Robbing Gato

A/N: There's a double release tomorrow. If you want another double release get this story to 200 powerstones by next Sunday. This story will only continue if it gets enough support e.g. Powerstones. Also I'd like to get to 10 reviews on this story too, so give some reviews. Goal: 200 Powerstones for double release.

Goro sat with his back against a wall, plotting his next move, when Kakashi woke up and sat up. Kakashi analyzed his surroundings for a moment, soon concluding he was in Tazuna's home. 

"So I passed out…" he muttered, disappointment burdening his features.

"Sensei! Are you alright? I think this mission is too much. We should head back," Sakura implored, rushing to Kakashi's side.

Kakashi shook his head and responded, "We're far too deep in to turn back now."

Turning his gaze to Shikamaru and Choji, who were seated on either side of Ino's limp body, Kakashi asked, "How's Ino?"

"She's fine, the masked ninja only knocked her out, nothing more," Shikamaru answered.

Joining the conversation, Goro added, "He took Ino only to lure me away from Zabuza. He had no intention of killing her… well, initially. The masked ninja is a loyal subordinate to Zabuza. They're also able to use Ice Release."

'They don't know if I saw Haku's abilities or not. There's nothing wrong with giving them a heads up.'

"Ice, huh… They must be a member of the Yuki clan. For Gato to have enough funds to casually hire ninja of that caliber to kill a mere bridge builder… Gato is going to remain a problem even when the bridge is built," Kakashi mumbled.

Kakashi's words sparked an idea in Goro's mind. Abruptly standing up, Goro placed a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder. "I'm counting on you to take care of her," he said before slipping out through the front door.

Running after Goro, Choji pleaded, "Wait, I'm coming!" But his words fell on deaf ears as Goro flickered away before Choji could catch up.

"Grab me a snack!" Choji yelled, his head popping out of the door.

Walking through the market, Goro couldn't help but notice the poverty-stricken children loitering in the streets.

'Hehe, Gato is one scumbag. I'm not a saint myself, but this is excessive. He'll get what's coming to him, but first, I need to execute my plan. I always wondered where all of Gato's wealth went after he died, but now I can fill that plot hole by taking the money for myself.'

Spotting a shop that sold masks, Goro approached it, only to notice a commotion going on.

"Get out if you don't have money!" the owner shouted at a poor-looking man.

"Please, it's for my son's birthday!" the man begged.

Goro went up to the poor man, placed a hand on his back, and put some coins on the counter. "Just give the man what he wants, and I'll take that mask with the waves on it," Goro said.

The poor man thanked Goro endlessly, then ran off with the mask.

"Those vermin aren't pleasant to look at, are they?" the owner said, handing over Goro's mask.

Goro shrugged as he took the mask. While walking away, he inspected it more closely. The mask had two downward-slanting eye slits and a blue wave that stretched across where the mouth should be. On his way to the dock, Goro also bought two small storage scrolls and stored them in his pouch.

After a few minutes of walking, Goro arrived at the dock. Hiding behind a tree, he put on his mask and created a clone whose features were covered by a duplicate mask. He then proceeded to give the clone instructions, along with a bag of money and the two storage scrolls he had bought.

The clone approached the only man present at the dock.

Tapping the man's shoulder, the clone asked, "I need to get somewhere. Can you take me?"

Startled by the appearance of the masked figure, the sailor dropped his cigarette and took a moment to respond, his words stuck in his throat. Letting out a deep sigh, the man lit another cigarette. Taking a puff, he answered, "I thought you were one of Gato's men. Don't sneak up on me like that. Besides, I ain't working today, pal."

Not taking no for an answer, the clone pulled out the bag of ryo and placed it in the man's hand. "Now?" the clone queried, its cheeky smile hidden by the mask.

Without asking any further questions, the man seated himself in his dinghy and gestured for the clone to sit, which it did.

"Where are we heading, Sir?" the sailor asked.

The clone provided a location on the border of the Land of Waves, and the two set off on their journey.

Satisfied that everything was proceeding smoothly, Goro left the dock and headed back to Tazuna's place, stopping by a store to grab a snack for Choji.

