Chapter 222: Why is it still Ye Tian?

Chapter 222: Why is it still Ye Tian?

The two treasures that made it into the list didn't directly increase Ye Tian's strength, so his power remained unchanged, with no subtle enhancements as a result of these treasures.

[Sun Wukong: It's not bad. Even though the two treasures he listed can't directly boost his strength, they still earn him rewards. Two rewards—no matter how lacking—are still valuable!]

[Taiyi Zhenren: At his level, the rewards from these lower-ranked items probably don't interest him.]

[Samantabhadra: Though both of these treasures have made it onto the list, they seem rather ordinary. We've never heard of them! Moreover, they're postnatal supreme merit treasures, which suggests they were likely crafted by Ye Tian himself!]

[Manjushri: That's possible. But who exactly is Ye Tian, capable of creating such treasures?]

The sudden appearance of Ye Tian again left everyone surprised, but with the list still being revealed, they quickly shifted focus to the next name.

[Weapon List No. 74: Tears of Time and Space, Postnatal Supreme Merit Treasure]

[Owner: Ye Tian]

[The Tears of Time and Space can create a time domain, capable of a thousandfold effect. One can train within this domain for a thousand years while only a year passes in the outside world. It can also condense space-time!]

This was the third time Ye Tian's treasure appeared on the list, and this one was different from the previous two—it had the potential to increase his power. However, while the Tears of Time amd Space seemed formidable, it was still just a postnatal supreme merit treasure, and would have little effect against a Saint.

The Tears of Time and Space most important attribute was its ability to support cultivation by creating a thousandfold time domain, allowing for a vast time advantage in training.

These weapons were all crafted by Ye Tian in the past. Even though they were reforged, they remained postnatal supreme merit treasures, as it was challenging to refine them into innate spirit treasures.

Although these treasures were now of limited use to him, Ye Tian didn't discard them, as postnatal supreme merit treasures are still valuable. Making it onto the list was a result of their quality.

By this point, the livestream had already descended into chaos. No one expected Ye Tian to appear on the list yet again, marking the third time. It was truly astonishing.

Even the powerful beings of the Primordial World didn't necessarily have so many treasures, yet this newcomer Ye Tian seemed to possess an abundance of them.

[Nüwa: What's going on? Why is it still Ye Tian? Is there a problem with the list? And once again, we don't recognize this treasure!]

[Ancestor Minghe: Once is fine, twice is still acceptable, but three times in a row? Has Ye Tian monopolized the list? Where did he find so many treasures?]

[Erlang Shen: Having three items on the list certainly proves that Ye Tian's treasures are extraordinary. I wonder, will there be more of his name as the list continues?]

[Fuxi: It's possible. With his strength and the many merit treasures in his possession—treasures we've never heard of—they're probably all self-made. It seems crafting is quite easy for him!]

Ye Tian's repeated appearances caught everyone off guard. After the second time, people assumed that he was almost out of treasures.

But now, with the third appearance, they finally realized they had underestimated him. With Ye Tian's formidable strength, acquiring postnatal supreme merit treasures would have been relatively easy.

Though these three treasures were ranked lower and of limited use to him, given his realm and power, he had little need for them.

[Manjushri: If this keeps up, there might be more surprises ahead. Who exactly is Ye Tian, and why does he possess so many treasures?]

[Guanyin: The list isn't fully revealed yet, so we can't make any conclusions. Ye Tian's treasures are ranked lower. Whether he has any higher-ranked ones is what truly matters!]

[Tathagata: Ye Tian's sudden appearance and the fact that he holds some power and treasures aren't cause for concern. I doubt he would act lightly.]

In truth, it was the powerful figures within Buddhism who were most anxious about Ye Tian's sudden appearance. They had already accounted for all the events leading up to now.

But Ye Tian's unexpected arrival disrupted their plans. With the impending start of the Journey to the West, it remained uncertain whether they could follow through with their original schemes.

Given Ye Tian's immense strength, they couldn't easily deal with this obstacle. Even if the Saint Hongjun personally intervened, there was no guarantee of success.

That's why they discussed it further, but no matter what they said, Ye Tian—who was in seclusion—had no communication with them.

[Bull Demon King: These treasures are ranked lower and are of little use to most of you, so why the caution?]

[Ancestor Minghe: It's because they belong to Ye Tian. Everyone holds a sense of awe toward him. Before fully understanding his power, no one dares underestimate him, no matter how insignificant his treasures may seem!]

After some time, the next ranking finally appeared.

[Guanyin: I don't believe the next ranking will be Ye Tian's!]

[Taiyi Zhenren: It surely won't be his. If it is, he'll have made it onto the list four times!]

[Sun Wukong: No matter how many treasures he has, he couldn't have more. Even if he has the means to obtain postnatal supreme merit treasures, there can't be that many. Surely Ye Tian must be reaching his limit!]

If Ye Tian appeared on the next ranking, that would mean he occupied four spots. With only a hundred positions total, and so many powerful beings and treasures in the Primordial World, Ye Tian taking up so many would leave little room for others.

Some also speculated that the Kumoko might be related to Ye Tian, and if that were true, she might also be linked to him.

No one wanted the next ranking to be Ye Tian's. They were already too shocked. Even the Saints hadn't expected Ye Tian to have so many postnatal supreme merit treasures, all of which ranked on the list.