In mid-January. . .
'Day of romance?' Orson went into thought about it. 'Hmm. . . There is the week of love.' Orson told me.
'Can I have some insight about it?' I asked him.
'Well, I guess since you are from a far away town from the capital you don't really know it, but here in the city and villages close by, we celebrate the the week of love thanks to some old belief of the "seven types of love" back in the old ages.' Orson explained things to me.
'I see.' I nodded. 'Can I have more information about it? Maybe we can make a especial edition culinary foods and desserts for the occasion.' I suggested.
Orson thought about it and nodded smiling. 'That's a great idea!' He agreed. 'Well, it depends on the calendar, but we usually start the week on the closest Monday to the fourteenth of February.' He estarted to explain. 'For example, if the fourteenth happens to be on Friday, the week of love starts on Monday the tenth of February.'
I nodded understanding. 'I see, so what are the seven types of love?' I asked him.
'Oh! Right! Em. . .' He went into thought as he helped me restock. 'Well, it depends, but most of the time the fourteen of February is always the day of Eros: romantic and passionate love. Either before or after, the first love day would start with Philautia: Self-love. After that day, it would be Agape: Self-less love. Then, it would be Ludus: playful love. Next is, Philia: teamwork love. Then, it's Pragma: compatible yet unromantic love. Last but not least is Storge: Family love.' He finished counting them.
'Wow, no wonder it is so celebrated.' I smiled impressed.
'Well, it more popular among nobles than among commoners, probably another reason as to why you never heard of it.' Orson shrugged. 'While I support your ideas, and because you are my boss, I can only tell you to follow you gut as you have been doing for the past months, but let me tell you that such week is only practiced by rich and nobles, not commoners. Therefore, I warn you that the clientele might be less than before.' He warned.
I nodded to his warning. 'Thank you Orson, I'll take it into consideration.' I let him know.
'Thank you.' Orson nodded with a smile.
We then went back to restocking everything that it was needed for the next few weeks.
. . .
On the weekend. . .
I started to have ideas for the next seasons exclusive. Most of Orson's -baking knowledge was based around chocolate and cherry, which while helpful, it might be best to give some variety.
Hmm. . . I was in a tight position. I don't think I have the budget for big money things, but something nice like a lollipop or a especial edition candy could be nice. I started to draw some ideas with my own touch. If I can get myself a few heart shape molds, it could be useful to make heart shape cookies, chocolate and even lollipops! But where can I find a place that can make such commission? I wondered for myself as I took a brief look at baby girl.
Baby girl was about eight months now so she's now a crawling escapist. She pretty much always tries to escape but I always make sure to keep her entertained so she doesn't try to escape as much. Fortunately, the blocks she shares with Liam are a life savor.
'Mommy! New paper is here!' Liam ran with a roll of newspaper in hand. 'What are the news?! What are the news?!' He went jumpy as he exneted the newspaper to me.
I laughed a bit. 'You know, since we are outside the city, the interesting news only come about so long.' I reminded him.
'Yeah yeah! Maybe today is the day!' Liam hopped and hoped for it.
'Okay okay, settle down.' I made a hand gesture to indicate what I was asking. 'Please.' I added.
Liam obeyed and sat down in front of me.
'Very well.' I opened the newspaper. 'Let me check. . .' I read some titles but nothing of the sort. 'Hmm. . . It seems like there's nothing new today, Liam.' I closed the newspaper. 'Just the usual predicaments and the usual weather stuff.' I shrugged.
Liam pouted.
'Aw come on, Liam.' I took him on my arms and cuddled him. 'Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow.' I consoled him.
Liam nodded understanding and then hopped off my lap to play with his baby sister.
I watched them for a while before going back to get some ideas. 'Hmm. . . Maybe, some butter cookies with the glazing decorations like "I love you" with some commission admissions such as "I love mom" or "I love brother"?' I started writing getting myself and idea. 'They would be big cookies and the glazing should have gender colors as everyone likes it that way.' I murmured to myself.
I went on to murmure to myself all this new bright ideas for the upcoming season week.
After a few more hours, I went to check on how much goodies I could make for the day.
'Mm, not nearly as enough as I would like.' I murmured to myself and went to write a letter. 'I hope that Lady Seawright doesn't mind me sending for a favor.' I sighed a bit nervous.
As soon as I finished the letter I put it in the mail box and went inside.
At the end of January. . .
I received a letter from Lady Seawright.
