Chapter 2

Blue Star

The spacecraft drops me off at the spaceport and takes off toward the sky.

"Let's go, Sebastian."

We descended from the spaceport and entered the privileged queue.

But the guards intervened, blocking our path and preventing us from heading home.

Was this a communication error?

Sebastian set down the luggage and spoke with the soldiers, showing the Graal family insignia before his face turned grim.

"What's happening?"

Sebastian turned to me.

"Count Christo has used his authority to restrict your power, young master."

The situation is bad.

Blue Star is home to ten billion humans, and under my authority are several noble houses, including Count Christo.

"Is this a rebellion?"

If it's not a rebellion, then a restriction of my power would be the right term.

"Can I at least enter my home?"

The soldiers exchanged glances, checked their wrist devices, and nodded.

"The authorities have granted permission."

Orders from the authorities.

Count Christo must have been informed of our arrival by the soldiers stationed at the spaceport.

Then, we entered my miserable home.

"Why are you following me?"

The soldiers stood behind me, motionless. Mere soldiers.

"These are orders from above."

So, you want to play games with me?

"Oh? So Count Christo's orders take precedence over those of the Morbel Federation?"


Continuing on.

"Should I take it that way?"

I adopted a serious tone, exuding presence.

"I'm here with the authority granted by the Federation. I'll ask again: is this a rebellion against the Morbel Federation?"

The soldiers were confused.

Should they follow their orders or obey mine?

And then…

Suddenly, a figure appeared—a broad chest, slumped shoulders, and a sly expression.

It was Count Christo.

"Oh, isn't it the young master Leon?"

"You know me."

"Of course! Who wouldn't know the lord of this place? The young master who received no talent during the ceremony!"

My expression darkened.

Had the news already reached the planet?

Or had some rats infiltrated?

The second situation seemed likely.

I nodded, mentally cursing that wretched face.

Even a pig would look more dignified.

"Count Christo, you're clearly overstepping the powers granted by House Graal."

"Overstepping? I'm simply following the law of the strongest, my lord!"

I regret my parents' past actions.

Due to the curse, our family has been slowly declining, allowing Count Christo to take control of many territories, leading to rebellion.

Count Christo laughed.

My brow furrowed as I heard the murmurs of some servants, soldiers, and others.

Half of House Graal's subjects, military power, and officials had turned traitor, now serving Count Christo.

The rest either hesitated or remained loyal to House Graal.

This was a dire situation for me.

"Young master, you should step aside, as you've done for years. Let me handle Blue Star."

I laughed at his words.

"Let a mere subordinate take my place? That's quite the poor joke."

Count Christo shook his head and left the miserable mansion, leaving these parting words:

"The end of House Graal is near."

The traitorous soldiers followed Count Christo, leaving only Sebastian and me.

Sebastian hurried toward me.

"Young master! We need to find a solution before the situation becomes irreversible!"

Sebastian was a loyalist from my parents' generation, placing his trust in House Graal, and for that, I was grateful.

"Thank you for your service, Sebastian."

"Please, don't say that, young master!"

Sebastian looked worried and offered a few solutions.

"Contact other noble houses, hire mercenaries…"

Those were good ideas, but…

"Contact other noble houses? We've lost touch for years. And after my poor showing at the ceremony, it would be a miracle if anyone responded."

I continued.

"And mercenaries aren't loyal. They could easily turn against us, like a double-edged sword."

Sebastian lowered his head.

"I'm ashamed of myself!"

I shook my head.

"It's fine."

Sebastian tilted his head.


"Yes. Gather the loyalists and count how many traitors have fallen under Count Christo's command."

We must first secure the important zones of Blue Star before taking any action.

Loyalists will be rewarded with the carrot, but those who abandon House Graal should face the stick!

"Understood, I'll follow your orders, young master."

Hearing Sebastian walk away from my room, I collapsed onto my bed, staring at the white ceiling above me.

"The situation is really bad."

I murmured without thinking.

I had no solution in mind, pretending only to deceive Sebastian and buy myself some time.

However, there was a limit.


I'll use my trump card.

I looked at the small envelope in my right hand.


**Stallone House**

"Young mistress, we've received a message."

"A noble house? Put it on hold. If it's not important, disregard it."

Alise was managing most of the administrative tasks for one of the Stallone family's secondary planets.

She was very busy, as this task was her chance to prove her abilities.

"But it's from House Graal."

House Graal?

Alise Stallone grew curious.

"Give it to me."

She stopped writing and looked at the small envelope in her butler's hands.

"Yes, young mistress."

She tore open the envelope, pulled out a white letter with familiar handwriting, and began to read, her ruby eyes scanning the words.


She rested her chin on the back of her left hand, lost in thought.

Then, she smiled.

"Alright, Alexandre, immediately dispatch a military fleet to House Graal."

The butler was confused.

"Young mistress?! Are you launching an invasion against House Graal? There are limits, even if you despise the engagement!"

