breath to then blow the two candles. 'I did it!' He exclaimed happily.
'Good job!' I cheered him on. 'Now. . .' I raised the knife. 'We get to feast!' I sliced the cake and gave Liam his first birthday cake. 'Enjoy!' I gave him a fork.
'Thank you!' Liam went on to devour his cake. 'Hmmmm! This is the best!!' He exclaimed.
I took out another piece and an apple sauce. The piece was for me and the mushy applesauce for the baby.
Liam soon asked for seconds, but I denied him that, he was still too little to get second cakes. 'How about if you save your second piece of cake for tomorrow?' I suggested.
Liam took two seconds to answer. 'Okay!' He licked his face.
I chuckled as I cleaned Liam's face and then took him to the presents. 'These are your gifts!' I exclaimed with excitement.
'WOW!!' Liam tickled his feet and wiggled his hands impatiently. 'All for me?!'
'All for you!' I kissed his cheek and let him run to the presents.
As he went to open his presents, I went to change baby girl's diaper.
As soon as I finished it I witnessed the trainwreck of wrap paper that had the gifts wrapped. 'Oh boy.' I sighed heavily.
'Mommy! Look!' Liam came and showed me what it seemed like a giant white moth plush. 'It's from Lottie!' Liam giggled and rubbed his faces against the fluffiness of the plush.
I smiled and sat on my rocking chair with the baby well fed and snuggling on me. 'That's lovely, sweetheart, what else?' I asked him.
'Here! Here!' Liam put the plushy in front of me and went to bring the other presents. 'This is from Charlie!!' He showed me a mini wooden wagon. 'I actually fit in it!' He climbed on and sat on it. 'Woo!' He was thriving.
'Hahaha! That's amazing, what else?' I asked him.
'Oh! Your present!' Liam recalled and quickly hopped off the wooden wagon and ran to show me the present I gave him. 'I-It's, It's a bow! A bow just for me!!' He was happy tapping with his feet.
He reminded me of a little penguin making a happy dance. 'Do you like it?' I asked.
'Yes! I like it a lot momma!!' Liam was squealing and laughing with his new toys.
I giggled with him as I saw through the window how the blizzard went full speed ahead once more.
The next day. . .
The blizzard has ended. For now.
I sighed of relief and went to do my responsibilities. That and then I went fully geared with Karga, Meadow, Diana, Ivy and Lady Willowlake and we all, together shoved the snow to make place for walking.
Thankfully, my main focus was the halfways outside of the doors, the outside stairs, patio and the area of the main gate.
It took about thirty minutes, which surprised me, but then I remember that I have an orc who helped us out and then it made sense.
'Well everybody, that was rough work! Thank you very much for the asistance!' I thanked the while shaking the snow off my dress. 'How about a hot drink? It's on the house!' I declared.
Everyone looked at me weirdly. 'On the house?' They asked at the same time.
I sighed. 'It means you don't have to pay for it this time.' I clarified to them.
'Wooooo!!' They all cheered.
Soon, they waited on the restaurant's lounge while I get them their drinks.
Willowlake decided to take the hot chocolate mint drink, Karga wanted her usual, Meadow decided to try a combined tea of lavender and mint, Diana took a plain hot chocolate, and Ivy took on heavy coffee without any sugar, milk or cream.
'Enjoy.' I told them and they got to chat about trivial things while I cleaned everything that was used for the drinks.
'Mommy, can I have a hot chocolate please?' Liam asked with puppy eyes.
'Sure, wait in the kid's area and I'll bring it to you.' I pointed to such area and he ran to it. 'Guess I better used the things I just cleaned then.' I sighed.
It was quick though, didn't have much science.
*Knock knock Knock* the door of the restaurant was knocked.
Meadow frowned and looked from where she was. 'Em, Miss Baker?' She called for me.
'I heard it!' I let her know poking my head from the kitchen door and saw a vaguely familiar face. 'Huh.' I went to the door and open it. 'Can I help you?' I asked.
'Em, hi! My name is Arion, and I got hired here as a dishwasher.' He presented himself with a small bow while shaking a bit. 'T-The letter s-said to come as soon as th-the bli-blizzard was over, so-so I ca-came.' The young boy explained with the letter in hand.
I sighed of frustration and relief at the same time. 'That right. I'm terribly sorry.' I let him enter.
'T-Thanks!' Then young boy entered and sighed of relief. 'I walked through town and immediately saw everybody getting ready to go to work, so, I-I thought I should do the same as them.' He added on.
