
The ugly guy stared at the other guy who was now approaching him with dubious eyes. He then slowly turned around and looked in the direction of the bathroom section.

At the same moment, the other guy's voices echoed.

"Give way!"

Moving to the side to give way for the other guy to pass, the ugly guy wore a complicated look.

The other guy who was carrying a briefcase in one hand, walked past the ugly guy and entered the bathroom section. The moment he got there, he stopped and stared at the bathroom door for a while. He then turned and faced the ugly guy who from some reasons was still standing at the same spot.

Noticing his stare, the ugly guy sneered and approached the bathroom section cautiously. The moment the ugly guy stepped in the bathroom section; the other guy turned his attention to the bathroom door in front of him.

After a short moment of contemplation, the other guy raised his free hand and touched the button of the bathroom door. When he was about to press the button, a familiar voice resounded, forcing him to withdraw his hand from the door button.


Turning in the direction of the voice, the other guy noticed the ugly guy glaring at him.

"What was that for?"

The other guy asked in exasperation.

"Do you know what, I need to leave and I think you know what to do"

The ugly guy said with a grim expression plastered on his face.

The other guy was left speechless for a while. After a few moments of silence, he shrugged and nodded,

"I think you are right."

Pausing for a moment and shifting his gaze to the briefcase in his hands, the other guy sighed heavily.

"You will have to take this briefcase with you because they are waiting for it."

With that, he handed over the key and the briefcase to the ugly guy.

"What about our subject?"

The ugly guy inquired in a low tone after receiving the briefcase and the key.

The other guy patted him on the shoulder and smiled gently.

"Don't worry about that. I can take care of that by myself."

Since the moment the two entered the bathroom section, Jean had been listening to their conversation and was preparing himself to confront the two. But when he heard that one of them was leaving, his tension declined a bit.

Since he knew he was already helpless considering the situation he was in, he planned playing along until it was the right moment for him to act.

He had prepared himself to act friendly and calm alongside the kidnappers. Given the fact that he was left to move freely even though he was being locked in the bed chamber, this showed that the kidnappers were ready to be free with him as long as he was ready to comply with their rules.

One of the reasons to why they didn't tie him up, might be that because they were in air. And since the chances of escaping in air were minimal, they might have been certain that Jean couldn't manage to escape that easily under their watch.

'Should I get out or wait for him to try to open the door first?'

Jean thought deeply as he remained at his spot.

He wasn't sure of what to do in this scenario. So, he found himself divided between opening the bathroom door or waiting for the guy at the door to try opening it first. Since he was sure that even if the guy at the door tried opening it, it won't open, because he had locked it with the constriction lock, he didn't feel perturbed by the act of the guy wanting to open it.

Outside the bathroom in the bed chamber, the ugly guy opened the door and when he was about to walk through it, the other guy shouted at him.


Turning back to face the other guy, the ugly guy frowned.

"What is it?"

The ugly guy asked on top of his voice, a little agitated.

"Don't lock the door because I would be using it any moment from now"

The other guy answered with a serious face. In response, the ugly guy nodded silently, turned around and walked through the door before closing it behind him.

When the other guy had confirmed that the ugly guy had left, he turned his attention at the door in front of him. After pausing for a while, he lifted his hand and pressed the bathroom door button. In the next moment, nothing happened.

This indicated only one thing, there was somebody inside.

The other guy snorted and repeated the same process, but the result was no different from the first one. Shaking his head in disbelief, the other guy grinned.

"Don't tell me you have been in the toilet for all this while."

When Jean heard this statement, he shuddered.

'How did he know?'

Jean was dumbstruck the moment he realized that the guy at the bathroom door where he currently was, was able to deduce that he was in the toilet, despite the toilet and the shower being in the same space.

He had started suspecting that there might have been an opening somewhere that the guy used to peer inside, but when he was busy checking around, a certain thought struck him.

'The sounding of water splattering.'

That was the reason the guy at the door was able to figure out that Jean was not showering. And since he wasn't showering, when the shower and the toilet shared the same space, that only left him with one answer, he was in the toilet.

With that realization, Jean grinned and decided to approach the door. When he was about to unlock the constriction lock, the next statement from the guy at the door spoilt the mood.

"Perhaps you have a running stomach, who knows"

The guy at the door said mockingly.

When Jean heard this, he was forced to leave the idea of unlocking the door aside for a while.

He was infuriated by the fact that, he was still struggling with hunger, yet there was an idiot who had the guts to accuse him of having a running stomach, when his stomach was technically empty if not for the soft drink that he managed to drink by luck a while ago.

Feeling the strings of his heart being tagged, Jean felt reluctant to unlock the door. But when he was struck by the curiosity of wanting to see the person mocking him from a closer distance, he unconsciously raised his hand and unlocked the constriction lock.

A few seconds passed without anything happening, then suddenly, the bathroom door slid open. It was Jean that had clicked the unlocking button.

Standing in front of the door, was a young man in his early twenties, with broad shoulders, an athlete body, short black hair, small beards on his chin, with cold black eyes and a serious face.

His look could easily impose fear to a faint hearted, but to somebody like Jean, he had faced a lot to be intimidated by such mundane look.

The two stared at each other for a while in silence before the guy broke the silence.

"It is good to see that you are fine"

Hearing this, Jean cursed internally.

'This idiot! How can I be fine when I am starving like this?'

Jean didn't like the fact that the guy in front of him was ignoring his suffering, he almost said out loud that he was hungry. Despite him consuming the soft drink he came across in the drawer on the opposite end from where they were standing, he still felt hungry.

Reluctantly nodding silently, Jean stared at the guy in front of him with a deadpan expression.

"What did you take that has caused you all these sufferings?"

The guy asked in a friendly tone.

Understanding what the guy was trying to imply, Jean frowned and remained mute.

'Can't he just leave this topic slide?'

Jean thought bitterly.

Realizing that Jean wasn't going to answer his question, the guy forced out a stifled smile and in the next moment, he opened his mouth. But before he could utter a word, Jean's voice echoed.

"I am Jean, what about you?"

Jean said with a smile while stretching his hand to greet the guy.

The moment the guy saw this act from Jean, he looked startled for a bit.

'How comes he is this calm. Is he thinking that we are good people that have good intensions with him?'

A series of questions flooded the guy's mind. He was surprised to see Jean looking calm and unperturbed despite him waking up and finding himself in a strange environment.

'Considering that the last time he woke up tied up and didn't have the chance to see us, then there is a high chance that he is feeling safe now after waking up in a different environment, not tied up. This might work in our favor, who knows. It is good that I sent that idiot away before I confronted him. But wait, what if he heard our conversation a while ago? He might have looked startled if he understood what we were talking about, but now that he is this calm, it means he didn't have any clue of what we were talking about. So, I need to tell others so as to treat him well. This will reduce the chances of him suspecting us, but how am I going to tell them without him knowing.'

The guy's mind was clouded with thoughts that he forgot what Jean had told him.

"If you don't mind, can you please repeat what you just said?"

The guy requested Jean in a friendly tone.

When Jean repeated his previous statement, the guy paused for a moment and spoke,

"Good to know you, but as for me, I don't think it is that necessary for you to know me as you will not only forget my name, but also me."

When Jean heard this statement he shuddered and quickly retracted his hand to its initial position


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