"Dear Miss Baker,
Thank you for sending a letter, it is enjoyful to hear from a dear friend.
I want to tell you that your idea is incredible, you better expect us to visit during some of those days. I already talked to my husband and he thinks is a wonderful idea, and to please send some copies to share. I will have a tea party in a few days, so I can show off your offer and get you more noble and rich clients.
As for the trading goods, I know some reliable people and I willl attach some business cards with their mail addresses and reachable adresses for you. I hope that it helps you.
Marchioness of Seawright."
I sighed thankfut to Lady Seawright. I also felt a bit shy about her considering me a friend despite being different backgrounds and status. But hey! If she doesn't mind and her husband is not bothered by it either, then it's alright.
I quickly sent a thank you letter along with some copies to share right away. I could only send four due to the lack of space in the envelop, but since it's just a tea party, there shouldn't be a lot of people to show the envelops to.
As for the process of the desserts, I taught the staff some ideas and showed them the new mini menu plus posters.
"Dear rich and nobility! The love week is coming! Are you excited?! Well, you will be once you get these new items for youserlf and your loved ones!!
For each day of love week, we will sell an especial item for that especific day ONLY!! That's right, they are limited edition items only for this week!!
— Monday, 10th of February: Philautia day!!
The day of self-love and especial care for yourself, give yourself some sweetness with: Mini Cheesecakes!
— Tuesday, 11th of February: Agape day!!
The day of the selfless love is the especial day to give something to someone without receiving something in exchange! What better gift to your unconditional loved one than: white suggar cookies!!
— Wednesday, 12th of February: Ludus love!!
Your friends, kids and playmates shall love this day with all your might once you give them a: Cherry lollipop!!
— Thursday, 13th of February: Philia love!!
Today, your coworkers and teammates will most definetely thank you once you buy them: The Red velvet latte!!
— Friday, 14th of February: Eros Love!!
Anyone wanting to ask someone out but not having anything to offer? Or maybe you want give your date something especial but you don't know what? How about you give them these 3 options:
1)Chocolate covered marshmallows!
2)Cherry Chocolate milkshake!
— Saturday, 15th of February: Pragma love!!
Shy at starting a conversation with your date, give yourself and your date some courage with the: Strawberry and cherry cocktail!
— Sunday, 16th of February: Storge love!!
Invite both you immediate family and extended family to these two especial desserts for breakfast:
1) Red velvet pancakes!
2) Chocolate covered strawberries!
3) Chocolate covered Red velvet cake pops!
Remember, these items are limited to just on the day they have been seen in this poster, therefore you only have ONE chance in getting these precious items to both you and your loved ones!!
Quick you are running late!
Have a good love week!"
Since most of the staff were commoner background, they were skeptical. But those who grew up around high-class people, were pretty comfortable with the idea.
Although, the commoner background staff didn't mind it much due to just having to do this for a week and just and an especial item or two per day, no more no less. Therefore, they gave their green flag and prepared things for the launching of the posters and organized everyone to do their chores and see if we needed anything before hand.
And also, some of those high-class background people asked to have some posters and showed them around to gain more clients.
I didn't mind, after all, very few people will most probably attend, right?
I also sent some mail to the places that Seawright recommended in advance to request some food and baking supplies, especially sugar. Just in case.
February. . .
I made some samples for the staff to try out. While most were skeptical, they did try it out and they response was very good, except for one server, but it turns out they don't really like sweets things, therefore I got him to try the red velvet latte which had coffee and he had a better response for it, still sweet but no as much as the other candy or desserts.
'In that case, this Friday I shall teach how to make the things needed to be done and put the posters up for people to se.' I declared taking note of everything. 'I shall add to the posters the exact amount of things we will be capable to do for each day, so don't worry. Also, those who want to work during the weekend, shall receive extra en in their payment the week after love week. Does that sound good?' I turned to ask them.
Everyone nodded.
'Very well, in that case, let's cook!' I declared and everyone went to their posts as Agnes put the open/close board to open and let the people in.
. . .
Friday. . .
'Okay everyone! We are close and we need to be quick in sending those posters flying!' I took out the posters and gave them to the servers along with their payment. 'Here's you payment and a small bonus for putting up the posters.' I gave those things to them.
They gladly took the payment and went flying out the door.
The rest of the cooks and dishwashers stayed to help and the cleaners went to take a break.
It took a while, but the main thing I had to teach them was to make sure to get the right velvet color on the food and how to make lollipops.
