The Dead's warning

At the end of the day, the trio decided to split up.

Eliana went to the library. Niveus decided to visit the Global Alliance's branch. And Alphonso walked around the city.

Initially, Alphonso was about to go to the Alliance's building, but he changed his mind.

It was not like Alphonso changed his mind because of Niveus. It was because he caught a glimpse in the corner of his eyes.

Whatever that was, Alphonso was determined to find it out.

Alphonso walked down the street, appearing as normal as possible, like most travelers passing by in the city due to the problems the Warp Station had.

Funnily, unlike the other travelers, Alphonso looked more like an easy target because of his smaller stature.

That was understandable since he was still young. Moreover, Alphonso wasn't a fighter type. And even though he looked like someone who couldn't do anything, Alphonso was actually smart. Very smart.

Not one who could be a top student in school and score first place in everything, but a different kind of intelligence. It was something he acquired from experiences despite being so young.

As he walked from stall to stall in the market street, someone bumped into him. Alphonso knew clearly it was a thief, but he didn't catch them, instead, he followed the thief secretly after marking them with his Perk.

Although the thief ran fast, Alphonso wouldn't have to worry as he only needed to follow the light mark.

Then, as he turned a corner, Alphonso saw the thief standing still. They had run into a dead end, trapped like a rat. They couldn't run anywhere.

...or so he thought.

When he was about to speak, the thief's voice made him petrified. It wasn't a spell or a skill.


What made him freeze was their voice, and how they called him.

The thief turned around, staring at Alphonso.

At that moment, Alphonso felt his heart sink as if sucked by the void.

"Long time no see. How are you?" the thief continued.

Alphonso faltered, his legs barely holding up his body as he stared at the figure before him.


The name echoed in his thoughts, bringing with it a flood of memories—memories he had long buried, convinced that he would never see her again.

Cassie, his childhood friend, had died years ago. He had been there, had seen her lifeless body, witnessing her death with his own eyes. Yet here she was, standing before him, looking just as he remembered—completely the same without anything changing.

As if...

Alphonso chuckled as he rubbed his temple. But then, the laughter began to change, growing louder and more erratic like a crazed person's laugh.

'How dare they... this impersonator..."

Stopping laughing altogether, Alphonso glared at the impersonator sharply, one that could bore a hole within someone's head.

"You fucker... you dare used your cheap trick to me?"

Alphonso stepped forward, closing in on the thief.

Meanwhile, the thief remained still in their place.

"Not only did you steal my stuff but also tricked me with something like this? How bold of you."

It was still daylight.

Despite having magnificent resources to use his Boon, Alphonso couldn't make use of them because of the location.

The alley was flanked by two tall buildings, casting shadows instead of sunlight.

Whatever Boons—be it [Light Manifestation] or [Radiance]—Alphonso used, even if he materialized it in the sky, it couldn't penetrate the alley. Once the materialized light hit the shadow, it would perish.

Although knowing he couldn't use his skill, Alphonso kept walking toward the thief.

As their distance was a few steps away, Alphonso lunged at the thief.

"I'll kill you!!"

The thief sidestepped and grabbed Alphonso's wrist, pulling and pinning him down to the cold floor in a swift sequence.

"I see you're fine and still energetic. And you coped better than I thought. You really have grown up, huh, Al?"

Struggling against the thief's grip, Alphonso growled through gritted teeth.

"This fucker... I'll make sure you regret this."

The thief didn't respond immediately. Instead, they leaned in closer, their breath warm against Alphonso's ear.

"But you are still losing your rationality whenever it comes to me."

They pulled away, hands and body still pinning Alphonso down.

"Remember when we were running away that day, trying to escape the hell together?" They paused for a moment, letting their words seep in.

"Who the f*ck are you...?"

Ignoring Alphonso's question, they continued.

"But you just had to get provoked by him. In that difficult situation, it was clear we couldn't escape. But I suddenly had an idea. Do you know what that was?"

Without waiting for an answer, the thief let out a soft smile.

"Yes. I sacrificed myself so you can escape. And I never regretted it even until now. I was foolish, I know. But I'd still do that even if the time reset," they leaned in closer again. "So, don't blame yourself."

Alphonso's eyes widened as the words sank in.

A few moments later, he finally spoke, "What... are you?"

The thief only smiled at him. Then, when they spoke, "I am what I am. But remember this, Al. Chaos will fall upon this world soon. On the day of the competition, you should—" their nose and mouth bled.

Alphonso blinked, confusion swirling in his eyes. "What... are you talking about? No, wait! Are you really Cassie...?"

The thief—no, Cassie—eased her grip on him. She stared down at him, her eyes softening for a brief moment. She didn't say anything. Only a sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Don't forget it."

Before Alphonso could say anything, Cassie abruptly released him and stepped back. The cold emptiness of the alley seemed to rush back in, filling the space where she had been.

"Wait! Hey!"

Alphonso scrambled to his feet, reaching out for her.

But Cassie was already moving, her form dissolving into mist before his very eyes.

Alphonso stood there, frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest. His thoughts were a chaotic mess of anger, confusion, and heartache.

As the mist cleared, Alphonso noticed something on the ground where Cassie had stood.

His pouch—the one she had stolen—lay there, untouched. But as he reached for it, he realized it was lighter than before. The money he had saved had gone.

But Alphonso couldn't care less. Because, fortunately, the important item to him was still there.

He took the small hourglass from the pouch and looked at it for a long time. Then, he clenched it in his palm, but it didn't break.

'Cassie... If that's really you... I will...'

Sighing, Alphonso shook his head and returned to the main street once he felt the light mark had been canceled.

However, before it completely disappeared, Alphonso had seen it briefly far to the east.

'Vyrmoria, huh...'