'Oh I see.' I patted his shoulder. 'Don't worry young man, stay here for your shift and then I'll give you a ride home.' I promised.
'Oh nonono! It's fine.' The kid protested. It's only a part-time shift from nine to two o'clock, so I'll be going soon with the sun still sky high, I can handle it.' He promised. 'Also, my uncle has offered me a ride in his wagon if a lot of people need a ride from here to there, he shall let me know in the afternoon.'
Meadow and Diana sighed of relief at what they heard. They seemed at first tense to the idea of a little kid off on their own.
I also sighed of relief. 'If that's the case, then, I welcome you aboard.' I patted his shoulder. 'Let me show where to put your stuff and then show you the kitchen. As you have seen, there's not a lot of customers so there's not much for you to do right now.'
'I see, but I also applied as a cleaner, so if you need to do the bathroom I also can do it,.' He offered.
'That would be splendid, but, I would ask you for that as soon as the sun is up a bit more before that.' I pointed to the barely three quarters up from the horizon.
'Yeah you are right.' Arion nodded in agreement.
'Since it's your first day, I'll you have a free hot drink to warm you up, how does that sound?' I offered.
Arion was perplexed. 'I-I would not mind but. . .'
'Sit down, no one, unless it's probably another employee is most likely coming through that door.' I made him sit down. 'Also you are just a dishwasher, not a server or a cook, therefore, don't mind it that much. Unless you start seeing a pile of dishes forming on the sink try to relax okay?' I suggested while giving him the menu of drinks.
'O-Okay.' The kid took the menu and started to see what I had. '. . . Can I have a. . . Hot chocolate?' He asked.
'Be right back.' I smiled to him and quickly made him the hot chocolate. 'Arion, right? From your perspective, do you believe more employees will come?' I asked him.
'Oh most definetely.' Arion nodded taking a sip of his drink and moaned I delight. 'Even though it was predicted a heavy days-worth blizzard, many people still had the "great idea" of not gathering supplies, let alone save money for it, so I would not be surprised that most of the new and old employees were to come to gain some money due to that setback.' He gave his perspective looking a bit embarrassed. 'I admit I was one of those as well.'
I stifled a chuckle. 'Poor poor boy.' I patted his head. 'In that case. . .' I turned to see the apartment complex staff. 'Can you guys make me a favor?' I asked them.
'Do you want us to go to town to check how many people will probably come for food?' Meadow asked.
'If you guys are so kind.' I nodded to her.
'On it.' Meadow and Diana vanished in thin air while Karga stood up and made the floor tremble like an earthquake as she ran outside in the freezing cold.
Arion and I stared at those three. 'Don't they get cold?' He asked.
'Not really.' Ivy answered. 'High fae like fairies and strong warrior fae like orcs are one with nature, therefore they have high tolerance to extreme weather.' She explained.
'Ohhh.' The rest of us humans nodded.
'An you?' Arion asked.
'I'm a gnome. I may be a fae, but not a high fae. I don't have magic like a fairy or the size and muscles like an orc, plus the snow that covers the last practically traps my kind under the snow which m¿often makes us go into hibernation. Also, I'm more used to the hot weather than the cold weather.' Ivy answered.
'Oh, I see.' Arion nodded understanding. 'Thank si—'
'So much, Ivy!' I intervened before Arion offended the gnome. 'You are a very knowledgeable woman of your kind.' I gave Arion the indirect.
Arion gave a a wide side-eye and I gave him the side eye as well. He understandable. 'Y-Yeah. Thanks si-SO much, Miss Ivy!' He scratched his disimulating.
Ivy smiled brightly. Likely because she wasn't so used to being "identified" as a woman by the humans.
I patted Arion on the head as a praise and we both sighed of relief for the crisis adverted.
*Knock knock knock* The door was knocked once again. I turned to see what could either be customers or more employees due to having Ginevra and Agnes at the front. 'Oh boy.' I turned to see Arion. 'Go to the sink I'll give instructions soon.' I ordered.
Arion nodded and finished his drink to soon take his cup and the other cups that were left behind and took them to the kitchen.
As for myself, I opened the door to a bunch of employees who bothered to show up despite the cold.
'Okay everyone, thank you for coming despite the difficulties!' I thanked everyone who came.
'No! Thank you for opening today!' Agnes nodded to me. 'I made the mistake of skipping gathering supplies with no money savings!' She exclaimed as she warmed up. 'You have no idea how much I regret that now!' She cried of frustration.