Alexandre, the butler of House Stallone, was alarmed and tried to reason with Alise.

"What are you talking about? We're simply quelling a rebellion."

Dismissing Alexandre, Alise Stallone became lost in thought once more.

House Graal and House Stallone shared a common history, and in this generation, the two heirs were meant to unite.

But the curse had destroyed House Graal, ruining its prestige, wealth, and old agreements.

House Stallone no longer wished for an arranged marriage and decided to break the engagement.

Unfortunately, due to a confidential agreement, only House Graal could choose to end or continue the engagement.

Alise turned toward the window, gazing at the starry night sky.

"Now, my debt is cleared. Fulfill your promise, Leon Graal."

She burned the letter and immersed herself in more documents.


Count Christo's Estate

The servants preparing the count's clothes were in a frenzy. Count Christo was planning a coup d'état soon.

He was patient.

But as he monitored Leon Graal's actions, it seemed the plan had to be moved forward, as soon as possible, because his instincts screamed to eliminate him before he became dangerous.

The bad news came quickly.

"Master! Dire news from our informants!"

Elison, the butler and second in authority after Sebastian, came running with a sheen of sweat on his face.

Leon Graal's actions had been recorded, just as Count Christo suspected.

"What? He immediately replaced the influential posts in Blue Star? Without seeking the consent of the other nobles?"

Count Christo asked, skeptical.

Elison quickly nodded.

Count Christo laughed loudly, clutching his belly.

"Ahaha, that kid! What does he plan to do by turning all the nobles of Blue Star against him?"

House Graal was once an ancient ducal family of the Morbel Federation, giving it an advantage over the other nobles.

They were respected by everyone before the curse destroyed the house.

Now, their only hope was to forge connections and build alliances, but Leon Graal had turned everyone against him.

A death sentence.

Then, another less important servant reported more information.

"What? Leon Graal has gathered with other mechanical units at the spaceport?"

Count Christo thought for a moment.

Then he shook his head.

An idea flashed through his mind before disappearing.

"Alright, let's meet Leon Graal and bring down the last heir of that cursed Blue Star family!"

As he continued, Count Christo put on his suit and asked Elison.

"Gather our army! We leave for the spaceport immediately!"

Count Christo clapped his hands and rose heavily from the chair, heading for the bedroom door.

A certain unease lingered.


Sebastian trembled slightly, his eyes hesitant as he looked at Leon.

"Young master, is it really a good idea to turn all the nobles against us?"

Leon nodded.

"Why not? We don't need traitors on our planet."

"That's true, but there are other ways! Like forging relationships with other noble houses using wealth!"

"That's what I've done, Sebastian."

Sebastian frowned, then his eyes widened as he looked at Leon.

"Young master...!"

Leon whistled and silenced Sebastian.

At the spaceport stood several mechanical infantry units, notably the loyalists.

The 2nd, 6th, and 9th infantry units, each made up of about 1,000 men.

Blue Star had a regular army of about 50 mechanical units. However, a large portion covered other regions, and most had fallen under Count Christo's control.

They could have gathered two more mechanical infantry units, but Count Christo would have noticed the plan.

The main objective was to hold the spaceport while making the fewest sacrifices.

A direct confrontation with Count Christo would result in a crushing defeat.

Leon Graal knew this better than anyone.

Soon, Count Christo's figure emerged from the shadows, accompanied by several servants (including Elison) and multiple mechanical infantry units.

How many?

About thirteen infantry units.

Our soldiers were tense.

"Leon Graal, you must stop this charade, come down, and return to your estate, before locking yourself away forever."

"Haha, what kind of life is that?"

Leon mocked his attempts.

And Count Christo seemed to expect this kind of response.

Just as Count Christo was about to order an attack, Leon raised his hand.


"You wish to surrender?"

Count Christo gave a brief smile.

"Of course not. First, do you know why House Graal became powerful?"

Count Christo raised an eyebrow, responding with confusion.

"Glory? House Graal accomplished a great mission centuries ago, but now they are weak."

"Weak? I think that word is absurd."

Count Christo laughed.


Leon Graal yawned, tilting his head upward.

Curious, Count Christo looked up and saw thousands of sentinels and cruisers in small units.

The emblem of a scarlet rose was visible from his position.

"The House... Stallone!"

Count Christo immediately turned his head toward Leon Graal, his eyes widening.

"Traitor! You've called in another house during a planetary conflict!"

Leon Graal laughed.

"Planetary conflict? Another house? Sorry, but even now, House Stallone has a direct relationship with House Graal."

Continuing after a short pause.

"Through an arranged engagement."

Count Christo's expression darkened before he ordered an advance to destroy the spaceport.

After all, without the spaceport, how could the sentinels land and suppress his coup?

However, the sentinels had the green light to bombard the rebel army, especially Count Christo's position.

Moments later, the scene fell silent, with only dust and ash remaining.

Leon Graal laughed and offered a short bow to Count Christo for allowing him to gather all the traitors with him.