Chapter 150: The First Place in the Ninja Village List: Konoha!

Chapter 150: The First Place in the Ninja Village List: Konoha!

"Amegakure, sixth place, that's not too bad!" Nagato murmured to himself.

If he still had his Rinnegan, perhaps the strength of Amegakure could have been ranked in the top five. But now, it could only settle for sixth place.

[Uchiha Obito: Amegakure is in sixth place, huh? Nagato, you're pretty lucky. This time the rewards are definitely going to land in your hands.]

[Uzumaki Nagato: I just hope we can restore some of our strength. Anyway, our Amegakure is neutral now; we don't get involved in any conflicts.]

[Tsunade: It's almost time to reveal the top five villages.]

[Mei Terumi: Our Mist Village is definitely not going to be at the bottom.]

[Third Tsuchikage: I think the Sand Village will be fifth. Other than Gaara, their other shinobi are really unimpressive, and they've had a serious decline in talent.]

[Cloud Village: Exactly. Plus, because of their geographical location, the Sand Village is poor, so they're definitely fifth.]

[Gaara: Hmph, that's not certain.]

Although Gaara said this, deep down, he also felt that the Sand Village might indeed rank fifth.

Time passed, and soon, the fifth place in the Ninja Village List was announced.


A large number of shinobi appeared on the screen, with Gaara at the forefront.

It was clear that the fifth place was none other than the Wind Country's Sand Village.

[Ninja Village List, Fifth Place: Sand Village]

[Fourth Raikage: As expected, fifth place goes to the Sand Village.]

[Third Tsuchikage: The Sand Village is indeed the weakest among our five villages.]

[Gaara: Third Tsuchikage, when it comes to strength, you're no longer a match for me.]

[Third Tsuchikage: I admit that I'm no longer as strong as you, but our Iwagakure is stronger than your Sand Village, and that's enough!]

[Gaara: Hmph!]

Seeing that the Sand Village ranked fifth, the shinobi of the village were naturally displeased.

"Everyone should train hard so that next time, we can move up a rank," Gaara said.

"Yes!" Kankuro and the others responded.

Soon, it was time to reveal the fourth place.


A large number of shinobi appeared on the screen, with Mei Terumi at the forefront.

[Ninja Village List, Fourth Place: Mist Village]

[Mei Terumi: Mist Village is ranked fourth?]

[Third Tsuchikage: Fourth place isn't bad. Your Mist Village isn't much stronger than the Sand Village. You should be glad you weren't given fifth place! Anyway, our Iwagakure should be third. We're quite self-aware!]

[Gaara: It's almost certain that Konoha will take first place.]

[Fourth Raikage: That's not guaranteed!]

After a while, the third place was announced.

A large number of Iwagakure shinobi appeared on the screen, with the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki, at the forefront.

[Ninja Village List, Third Place: Iwagakure]

[Third Tsuchikage: As expected, Iwagakure is ranked third. I'm satisfied with this!]

[Fourth Raikage: I hope Cloud Village takes first place!]

[Tsunade: Fourth Raikage, don't get your hopes up. First place definitely belongs to us in Konoha!]

[Fourth Raikage: If Hiruzen Sarutobi were still Hokage, we would definitely be first!]

[Third Hokage: What do you mean by that, Fourth Raikage?]

[Fourth Raikage: I mean you did a great job managing Konoha!]

[Third Hokage: Are you mocking me? Do you think I can't tell?]

[Fourth Raikage: Think what you like.]

After some more time, the second place was about to be revealed.

At this point, Tsunade, the Fourth Raikage, and countless shinobi from both Konoha and Cloud Village were all extremely tense. After all, the second place announcement would also reveal who had taken first place.

Finally, the second place was announced.

A huge number of Cloud Village shinobi appeared on the screen, including the Fourth Raikage, A, and Killer Bee.

It was clear that these were Cloud Village shinobi.

[Ninja Village List, Second Place: Hidden Cloud Village]

[Tsunade: Hahaha, I knew Cloud Village would be second! First place is Konoha!]

[Fourth Raikage: Hmph, enjoy being first for now, Konoha!]

[Tsunade: "For now"? Hah, Cloud Village will never surpass us in Konoha!]

[Kakashi: Konoha is first, that's fantastic!]

[Might Guy: I knew Konoha would definitely take first place. There's no doubt about it!]

[Fourth Hokage: Yes, Konoha taking first place means we'll get some really great rewards!]

[Naruto Uzumaki: I hope the rewards help a lot of people.]

[Third Tsuchikage: Fourth Raikage, coming in second is already quite good for you!]

[Mei Terumi: Exactly. If we in Mist Village had gotten second place, I would've been over the moon!]

[Gaara: I'd be happy just to be fourth!]

After a bit more time passed, the first place in the Ninja Village List was finally announced.

This time, there was no suspense. Everyone already knew.

A large number of Konoha shinobi appeared on the screen, including Tsunade, Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi, and others.

[Ninja Village List, First Place: Konoha]

With the announcement of this ranking, all the Konoha shinobi were ecstatic.

After all, being recognized as the number one shinobi village brought them immense honor!

[Tsunade: I hope the reward Konoha receives this time significantly boosts our strength.]

[Fourth Raikage: I hope the reward for Cloud Village is even better than the one for first place!]

[Tsunade: Second place's reward will never be as good as first place's. You're dreaming.]

[Fourth Raikage: With some luck, anything can happen!]

[Gaara: I also hope the Sand Village gets a good reward!]

[Mei Terumi: I hope the Mist Village's reward is surprisingly good!]

Finally, under everyone's anticipation, the rewards for the Ninja Village List began to be distributed.

As before, the rewards were handed out starting with the first place.

At last, Konoha's first-place reward appeared.

A reward item appeared on the screen. Since this was Konoha's first time ranking on the list, there was only one reward item, and they had no choice in it.

The item displayed on the screen was a green-colored realm.

[Realm of the Green Wood: Can transform an area into a unique realm. Within the Realm of the Green Wood, chakra can be refined quickly, training speeds are accelerated, and it is isolated from the outside world. External attacks cannot penetrate the realm, and access is only possible through specific entrances. Additionally, the Realm of the Green Wood will grow a Green Wood Tree. Every ten years, the Green Wood Tree will bear a batch of Green Wood Fruits, which can rapidly heal injuries.]

[Tsunade: The Realm of the Green Wood seems quite impressive!]

[Kakashi: If we transform Konoha into the Realm of the Green Wood, wouldn't it be like Mount Myoboku? It would become incredibly safe, and it would be very difficult for outsiders to invade Konoha.]

[Fourth Hokage: The key point is that shinobi in Konoha will find it much easier to train within the Realm of the Green Wood, as their training speed will increase significantly. Plus, there's the Green Wood Fruit for healing. No wonder this is the first-place reward!]

[Hashirama Senju: This reward is indeed excellent!]

[Tsunade: Extracting the Realm of the Green Wood requires at least ten high-ranking Konoha officials. All high-ranking officials, come to the Hokage's office. Let's extract the Realm of the Green Wood together!]

Immediately, one after another, the high-ranking Konoha officials made their way to the Hokage's office.