After completing the request, Kim Ihyeon and his group hurriedly returned to the city.
First, we rescued Sarah Putty, and then we relayed the location of the infected group to the security forces. We also relayed all the information that most of them were missing people who had gone missing during the cleanup operation.
As a result, a total of 42 infected people were confirmed. Some may have escaped while the security forces arrived, but the 42 people obediently followed the security forces' control.
Although Kujak had a ferocious personality, he was a leader who boasted a firm position within the group. It would be difficult to survive by wandering outside the city without a leader.
'There must have been a desire deep down to return.'
If you compare it with the information of the citizens, you will be able to figure out the truth. The police are not a bloodthirsty bunch. If their innocence is proven, you can expect at least a minimum of mercy.
Of course, this is only the minimum.
Returning to the city after being infected was something that was out of the question. There would be a huge gap between the 'mercy' that the infected desired and the 'mercy' that the police gave - but that was none of Kim Yi-hyun's concern.
At the end of the long story, Kabak let out a deep sigh.
"I see."
Kabak's eyes were once again covered in dark shadows. It was a sign of an all-nighter. He had heard the news of a cluster of infected people just before he left work, and since then he has not been able to return home.
When things were somewhat sorted out, Kabak met with Kim Ihyeon separately.
The details of the incident were already known through the statements of the infected and Dustborn's report. However, I chose to work overtime voluntarily in order to hear it again from the person who directly resolved it.
"It's good that you came. It's definitely different from seeing an electronic file in person."
"After all, there are things that cannot be included in official documents."
"Thank you for your hard work."
Even though he smiled faintly, his expression quickly became serious.
"As you know, the only problem that has been resolved is the 'missing person case'. There are bigger, but by no means small, problems that remain. Even the treatment of the infected must be a headache."
"This time it's your turn to suffer."
"Haha, the people above me have it harder than me."
The moment he was handed over to the police, Dustborne's role was over.
If you decide to intervene, there is nothing you can't do, but your relationship with the National Assembly or the police will become a bit awkward. There is no obligation to help them even at the risk of suffering losses.
'I don't think I would make a different decision.'
The human rights of the infected cannot take precedence over the defense of the city.
"I think it'll probably be something like supporting life outside the city. I can probably provide them with food, daily necessities, and medicine. It would also be good if they could contact their families through the security forces."
"세간에 공개됐다간 성가시겠습니다. 인권 단체라든지."
"예. 최대한 조용하게 넘어가고 싶습니다만 쉽지는 않아 보입니다."
"잘 됐으면 좋겠네요."
처분을 택하지 않았다는 것만으로도 큰 도전이다.
어찌 굴러가건 김이현은 의회의 판단을 믿기로 정했다.
"그리고 다음 안건입니다."
카벡이 태블릿을 조작하자 여러 인물의 신상정보가 표시됐다.
"정화조에 참여한 이력이 있는 시민들을 전부 조사했습니다. 수상한 정황이 다수 발견됐고요. 예를 들면 여기, 헨리 케네스의 계좌에 500만 크레딧이 입금됐습니다."
"길 가다가 주웠다기에는 좀 많군요."
"예. 시기가 맞는 근로 이력 역시 없습니다."
화면을 슬라이드함에 따라 다른 자료가 나타났다.
이번에는 사진이었다. 화상에는 손바닥의 절반도 되지 않는 사이즈의 플라스틱병이 찍혀 있었다. 유충이 담긴 병을 보자마자 김이현의 눈매가 찌푸려졌다.
"어떻게 찾았습니까?"
"수많은 분이 밤낮없이 노력해 주신 덕분이죠. 평소 헨리 케네스의 동선을 따라 CCTV 영상을 닥치는 대로 뒤지고, 당시로 거슬러 올라가 추적한 끝에 구매자를 특정할 수 있었습니다."
김이현은 감탄하다 못해 조금 황당할 지경이었다. 불과 닷새도 안 되어 조사가 여기까지 진전됐다니. 도대체 얼마나 사람을 굴렸길래.
'별수 없긴 하지. 원체 심각한 사태이니.'
불특정다수의 눈물겨운 희생이 커다란 성과를 거뒀다.
카벡이 다시 한번 화면을 밀어 한 남자의 신상정보를 보여줬다.