Since we did not have any fresh strawberry and cherry for the cocktail, we had to use vegetable colorant, artificial cherry flavor and frozen strawberries (which thankfully taste like jam once they are unfrozen).
As for the chocolate covered marshmallow's, the process was easy but the amount of sugar almost killed a mid-aged cook by just looking at it. Not just because of his delicate diet, but also because the sugar will get lower and lower over time.
Thankfully, I was already thinking of going to buy sugar inside the city and might as well put up some flyers just to see how far things go.
Besides those mini issues, everyone quickly learned the things to be taught and then we cleaned up with the cleaners and dishwashers.
By seven at night, we had finally finished everything and I gave them the payment and left them go.
As for me, I took my babies upstairs, gave them dinner, a bath and then went to sleep.
The next day. . .
I woke up, did my daily routine with my kids and prepared them to go a ride plus shoved my way through all the snow with my employees from the apartment complex.
Which reminds me. . .
'Okay everyone! You know the drill!' I exclaimed as I extended my hand to them.
'Oww. . .' Everyone inside had hoped that I would forget. And I did, but it was their job to pay me on time. And since they didn't, not only they have to pay for January, but also for February in advance and pay a late fee of fifty coppers.
In short, they have to pay three hundred and fifty coppers now.
'Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. . .' I kept taking the money in silver, bronce and copper and saved at them. 'Thank you very much everyone, hope you've learned your lesson!' I told them with a cheerful smile.
'Yeah, we did.' Meadow pouted.
'Well, I'm pretty sure I added the fee detail in the pamphlet of the mini houses, didn't I?' I asked trying to make memory.
'Yes, but we hoped that in exchange of helping, you wouldn't add the fee for last month and let it slide.' Meadow admitted avoiding eye contact.
'Aw, you poor naive fairy.' I gave my condolesence. 'Why do you think I give my employees a reduced rent payment? The old librarian and mid-aged man have to pay me 250 coppers per month, you guys only have to do pay 150 coppers. The difference is huge!' I reminded them.
. . . . Nobody could argue with me after that.
'Hello.' The men who lived on the building arrived. 'We came to pay the rent in advance.' The old librarian told me as they raised the money.
'Wonderful!' I clapped and opened up my pouch once again. 'You may pay.' Both men pared their amounts and I Thanked them. 'You may leave.'
Both of them waved goodbye and returned to the safety and warmth of their homes.
'Well, if you can excuse me, I need to go and restock what is needed.' I made a slight bow to them and left.
I returned to the second floor where Liam and baby girl were playing and I scooped them up to then take them to my cart and wrap a warm blanket over them. 'Ready kid?!' I asked them and I hopped in my cart.
'Yeah!!' Liam exclaimed with baby girl making squeals.
'Here we go then!!' I made the horses ride and we left for the city.
. . .
In the city. . .
Traffic horrible, horrible people, but at least the store that keeps selling the things I need is pretty close to the great city's gate so I don't have to suffer a long time.
'Phew!' I took out the sweat of my forehead and tied my horse on light post. 'Finally.' I went to pick up my babies and we entered the a store called "Everyhaven" that looked more like a bakery than a an everything-sale shop.
Once inside, the place was warm and cozy. It was shelves and tables full of different kinds of goods which were being sold in. I was able to take a good look about the kind of place it was. As we roamed around, I could see the place was divided into various sections.
In front of the gate, there was the winter gear section, and once a bit further inside, the winter gear section become the clothing section. In the center there was a big circle to make space to look at everything which was prettty good. On the other side of the clothing section it was the shoe section, various shoes for women, men and children. Turn to my left, I could see two open doors to which a lot of people go in and out, I followed them and found the food heaven section. Pastries, baked goods, shelves full of different jars and baskets of spices and vegetables.
Everything was very well organized and the staff were being nice to everyone which was a good sign.
I soon came to see a pair of stairs going up and as soon as I turned my sight up, I saw that there were shelves all around them, which meant that there was a bookstore on the section floor.
'Wow.' We were all amazed.
'Hello dear new clients!' A person who had the store's uniform cam walking by and greeted us. 'New around here?' She asked.
'Em, yes and no.' I answered getting close to her. 'I have been in the city before, just, never entered the store before.' I admitted.
'Oh, that's okay. It's a bit hard to find it but once you enter this place, you will never want to leave!' The staff member promised me.
'Hahaha! Thank you.' I nodded to her. 'I actually sent a letter explaining that I needed some baking and cooking ingredients, especially more sugar, do you know if it was at least received?' I asked her.