After some time of sailing, a forest emerged from the fog. The man stopped just outside the forest, and the clone disembarked.

Slightly anxious, the sailor asked, "I've got a weird feeling about this place, Sir. Are you sure you've got the right location?"

The clone nodded and thanked the man, then made its way deeper into the forest. Before long, it spotted signs indicating that the hideout was nearby. Ropes leading to the hideout were scattered throughout the area. The clone followed the ropes until the hideout came into view.

"I know Zabuza and Haku are in there, so I've got to wait until they leave," the clone thought.

The clone camped outside the hideout, lying on the branch of a tree 100 meters away.

A few hours later, the clone spotted Zabuza and Haku leaving the hideout. Once he was sure they were gone, it flickered in front of the entrance they had exited. Standing outside were two guards. Before the guards could raise an alarm, the clone executed them both, slitting their throats simultaneously with a kunai in each hand.

Inside the hideout, there were a few more guards, but the clone didn't find them to be an issue. It flickered in front of Gato, knocking out his two samurai bodyguards, and stood menacingly over the seated Gato.

"What is this?! Get him!" Gato roared, but the clone pointed a kunai at Gato and said, "If anyone moves, I'll take his life."

Gato's men froze in place, unwilling to risk the life of their only source of income.

"Who is this masked man? If only Zabuza and Haku were still here!" Gato thought.

Growing impatient, Gato snapped, "What do you want?!"

The clone's voice became stern. "Your wealth," it answered.

Enraged, Gato questioned, "What foolishness are you spouting?! Why would I give you my wealth?!"

Getting closer, the clone threatened, "Aren't I inches away from taking your life? It would be wise to make the correct choice. You can choose to lose your life and never spend the wealth you've amassed, or you can give me your money and keep your life. The choice is obvious."

Gritting his teeth, Gato slammed the table with his fist repeatedly, throwing a fit. "Bastard! There's no one competent around me! Even that sorry excuse for a shinobi Zabuza isn't much! All of you get out!" Gato roared in fury. The remaining men in the room hurried out, in fear of losing their jobs.

The clone waited silently as Gato completed his tantrum.

Taking a deep breath and trying to reason with the clone, Gato announced, "20 million! I'll give you 20 million ryo!"

The clone shook its head, dissatisfied with Gato's offer. "I know he's got much more. He's lowballing me. But as I planned, he's faltering," the clone mused.

"100 million," the clone said, holding up all ten fingers.

"Shit!" Gato shouted, banging on his table even harder. His hand began to bleed from the force of the slams.

"In reality, I can't take all his wealth, as there's a chance he'd choose death over being poor, I'll settle with the lower amount of 100 million." the clone thought.

Flickering on top of the desk, the clone prodded, "Well?"

Gato slouched in his seat, defeat written all over his face. "It's all in the back," he said, pointing toward a door behind him.

Looking down at Gato, the clone instructed, "Get up and show me."

The clone didn't want to risk being deceived, so it had Gato guide it to the room.Upon entering, the clone noticed a large vault at the very end of the room, directly facing the door.

"Open it," the clone commanded, still holding its kunai out.

Gato sighed and continued forward, entering the pin and spinning the vault wheel. Inside was an organized stack of briefcases, neatly piled on top of one another. The clone took out a briefcase, opened it, and was met with the sight of 100 ryo bills, stacked with bands around them.

Turning toward Gato, the clone asked, "How much money is inside this vault?"

Skeptikal, but not willing to risk his life, Gato scowled, "120 million ryo, but you're only taking 100 million as agreed."

Grinning beneath the mask, the clone sneered, "About that… it would be too tedious to take out a ton of briefcases, so I'll be taking the whole vault."

Before Gato could process what the clone had said, the clone hopped onto the vault and stored it in the scroll.

"Thanks," the clone taunted, flickering away.

Reminder: There's a double release tomorrow. If you want another double release get this story to 200 powerstones by next Sunday. This story will only continue if it gets enough support e.g. Powerstones. Also I'd like to get to 10 reviews on this story too. Goal: 200 Powerstones for double release.