"이름은 세르히오 카멜로. 시민증이 발급된 시기는 작년 12월입니다. 입국한 지 반년도 되지 않았죠. 처음부터 어떤 목적을 가지고 왔을 가능성이 크다고 보고 있습니다."
어젯밤에 막 체포해 심문이 진행 중이라는 얘기였다. 대단히 일이 빠르다. 카벡이 사무실에 방문한 목적은 경과를 알려주기 위함이기도 한 모양이었다.
하지만 한 가지.
김이현은 카벡도 채 모르는 정보를 알고 있었다.
'똑같은 가명을 쓰는군.'
세르히오 카멜로는 게임에서도 등장했었던 녀석이었다. 단적으로 설명하자면 레기온의 잔당. 레기온이 붕괴한 뒤 후반부에서 나오는 캐릭터이니 시기도 얼추 맞아떨어진다.
'킬리키아를 노릴 줄이야.'
의외라는 감상도 한순간뿐이었다.
'레기온이 본격적으로 고꾸라지기 시작한 지점이 킬리키아였으니까.'
섀도어의 죽음은 아직도 진상이 알려지지 않았다. 워낙 객지에서 뜬금없이 죽어버린지라. 뭣보다 메트로시티 전투에 비하면 중요성이 현격히 떨어졌다.
더군다나 랩보다는 킬리키아가 공격하기 편할 터였다.
랩은 망국의 영토에서 고립된 채 생활하고 있다. 강력한 군대를 동원하면 한순간에 무너지더라도, 뒤집어 말하면 그밖에는 찌를 구석이 거의 없다는 뜻.
여러 이유로 킬리키아는 타겟이 되기에 제격인 장소였다.
'세르히오를 신경 쓸 필요는 없어 보이네.'
체포됐다고 하니 내버려 두면 될 듯했다. 알아둬야 할 부분은 레기온의 잔당이 킬리키아에 숨어 있다는 것. 그리고 유충으로 무언가를 획책하고 있다는 것.
"조사는 이대로 진행할 예정입니다. 다만 과정 중에 문제가 발생할 시에는…."
"언제든 말해주셔도 좋습니다. 성심껏 협력하기로 하죠."
"번번이 감사합니다. 이거 벌써 든든하군요."
빈말이 아닌지 카벡의 낯에 미소가 번졌다. 여전히 피로가 가득한 얼굴이었으나 묘하게도 평소보다 분위기가 있었다. 상처가 군인의 훈장으로 여겨지듯이.
저 피로한 몰골이 공무원의 훈장인 것이다....
* * *
얼마 후 후일담을 들을 수 있었다.
"정신병동으로 보냈어요."
며칠간 때아닌 휴가를 보낸 첼시가 출근하자마자 전한 한마디였다. 앞뒤가 죄다 생략되어 있었지만 맥락을 파악하기가 어렵지는 않았다.
"젬마 퍼티 말이지. 어땠어?"
"그냥 여전했죠. 징글맞은 인간 같으니라고."
평소와 별반 다르지 않은 투덜거리는 말투였다.
그러나 '여전했다'라는 말에는 얼마나 많은 의미가 함축되어 있을까. 사정을 전부 아는 김이현도 감히 첼시의 심경을 완전히 이해한다고는 말할 수 없었다.
다만 상황을 짐작해 볼 따름이다.
첼시는 브랜든의 사망을 알린다. 믿으려 하지 않는 젬마에게 계속해서 일련의 흐름을 설명한다. 그제야 진실이라고 받아들인 젬마는 책임소재를 첼시에게 돌린다.
딸을 조금도 아끼지 않는 젬마가 어떤 말들을 지껄였을지 대충 예상이 간다. 원색적인 비난이 따랐을 터였다. 어미에게 아무런 기대도 없던 첼시가 또 상처받을 정도의.
얼마나 독하고, 얼마나 광적이었을까.
"내가 무슨 수작을 부릴 필요도 없이 앞으로 평생 못 나올 거예요. 원래부터 제정신이 아니었는데 더 심해진 것 같거든. 벽에 똥칠하면서 살지 않겠어요?"
쌤통이라고 이죽거리는 태도에는 힘이 없었다. 첼시는 자신을 빤히 쳐다보는 김이현의 모습에 쓴웃음을 머금었다. 치부를 드러낸 듯해 부끄러울 따름이었다.
