Astrid entered the mansion and was immediately struck by the number of people present. 

Almost the entire family was there, except for Julian, who had just dropped her off. 

Astrid's eyes scanned the room, taking in the sea of faces, it was weird how she had always thought of the people who presented her as high-class people only for them to now be of her family.

She was still trying to take in the appearance of the people present until her eyes met with Josh, her stepmom, and Nadine.

Nadine and Mattie exchanged conversation like that of close friends and she can't help but smirk, they both fit themselves.

But before she could even process what was happening, Tonia's angry voice cut through the air. 

"You are late," Tonia snapped, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "How could you be so nonchalant about time?"

Astrid felt embarrassed at this and quickly apologized, but Tonia seemed determined to take it further.