
Davis ordered one of the maids to bring articles of clothing for Nicole, she can't keep wearing his shirt forever. So instead, she now wears a pale yellow dress. She gave him back the red dress and shoes, and now, she is sitting on the bed, resuming her reading as if nothing happened.

Davis knows he shouldn't bring himself to go out of his room and face Madilyn again. It will be much too awkward for him. But he can't just stare at Nicole like a creep. He makes his way to his book shelves, hoping he will find a book that will distract him from his environment. And Nicole was watching every step he makes while choosing a book. Davis's slender fingers enveloped a book with a bright silver cover. He makes his way to the bed, but when he makes eye contact with Nicole, he turned and instead sat on his armchair in the corner.

In only a few seconds, he dived into the book and no longer paid attention to his surroundings. Nicole's eyes inspected him up and down. His whole body was covered, even his neck with a scarf and his hands with gloves. The room wasn't even cold. 'Pretty sure he'll cover his face if he could' Nicole thought with a giggle. The prince heard her and looked up from his book.

"Something funny?" He asked, knowing very well the book she is holding had no humour at all. Nicole's lips lifted upwards.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that you dress like a witch." Nicole snickers, making Davis frown.

"I have my own reasons, Esclave." Davis spat, calling her a 'slave' in French. Nicole rose an eyebrow and looked deep into his eyes. A few seconds passed before she spoke.

"I don't know you much, but just looking at you I can see your empty and broken-hearted, my prince." Now that caught Davis off guard. Before he could ask of what she was talking about, she continued.

"Your mother and father want you to grow up to be the perfect king, it might have been something in the past of something your family. They don't mind your feelings, your disastrous excuses, either. They not care that you find it...barbaric to drink blood or feed on us, human beings. Which is quite sad for you, an attractive and young vampire prince! And you, I can see you went through a lot when you were only a very young child! You fell in love when you were only twelve! Pathetic and sad, really." Nicole didn't notice, but Davis felt his heart squeeze in pain, his eyes about to release tears and roll down his cheeks. His head was hanging low, and she continued to insult him.

"And now you have no hopes for love or anything else! And for the rest of your short, sad life, you will feel bad about your self. I can't believe you call yourself a prince! Or a vampire even! If you ever became king, you'll be a horrible one for sure, a revolution will begin and the whole country will be against you! And Madilyn? Oh dear, obviously she likes you! But I'm sure, I'm sure, is she ever got closer than she already is to you, she'll regret even greeting you a 'hello'. You are only a worthless, broken-hearted, empty and angry tiny kitten."

Nicole smirked at him, knowing he was about to have a break down. Which is good for Nicole, making your victim more depressive them they already are is an easy way to get close to them and stab!