Chapter 25: Life Is Dull, Corpses Play Human

~/ Extra Chapter if we Reach 200 Power Stones!!


"Fourth Hokage-sama, Gojo Kaigetsu reporting as ordered."


Gojo Kaigetsu pushed the door open, and a pungent smell of smoke wafted out from the room.

As the smoke dissipated, the interior was revealed.

Minato Namikaze, clad in his Hokage robes, stood by the window, a rare expression of displeasure on his usually gentle face.

And in the chairs before the Hokage's desk, ignoring the special envoy, Koyama...

'Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado...'

'Those old geezers.'

Gojo Kaigetsu frowned.

If there was anyone he despised even more than Danzo Shimura in the entire Hokage series...

It would undoubtedly be Homura Mitokado.

Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane possessed "equal" strength and wisdom to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

However, under the scrutiny of his Six Eyes, chakra quality could not be concealed. Homura Mitokado? Just an old, washed-up workhorse!

While Danzo was repulsive, he was at least a powerful ninja. What about Homura?

Not only did he frequently introduce policies that reduced prosperity, but there were also signs that he had been secretly involved in orchestrating policies related to the Uchiha.

Seeing Gojo Kaigetsu's arrival, Ichiro Koyama, who had just been recounting his grievances against Gojo Kaigetsu in this very room, shrank his neck.

As his anger subsided, his cowardly nature was revealed.

"Well then... since everyone is here, Elder Danzo, I'll excuse myself."

*Thump, thump, thump-*

The battle between the old and new powers of Konohagakure once again erupted within the Hokage Tower.

Homura Mitokado was the first to launch an attack on Gojo Kaigetsu: "Advisor Gojo! Do you even realize what you're doing?!"

"Hmm? What did I do?"

Gojo Kaigetsu acted as if he were in his own home, casually pulling up a chair and sitting beside the Hokage's desk.

Seeing his nonchalant attitude, Homura Mitokado felt even more irritated.

He had opposed Gojo Kaigetsu's appointment as Hokage advisor from the very beginning.

This guy... had no sense of propriety, he was far too radical.

Every proposal he made was like throwing a kunai directly at the hearts of their conservative old guard, the Konoha F4.

Homura Mitokado sneered, "Do you know that Konohagakure is the military branch of the Land of Fire, a system established by the First Hokage-sama and the Daimyo, under the principle of One Village, One Country?"

"Of course, the First Hokage-sama was wise."

Gojo Kaigetsu bowed respectfully in the direction of the Hokage Rock.

Wise, my ass!

Gojo Kaigetsu always believed that Hashirama Senju traded his political IQ for his combat prowess.

If he, Gojo Kaigetsu, were in charge back then, he would have let those Daimyos know… what the hell "Imperial authority bestowed by the shadows" truly meant!

Of course, such rebellious thoughts could only be voiced and acted upon when he possessed the power to carry Konoha on his back and remain undefeated in the world.

"Then do you know that Special Envoy Koyama represents the interests of the Daimyo, the interests of the Land of Fire?"

"How dare you threaten the life of such a distinguished individual, secretly withholding the Daimyo's rightful share?!"

Homura Mitokado's voice grew louder. He dared to smoke indoors in front of his direct superior, the powerful Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Yet, he acted like a loyal guard dog in front of the mundane Daimyo...

Looking at his bespectacled old face, Gojo Kaigetsu felt an increasing urge to eliminate him.

"Oh? Is that so? So what? What happened then?"


"Return the embezzled funds to Special Envoy Koyama immediately and apologize. Then, this matter will be considered settled."

"Regarding this matter, I must first apologize. As the child of a Genin, I grew up poor, which is why I withheld a significant sum. However, I haven't spent a single ryō of it to this day."

Gojo Kaigetsu straightened his posture, as if beginning a confession of his remorse.

"Elder Mitokado, you know me. I'm an immigrant from the small Land of Flowers."

"My homeland has nothing remarkable, but there's a proverb I've always kept close to my heart."

"What is it?"

The three individuals in the room were captivated by Gojo Kaigetsu's words.

"People experience joys and sorrows, Genin add spice to life. When life becomes dull, corpses play human."

Gojo Kaigetsu spoke with a serious expression. "I suspect… Koyama-kun is a corpse playing human."

Danzo Shimura's eyes widened, and Homura Mitokado's face was filled with shock. "Gojo Kaigetsu! What are you trying to do?!"

"It takes about three days to travel from Konohagakure to the Land of Fire's capital. Perhaps Koyama-kun will reveal his true form during the journey."

"And, one more thing."

Gojo Kaigetsu leaned forward, placing his hands on the Hokage's desk:

"I will certainly return the money as ordered, but… even the Daimyo himself can't take this money away. I said so!"

His threatening words echoed through the Hokage's office, lingering in the air.

While seemingly an empty threat, the three individuals present understood the underlying message.

"Are you insane? Gojo Kaigetsu!"

Looking at the towering figure of Gojo Kaigetsu, Homura Mitokado felt a surge of inexplicable fear. No longer daring to confront him directly, he turned his attention to the good-natured Minato Namikaze.

"Fourth Hokage, this is the advisor you recommended!"

"He's become so brazen that he plans to assassinate the Land of Fire's envoy on his way back!"

"Impeachment, I demand the impeachment of Gojo Kaigetsu!"

"Danzo, say something, Danzo!"

Homura Mitokado roared, but receiving no response from his old friend, he grew even more agitated.

"Hey, hey, Elder Mitokado, you can't falsely accuse an innocent man! When did I ever say I was going to assassinate Koyama-kun?"

"He and I are the closest of friends, like brothers!"

Gojo Kaigetsu spread his hands, feigning innocence.

Minato rubbed his forehead in exasperation, finally unable to bear it any longer.

He disliked the old guard's politics and was angered by Koyama Ichiro's shady dealings. However, the special envoy represented the Daimyo's face. If he were to die within the Land of Fire, it might affect the next quarter's financial support for Konoha.

"Alright, alright, I trust Advisor Gojo's character. The embezzlement accusation is based solely on Special Envoy Koyama's testimony. Let's have the ANBU investigate further before reaching a conclusion."

"I think... Kakashi would be suitable for this investigation."

With a single sentence, Minato skillfully sidestepped the issue of Gojo Kaigetsu challenging the Daimyo's authority:

"As for the impeachment Elder Mitokado mentioned..." Minato paused. "According to Konoha's regulations, concrete evidence is required."

"Evidence? Of course, I have it."

Homura Mitokado sneered, forming hand seals and summoning a scroll with a space-time ninjutsu. From the scroll, he retrieved a thick stack of intelligence reports.

"This is the investigation I ordered the Root ninjas to conduct on Gojo Kaigetsu."

"It contains detailed evidence of Gojo Kaigetsu bribing high-ranking officials and nobles of the Four Great Nations."

"The amount involved is in the hundreds of millions of ryō."

"Undoubtedly, this is irrefutable proof of Gojo Kaigetsu aiding the enemy!"


To Be Continued...