The staff me,her thought about it. 'Well, I'm not really sure, a lot of businesses make deals with us, so one that doesn't especializes in that environment like me would find it hard to keep up with that.' She scratched her head. 'But I can guide to where you can find such information.'
'Yes, thank you' I nodded enthusiastically. 'By the way do you have a promotion board or something?' I asked her. 'I have some posters for the love week and—'
'Eh, sure. But you will have to ask permission to the supervisors for that one.' The staff became a bit uncomfortable at that. 'But while you find that information, I can go for a supervisor so he or she can talk to you about it.' She offered.
'That would be lovely.' I nodded to her.
She smiled but her smile faltered at something.
Something tells me that the supervisors will be hard to deal with. I sighed a bit nervous.
The staff member had me go to a clerk back to the giant circle straight ahead on the opposite side of the food section open doors.
'Good afternoon Jimmy.' The staff member greeted the clerk who seemed busy.
'Bad afternoon actually, Laila.' Jimmy the clerk looked up to her. 'The owner of the store has arrived.'
Laila the staff member shuddered a bit. 'Si-Since when?' She asked trying to hide her nervousness from me.
'Five minutes ago.' Jimmy answered and then he looked at me, this made him raise his eyebrows. 'L-Laila! Why didn't you tell there was a client here?!' He whispered with a not so low voice to Laila who then she looked at me a bit more nervous than usual.
'Hi! Is everything okay?' I asked worried.
'Nono! Don't worry about it!' Both made some excuse and the Laila left to do the other things I asked her.
Jimmy cleared up his throat and put his best smile. 'Sorry about that. Anything I can help you with?' He asked.
'Well, I sent a letter for an order under the name of Miss Baker.' I responded a bit uneasy. 'Do you know if it has arrived or anything? Because I haven't received a response so I got worried.' I explained my reasoning.
'Oh, I see em. . .' He went on to check a few documents. 'We. . . Apologize for that, sometimes the mail gets mixed up or we forget to check it later.' He chuckled nervously as he went on to find what he was looking for. 'Let see. . . Bakeries, shops. . . What kind of business do you hsve?'
'I have both a restaurant and a bakery.' I answered with honesty.
'Oh! That's nice! Bakeries are easier to maintain outside the city but restaurants are harder.' Jimmy noted.
'That's right, but I have managed just fine.' I answered nodding my head in agreement.
'The food you make must be really good then.' Jimmy opened s few files as he murmured that. 'Amerstine, Avorstone, Banner. . . Aha! Miss Baker!' He put the other files away. 'Let see, and order for vegetables, some pounds of meat, cherries, strawberries, and sugar?' He asked to check if the order was mine.
'Yes! That's it!' I nodded enthusiastically.
'Let's see, it was checked, which is good.' Jimmy pulled out the page and his smile wavered. 'Oh. . . That's why. . .'
I frowned. 'What's wrong?' I asked him.
'Well, to put it in a bit of context, the owner of this place isn't exactly. . . "Commoner friendly," to put it simply.' Jimmy answered not being able to look at me in the eye.
Not commoner friendly? I asked myself and then gasped when it clicked me. I frowned even more and got annoyed. 'Oh. . . That's why?' I murmured angrily.
Jimmy seemed to panic the. 'I truly apologized! If it was up to me—' I stopped him with my hand.
'It's not your fault. It was decision from the higher hierarchy. Not yours.' I assured him that I did not blamed him. 'Although, now I'm not exactly looking forward on meeting the supervisor.'
Jimmy's eyes widened. 'Just to ask, why do you want to meet a supervisor?' He asked.
'Well, I wanted to ask if I could put up some posters, but, seeing your and Miss Laila's reaction, I don't think it's going to go well.' I responded less enthusiastic now.
Jimmy nodded agreeing completely, then went to look over my shoulder and started to cover his face with the documents.
Oh boy. I turned around and saw how Laila was looking uncomfortable with an old man's hand in her shoulder with another mid-aged man's hand in her other shoudler.
'So, you are the lady who wants to put up posters?' The mid-aged stopped touching Miss Laila and went up to me and tried to touch me.
I slapped his hand out of my reach. 'That's right sir. I go by Baker, Miss baker for you.' I greeted him with my best cold demeanor.
The mid-aged man's smile wavered into an annoyed one. 'Eh, I see, sorry if I see you uncomfortable.' He apologized rubbing the hand I slapped away.