"아, 이래서 싫었는데. 괜히 동정하고 그러지 마요."
"아니, 동정이라기보다는, 음."
"아니면 뭐요? 왜 자꾸 그렇게 봐."
김이현이 볼을 긁적거리며 입을 열었다.
"이번 일로 번아웃이라도 왔으면 곤란하겠다, 뭐 그런…."
"이런 미친 사람이."
실제로 걱정은 했다는 모양이다.
혹시라도 일을 그만두지 않을까에 대한 걱정.
"진짜 명불허전이네. 이 와중에 그딴 생각이 난다고요?"
"인마. 네가 우리 회사 기둥이잖아. 총 쏘는 거야 말해봤자 입만 아프고, 어? 너도 잘 알다시피 애들이 좀 모자란 구석이 있으니까 너 같은 사람이 절실하다고."
평소 칭찬이 박한 사장의 칭찬 세례. 도끼눈을 뜨고 째려보던 첼시의 눈매에서 힘이 풀려갔다. 팔짱을 끼고서 고심하던 그녀가 머리를 끄덕거렸다.
"뭐. 내가 이 회사에 중요하긴 하지...."
"그렇다니까. 너 없으면 회사 망해."
물론 아니다.
If Chelsea leaves, it will be a big blow. However, the company will not collapse just because one fighter leaves. Even if Kim Hyun leaves, the company will continue as long as Echidna is there.
There is a high possibility that both its personality and purpose will change 180 degrees from now. In any case, Dustborn has grown too large to be destroyed by one person.
It's something that everyone knows.
"Right, I didn't ask that. How is it with your little brother?"
"I'm somewhat stable now. At first, there was no crying or making a fuss."
It seemed like he was trying to change the subject, but Chelsea responded without saying anything.
"The results of the detailed examination weren't terribly bad either. There are some growth retardation due to malnutrition and bruises here and there, but... I'm glad I didn't get a fatal disease."
He clicked his tongue as he spoke. A skinny body and old scars. It was also revealed through counseling that he had been subjected to continuous gaslighting. These were wounds that he had received from inside the city, not outside.
Sarah was a sort of retirement plan for the Puttys. This time, it seemed like they had planted several psychological devices in her to prevent her from rebelling like Chelsea.
"Time will tell, I think."
"Okay. If it's hard to take care of them, bring them to the company."
As a result, Chelsea has taken responsibility for Sarah. She has a new family after abandoning her family early on. What kind of relationship will develop in the future is entirely up to them.
"You both should live well from now on as if you've worked hard enough. "
"I've been thinking about this lately, what does it mean to live well?"
"Ugh. Burnout, as expected...."
"Hey, don't do that. Seriously. I warned you."
Kim Lee Hyun smiled brightly.
"What's the big deal? If you don't starve, are recognized at work, and live in a house with good heating and cooling, then that's a good life. It's optional, but if you meet the right person, you can start a family."
"None of it is easy."
"Don't worry. I can take care of most of it."
"...Krrr! Gulp, thud!"
Chelsea coughed as she heard the sound of the sound. Can you take responsibility for it? Even marrying the person you like? If you distort it a little and make a leap, it becomes nothing more than a plot.
"What's wrong? Give me some water?"
"…No. It's okay."
Naturally, Kim Yi-hyun didn't seem to have any intention of doing that. Chelsea, who was watching his reaction closely, let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to film a soap opera at work.
After the conversation was settled, Kim Yi-Hyeon called together the main members of Dustborne.
It was because of Chelsea's insistence on telling the truth. This request was far-fetched in many ways, if you take away the relationship between Chelsea and the client. Even without that, Echidna was already expressing doubts.
In addition, when things get busy, I plan to bring Sarah to the office. I will have her wait in the break room so as not to disturb her work, but it would be easier to explain it to her.
At the end of her long story, Chelsea said:
"That's why I liked being called Owl. It wasn't a name given to me by someone else."
In the midst of the silence, not knowing how to react.
"If it wasn't made by someone else, then."
Kim Lee-hyun, who couldn't stand it any longer, asked.
"So, you came up with the name yourself and named it Lee Min-gi?"
Chelsea's ears turned bright red as she came out without realizing it.