Brief Tour

Jean sighed out of relief and assumed a reserved state.

"The previous owner's lifestyle, as suggested by his belongings, amaze me. I just wonder what kind of person he was. Starting from the strong chain at the gate, to fancy looking house, surrounded by a tall wall. These two describe the previous owner as a person who valued security and privacy"

Jean stated in a gallant tone.

In an instance, Natalie was stunned. She had expected Jean to be smart, but not to this extent.

"It is now becoming hard for me to believe what I'm hearing from you"

Natalie said with a surprised look on her face.

Jean paused for a while as he suppressed a smile.

"Mom, what are you referring to?"

With a snort, Natalie shook her head.

"…You are too smart for your age. While growing up, I have always had the expectations of you growing into a smart individual. But since the start of our conversation, from the moment I suggested that we should have a house tour together, the level of wit that you have portrayed is outrageous."

At this point, Jean couldn't hold back his smile anymore. With a bright smile surfacing his innocent face, Jean scratched the back of his head.

"Thanks for your compliment, mom. I really appreciate."

A few moments later, the two were now leaving the well side. They were now heading towards the left flank.

When they advanced further and passed near the narrow gate that had previously stirred a conversation between them, Jean gulped.

He then paused for a moment, threw a quick curious glance at the gate and then proceeded forward.

It was already getting dark, and the sun was in the verge of disappearing below the western horizon.

'I would have liked to check what's behind that gate before I get back in the house. It is already getting dark, and I doubt if there would be any extra time left by the time I would be done with this hectic tour.'

The rest of the trip was quick as it wasn't involved with anything that could have ignited Jean's curiosity.

By the time they were done with the rest of the tour, it was already late, and the world was now shrouded in darkness after the sun was completely submerged below the western horizon.

'It is now obvious that I shall have to check it some other time.'

Jean nodded as he glanced at the gate on his left. He then moved forward, turned right and entered the house. He was utterly spent, and his thoughts were hazy.

'This tiredness must be as a result of the tiresome journey to this place. I don't think I'm going to proceed with the inside tour. It will be better if we just call it a day.'

Immediately he entered the house, he was puzzled for a while.

"It is so dark in here!"

Jean said out of confusion.

Almost immediately, the lights in the living room lit up.

Now standing at the furthest end of the living room, Natalie glanced in Jean's direction. She lingered for a while as her eyes gleamed in the brightness of the lights in the living room.

"How can you summarize the outside tour?"

Natalie asked with a grin.

Jean paused for a while, advanced deeper into the living room and looked around.

"The tour was an amazing one. It was one of a kind and I can't wait to start living here."

Natalie gave Jean a teethed smile and sat in a seat to her side.

Upon seeing this, Jean wore a complicated look as he stared at her from where he was standing.

"I must guess, you might be wondering why I took a seat at the moment"

Natalie stated and sighed.

Jean blinked a couple times and nodded.

Gesturing Jean to seat, Natalie grinned.

"Come take a seat, you must be tired by now."

Jean hesitated for some moments before responding to Natalie's request.

'Thanks goodness we are done with the tour for today.'

With a relieved sigh, Jean threw himself in one of the cozy seats in the living room that was next to Natalie.

Almost immediately, Natalie stood up from her seat.

"Are you hungry?"

Upon hearing this, Jean wore a deadpan expression and lingered.

'Is that even a question?'

He then shrugged and shifted.

"…Yes I am."

Natalie then walked away towards the corridor on the right side of the living room from the entrance.

"Wait for me I'm coming."

As she moved in that direction and entered the corridor, she was submerged in a veil of darkness that shrouded this part of the house.

Not long after, the veil of darkness was shuttered by a sudden ignition of bright light from the lights that hanged above the corridor.

Gazing in Natalie's direction, Jean spotted something unique. Right in front of her, a fancy staircase extended upwards.

In the next moment, Natalie's right foot stepped on the edge of the staircase and without hesitation, she started climbing it vigilantly. A few moments later, she had disappeared without a trace.

Jean threw a curious look at this unique structure. He was stunned to have one in his new home. The only time he could see or use such a structure was when he was visiting his mom's hospital in the village. It was one of the biggest in Celta village, though it was a far cry in terms of size when compared to the urban ones.

Despite all these, one disturbing question didn't escape his mind.

How did Natalie manage to acquire such a luxurious home, despite the fragile financial status of their family?

"I must get an answer to this as soon as possible."

Some moments later, while still pondering on the matter, he heard the approaching footsteps of Natalie from the staircase.

Holding a small bag in one of her hands, Natalie took the last step off the staircase and without hesitation, she took a few steps forward and entered the living room.

'Hope she is preparing something. Hunger has caught-up with me.'

With a yawn, Jean stared at the approaching Natalie.

"Oh! You are back already?"

Jean said as he heaved a relieved sigh.

Natalie shifted her gaze towards Jean.

"It is time for supper."

Jean wore a complicated look.

'But I thought she was going to prepare something to eat…wait… What could be that that she is carrying?'

In the next moment, Natalie lowered herself in the seat that was next to Jean, and carefully placed the shopping bag that she was carrying on the wooden table in front of her.

Jean gulped as he spared the shopping bag on the table a glimpse.

'What could be inside this bag?'

After throwing a quick glance at Jean, Natalie rubbed her hands and proceeded to open the bag.

Rustle! Rustle!

Without hesitation, Natalie inserted her hand in the bag and pulled out a container.

At that moment, Jean's eyes widened.

'Packed food! That's nice. But how come I didn't notice her buying this on our way? The good thing is that at least I have something to satiate my hunger, just on time. I don't know if I could have had the guts to wait, if she was to prepare one from scratch.'

On their way, Natalie had managed to buy some packed food. This was when they stopped by the cafeteria at the gas station. Jean didn't notice her buying the food because, when they were about to leave, Natalie had approached the counter of the cafeteria before leaving. When Jean saw this, he just knew that Natalie had just gone there to settle their bill. Therefore, he didn't pay any attention to what she was doing at the counter, after which he followed the taxi driver outside, leaving Natalie behind.

By the time Natalie was returning, the two had already entered the vehicle. This was the moment Natalie approached the back of the vehicle after asking the taxi driver to open the boot for her.

This was the moment when Natalie put the packed food in the suitcase. Although Jean noticed her going around the vehicle, he wasn't extra keen to realize that Natalie was carrying something like that.

Now giving Jean a furtive look, Natalie continued to pull out the contents of the carrier bag, and placing them on the table one after another, until it was completely empty.

With a relieved sigh, Natalie picked some of the packed foods and handed them to Jean. And without a hint of hesitation, Jean grabbed the packs and proceeded to open them. He scoffed the food like a hungry beast, throwing table manners out of the window.

Natalie who was now grabbing her own share, shook her head in disbelief.

'This kid! When will he learn to endure hunger? Anyway, he is just a kid. Maybe if he is fully grown is when he will learn this.'

Some moments later, the two had cleared the table and were now ready to retire to bed.

Now caressing his belly with a satisfied expression, Jean lazily leaned back in his seat.

"Mom, please show me my room, I really need to rest"

Jean said in a haggard tone.

Natalie gave him a sidelong glance before standing from her seat. She then motioned Jean to follow her as she headed in the direction of the staircase.

Struggling to stand from his seat, Jean staggered as he followed Natalie from behind.

Five minutes later, the two figures had reached the upper floor.