'S-Same here!' Ginevra admitted.
'Yeah! Same! I wish I hadn't postponed that! Same! Me too!' The other employees nodded in agreement.
I was smiling and shaking my head at the same time. 'Well, since we are indeed getting things open, start organizing ourselves.' I declared. 'Let me show where you can put your winter gear and then show you where the work is done.' I guided them to a back door on the kitchen. 'Usually, I would prefer that you guys were to come from here so it's easier for you to leave your stuff and immediately access the kitchen. Although, I can make an exception knowing how the weather is outside.' I chuckled.
They all nodded understanding and affirming they are puttin attention.
'Once you all have left your things, follow me to the kitchen.' I motioned them to come to the kitchen with me. 'Agnes, Ginevra, guide the servers while I help the cooks and the bartenders to—'
The kitchen door opened and we saw Nathan and Orson coming through the door. 'Sorry for coming late Miss Baker!' Nathan apologize putting his gear away. 'The traffic was terrible! Since it's too cold, the traffic flags were nowhere to be seen and there's caos around.'
The other employees nodded to that.
'We almost got hit by a carriage who was skating through the black ice!' Nathan went on to explain almost as scared as he surely was back then. 'Fortunately, we survived and were able to make it.' He sighed of relief.
'Fortunately, we know better than to postpone the gathering of supplies, but we figured to attend since you need to train the new employees.' Orson added.
I sighed of relief. 'Thank you both. Now, since you are both here. Bartenders, Nathan will show you the way and how things are done here.' I pointed to Nathan and he quickly took the two bartenders whom we hired away. 'Agnes, Ginevra, please show the new servers the things that need to be done before we officially open.' I asked them.
Both nodded and guided the four new servers to prepare the table and brew the water for the drinks.
'The cleaners will be assisted by Miss Willowlake here.' I presented them with Lady Willowlake who took the two cleaners and show them how to use the tools to clean and take away the snow. 'The rest of you please, follow Orson and me when it comes to cooking, we will first teach how to do the different parts of the dishes little by little and then we will slowly let you take charge of the complete dishes if required. Okay?' I explained the process.
They all nodded.
'Good. Now, let me give you your new aprons.' I grabbed a box and took out an apron. 'Lady Jane?' I asked out loud.
The lady came forward and took it with a glee in her eyes.
I did the same thing for the other cooks. The cleaners, servers and bartenders were given a thing close to an apron. I gave the cleaners a broom and a cleaning apron with their names on it, the bartenders got to learn the tricks that I taught Nathan to do.
After a few minutes, some couples and families started to arrive as well as their orders.
It was show time.
At night. . .
"It was exhausting. Just when I was getting used to not having to do work, I have to work again. Oh well.
Surprisingly, nightly nine percent of the staff showed up for the work and made the day so much easier.
Of course, I reminded them that their checks came next Friday in order to encourage them to keep coming to work.
I also felt the need to close the restaurant a bit earlier due to both the cold and the sun setting by five p.m., I didn't want them to run into "wendigos."
And of course, I gave a little story (the same one I gave to Meadow and Diana) about the Wendigo and now. . . I feel like I've just unchained a great legend in the world. I feel like it's gonna bite me back in the ass, but I'll deal with it when the time comes.
Liam has been desiring of having the kids of families come and play with him and, as much as it pains me and fear, I think he told some of them about his birthday cake like it was the best thing in the world.
—> Note: Start teaching the staff the concept of birthday cakes just in case.
I also got started with the gingerbread houses and gingerbread families for the Seawright nobles. Since the cooks seemed to have almost everything under control (with Orson's help) for their first day on the job, I went on to make the gingerbread.
Of course, I only had time to put the necessary batter in their trays or bake before having to help in the kitchen and then go to save a cashier that was dealing with a Karen.
Because of the Karen situation, I noticed that the employees looked at me with respect and admiration, with is quite weird but I didn't question it either. Also, some new customers applaud me when I sent that Karen out of MY restaurant.
It was fun and weird at the same time.
On other news, the sales of the cocoa + mint drinks have been selling really well. The same goes for the packages of the gingerbread people.
That reminds me, I haven't really made the exact cost of the gingerbread houses, but I will wait for her letter for a "situation" that I made her promised to let me know. As soon as I finished receiving the letter, I'll send one back with an answer to that letter and the details about how the gingerbread houses are going."
I closed the book and took my kids to bed and me to sleep.