'No problem, unfortunately, your nearness is also pretty uncomfortable too, therefore I ask nicely to step away a few steps.' I asked with a serious tone.
The mid-aged man stepped away from me looking even more annoyed.
The old man stepped up. 'I'm the owner of this, seeing as you are being cold towards my supervisor here, can I ask what's the matter?' He asked with boredom on his voice and face.
'Well now that you ask, I came to check on the order I asked through a letter, but it seems that, due to my "common background," I was denied.' I made a pout. 'Which is a shame,' I took out my big pouch, 'because I was willing to pay with the fair price and now.' I slid some of the various coins of copper, bronce and silver for my order for everybody to see.
The staff, supervisor, the owner, and various clients were shocked at the amount of money I had.
'But again,' I put the money inside the pouch and closed it, 'I was denied due to me being a commoner, so. . .' I shrugged at them and gave them a bitter smile. 'Tough luck.' I took my kids away and went for the door.
'W-Wait, Miss Baker!' The mid-aged man tried to chase and even tried to pull by my shoulder. 'Maybe we can get to an agree—!!'
'Don NOT touch me, you insufferable female groper!!' I turned around with my foot raised and kicked his balls.
Everyone in the place winced at the sight of me leaving the man grabbing his balls and cursing at me.
'Let THIS be a lesson to everyone! If the owner and supervisors are willing to abuse their staff and deny clients due to their background, is it really a good place to be?! Not for me at the very least!!' I closed the door on my way out.
I quickly put the kids on the cart, untied the horses and sped away as soon as I got the chance and went further into the city.
I rided to the same place I got the same mall I got the old witch's spices from.
I went all the way to where it said "Vegetable and fruit shop."
I entered and went to the clerk. 'Hi! I'm Miss Baker, I sent a letter to this place requesting a big order.' I presented myself and my intentions here.
'Oh, I see. Let me check please.' The clerk asked as he went through some documents. 'Did Miss Baker asked for two pounds of cherries, two pounds of strawberries and four of vegetables?' He asked looking at me.
'That's right!' I nodded with a Smile.
'We have it right at the back, let me let them know you are here and those in charge will help storage your cart.' The clerk stood up and went to a door. 'Wait here for a moment, please.' He asked as he disappeared through a door.
My baby girl and Liam were getting restless, some took them around the shop to check everything out. Fortunately, they were becoming a bit more relaxed, so it didn't take more than a few minutes of explaining before returning and seeing four men with sacks on each arm. 'Hello!' I made my presence known. 'Sorry for disappearing, these little ones were wanting to know the store.' I chuckled a bit at the end.
'Oh don't worry, we just arrived as well.' The clerk reassured me. 'Let me make some calculations and then you can pay.' He took out some paper. 'Cherries per pound are twenty coppers, strawberries per pound are fifteen coppers, and vegetables are fifteen coppers as well. . .' He started to write the calculations on another piece of paper. 'So, to add it up. . .'
'Forty coppers for the cherry sacks, thirty coppers for the strawberry sacks, and sixty coppers for the vegetable sacks.' I answered and taking out the money from my pouch. 'Adding the forty coppers and the thirty coppers makes seventy coppers and adding that to the sixty coppers makes one hundred and thirty coppers in total.' I I fished calculating as well as I put the money on the clerk's counter. 'I pay with six bronce coins and and ten copper coins.' I ended with a smile.
The clerk and the men with the sacks looked shocked. The men looked to the clerk who went to add things up more quickly and the nodded slowly. 'Yeah. . Yeah, that's right.' He nodded and he took the money shyly. 'Wow, I didn't know women could make calculations like that.' He smiled blushing a bit.
'Well, you must be able to do so if you are the owner of a bakery, restaurant and housing complex.' I shrugged it off and ignored his sexist indirect. 'Come one boys, I shall show you where the cart is.' I motioned the men with the sacks and they quickly followed. 'Good day.' I said goodbye to the clerk and moved out of the place with he men behind me.
We quickly reached my cart and the put the sacks I payed for inside. 'There you go!' The last man said as he throwed the sacks inside. 'That should be it.' He shook his hands. 'Anything else we can help you with?' He asked.
I was taking money out of my pouch. 'Hm? Oh, no. That would be all.' I took the hand of the man. 'This is for the help.' I gave him five coppers. Then I turned to the rest and gave them five coppers too. 'Have a nice day!' I put the kids inside the cart and prepared my horses to then ride out.
I left hoping to have made a good impression.
. . .
