The day of Josh's funeral had finally arrived, and the atmosphere was somber and mournful.
The funeral home was packed with friends, family, and acquaintances who had come to pay their respects to the deceased.
Nadine and Leila were visibly distraught, their eyes red and puffy from crying. They sat in the front row, surrounded by flowers and condolences from well-wishers.
Just then the Adams, Tonia, Miles, and Zach made their way to the front to greet the family.
"Our condolences," She let out and Leila could only nod her head at this.
Miles and Zach also offered their condolences and respect, and Leila, though emotional, managed to thank them for coming. Nadine, on the other hand, seemed too lost in her grief to respond.
As the ceremony began, Donald Gilbert walked in and took a seat in the back not after the great respect sent his way.