The Subject

Not sure what job the person with the deep voice was referring to, Jean shifted and increased his concentration. He tried focusing on the next word that the deep voice was likely to utter. Maybe from this is when he would be able to get a hint of answer to his question, if not the answer itself.

Some moments passed by and finally, the deep voice resounded once again.

"If I may ask, how sure are you today's target is a sure one?"

After a few moments of silence, another voice, answered from a close distance.

"Sir, as you know. It has been our job to target several subjects in order to test them and see if we can achieve our goals through them. So, before we target a subject, we always do our research. So, I don't see any reason for you to doubt us, considering the fact that our recent efforts have resulted into some positive results."

Feeling a cold sweat down his spine, Jean gritted his teeth and frowned.

'You see, they are kidnappers. They must have mistaken me to be a kid from a rich family. Maybe because I reside in one of the richest estates. What I considered to be a boon; it has now turned to be a bundle of misfortune. Poor me. Where would mom find the cash that these brats are likely to demand from her...? It is indeed going to be a daunting experience for me.'

The last statements from one of the strange voices, had made Jean to fully believe that this was a gang of kidnappers. So, what came in his mind after that, was; what they could be needing from him. At first, he had suspected that perhaps he could be in the wrong hands with his friend, Axel. But when the deep voice resounded next to him, he was dead sure that he was the subject that they were talking about.

The deep voices released a snort.

"If you are sure with your words, then I don't see any reason to doubt your competence."

"Thank you, sir."

"After this you know what to do. Tell the driver to start the car. We shall be heading to my headquarters to take some of my boys and move the subject to the final destination."

With these statements pounding on Jean's eardrum like a mallet, he felt his head spinning. He wasn't sure of what had happened to him, what was happening to him and what was about to follow next.

His mind was in shambles, as a feeling of helplessness struck his pounding heart. He felt a throe of pain all over his head, as he tried to figure out the next possible solution to his predicament.

Moments later, the engine of the vehicle came to life. The vehicle then lunged forward as every other thing remained mute.

Few moments later, the conversation between the strangers in the vehicle commenced, but this time, it was obscure due to the sound of the running engine of the vehicle they were in and some other sounds from the surroundings.

The only clear thing Jean could capture from the conversation was, frequent laughter and chuckles. This moment, Jean was feeling pain all over his body. This must have been as a result of his body being constricted from movements by being strongly tied to one place.

It was just clear; he was not enjoying the ride at all.

'What is even there to enjoy. How can someone enjoy torture? If I don't come up with a solution, I am really going to surfer as it seems.'

During this time, the vehicle was moving at an incredible speed, jolting its passengers from time to time. Jean struggled to hold his breath as he felt throes of pain on his left shoulder with each jolt.

There was nothing he could do to mitigate the excruciating pain he was experiencing. From the manner in which he was being transported, he felt more like a luggage than a human.

After what felt like an eternity, it finally came to an end. The vehicle braked and took a sharp corner to the right before stopping.

Realizing this, Jean sighed heavily.

Feeling bitter sweet by the revelation of what was happening, Jean wore a complicated look. On one hand, he was somewhat happy because, he was going to be relieved from the throes of pain he was experiencing due to the jolting movements of the vehicle he was in. while on the other hand, he was bitter because, his next destination was uncertain, as well as his predicament.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, he felt the strangers alighting one after another. Moments later, he heard some discussions on the outside of the vehicle. Though he couldn't hear clearly what they were talking about, he could still tell that they were in a discussion about their next move.

'It has now come to my notice that I am alone in this. But since Axel is not here, where could he be yet the last thing, I remember was me and him walking home. If he escaped, how did he manage to do that? Maybe luck was on his side… who knows, the same luck might work for me, too. Only if he utilizes his freedom to trace and rescue me. Though, it is only possible if he is free…'

After a few minutes, Jean felt somebody getting in the vehicle. He wasn't sure if the person was a man or a lady.

'I can tell from the voice, as long as the stranger speaks. But that doesn't matter for now, as what is important right now is my freedom. But how am I going to get it? If only they could have allowed me to perceive my surroundings…'

Suddenly, Jean felt a cold hand touch his right cheek. Forced to leave his pondering midway, Jean shuddered as a feeling of unease descended on his racing heart. The hand was eerily rough and tough.

Almost simultaneously, the stranger resounded:

"I hope you become the best catch we have ever made. This can only be based on our research on you…"

Upon hearing this, Jean jerked with his head, not paying any attention to the stranger's next words. He could have felt off the seat if he was not tied. What had surprised him was not the words that came out of the stranger's mouth, but the voice that came out. It was a lady's voice.

'A lady with such rough textured hands, and on top of that, they feel so strong for a lady.'

What did he expect from a group of gangsters? Beautiful ladies with soft and flexible bodies, No. This was not what their Job demanded. Their job required tough individuals with great determinations who could effectively nab their targets with ease.

The strangers were indeed kidnappers, but their intentions were still not very clear to Jean. And this is what made Jean feel dreadful.

While growing up, he had mistakenly or intentionally disobeyed his mom on multiple occasions, but he had also received multiple beatings and punishments in return. So, he had grown accustomed to obeying his mom, even if her will was going against him. It reached a point where it became very rare to find Jean disobeying his mom.

Mom is always right. That was his slogan till then.

For him and Axel to organize a secrete birthday party without informing his mom, without a doubt, it was an act of disobedience.

It had been long since Jean last disobeyed his mom, but on this single occasion, he was already cursing on doing so. He had been struck by an uncertain calamity that subjected him to some serious sufferings.

'The last person to hear about this, should be mom. She had denied me the chance to conduct this on multiple occasions, but I didn't know why. If I could have just asked her… maybe things could have straightened up. It is all my fault.'

At that moment, he felt the surface underneath him reverberate, and heard several footsteps moving towards him.

After a few moments of commotions, the footsteps halted in different spots in the vehicle. Then at that moment, the lady's voice echoed.

"Should we take him out?"

Another voice sounded.

"I don't think we should."

"Why shouldn't we?"

"Because the ticket is not yet ready."

"But the ticket was supposed to be ready even before we arrived here."

"The rascal that was supposed to book it, delayed in doing so for some stupid, inexplicable reasons."

At that moment, another menacing voice resounded somewhere from outside the vehicle.

"What are you still doing there, bring him out, the vehicle is needed somewhere else."

A heartbeat later, Jean felt the safety belt across his body lessen, and a second thereafter, he was hanging in the air. He had been lifted by one of the strangers and he was being moved out of the vehicle. Where he was being moved to, not known to him.