An hour of traffic later. . .
I stopped at what it looked like a Victorian shop with a board on top that it read: "Savory Bliss."
I made the routine of tying the horses, taking my kids inside and saw a pretty humble get rich items full of vegetables, fruits, meat and other things.
It was clear that these people were professional. Yet, the first store was just as professional on the outside yet it was as unprofessional as an old shoe with a hole on the sole. I reminded myself and brought my me and my ids to the clerk who was checking some documents. 'Hello! I'm Miss baker, I sent a request to order some items through mail and I came to see if I can pick them up.' I presented myself and explained my reasons for coming.
The clerk nodded to my words without looking at me and then went to check something on some files. 'One moment please.' She asked.
'Take your time.' I told her as I was staring everything else. 'It's beautiful here.'
'It sure is.' The clerk called my attention once more. 'Can you tell me what were your good items again?' She asked while looking at a paper.
'Oh, well, my items were. . . One kilogram of vegetables, one kilogram of potatoes, two kilograms of beef, one kilogram of pork and half kilogram of chicken.' I counted remembering what else I ordered. 'I also, ordered ten littlers of milk, four kilograms of cherries and four of strawberries, and last but not least, twelve kilograms of sugar.' I responded.
The clerk was looking through the list and nodded. 'Very well, you are Miss Baker, please follow me.' She sat up and motioned me to follow me.
I raised my eyebrow to that distrust from the start, but then I thought about it and then I got the point of it. If you don't know the real face, voice and personality of the client, you can be impersonated by someone else and they steal from you and give you a bad "first impression." I nodded to that. It might be a good idea, to apply that at the bakery, especially starting from Monday.
I followed to the warehouse and then found myself in some sort of magic greenhouse that helped produce fruits and vegetables in every sort of way possible.
'Please bring the order M1SS 84K5R!!' The clerk exclaimed tot he crowns.
'Coming!!' A voice far from us told us.
After a few moments, a bunch of even stronger men came holding the sacks, meat and litters I asked for.
'Please follow me to the counter.' The clerk ordered us as she motioned us back to the shop and then to the counter. 'Here's the drill, each kilogram resembles twenty hours of work, or twenty pounds worth of food.' She told me as she went into serious mode.
'I understand.' I nodded taking my pouch out.
'Good. Because that means that each kilogram costs three hundred coppers.' The clerk stated to make calculations on a piece of paper. 'The costs of each group of items would mean—'
'There hundred coppers for each sack. Three hundred for veggies, potatoes and pork. That equals to nine hundred coppers.' I took out the money. 'I'll pay that part with three silver coins and three bronce coins.' I gave the money to her.
All of them were gawking at me. Hahahahaha!! That never gets old! I laughed on the inside. 'The two kilograms of beef are worth six hundred coppers and half kilogram of chicken is worth half of the three hundred coppers which makes one hundred and fifty coppers.' I added on. 'That makes seventy and fifty coppers in total. I'll pay that part with three silver coins.' I put on the counter.
The clerk was trying to follow my speed although she wasn't as quick as me.
'As for the four kilograms of cherries and four kilograms of the strawberries, both make one thousand and two hundred coppers in total per four kilos, which if I multiply it by two, it makes two thousand and four hundred coppers in total for the eight kilograms.' I kept taking as I counted the coins. 'I pay that part with nine silver coins, and three bronce coins.' I took a deep breath and carried on. 'As for the twelve kilograms of sugar multiplied by the three hundred coppers equals three thousand six hundred copper coins. I shall pay the sugar with fourteen silver coins and two bronce coins.' I put all the money on the counter.
The clerk gulped down as she stared at me.
'Ehe. . . So, how much for the milk? Because, I don't think you have mention the worth per litter.' I reminded her.
The clerk was in shock but then she cleared her throat. 'Em, well, you see, each litter costs six coppers and seventy-five cents.' She informed me.
I nodded and started to make calculations in my head. 'In that case, six point seventy-five times ten littlers equals to. . . Sixty-seven point fifty coppers.' I declared taking out the money and placing it on the counter. 'I'll pay that in full copper coins.' I declared.
The clerk took all the money, counted it and nodded to the men to follow me outside.
As I walked with my kids and the men behind me, I think I head one of them snickered or something.
But oh well. Not my problem.
Fortunately, before leaving, I left three posters on an advertisement board. One to advertise my restaurant and bakery entirely, one for the love week, and one for the apartment complex.
Hopefully, this week will bring me A LOT of money!