
During this moment, Jean was tensed inside but tried so hard for the tension not to show on the surface.

'If the medicine isn't meant for healing purpose, then what is it meant for? Medicine bears its name because it can heal. But if that mysterious liquid I drunk a while ago can't heal, then how comes he is still referring it to as medicine? Or is it…?'

Jean thought with a confused expression, but before he could complete his next thought, Casper resounded once again.

"I know you must be wondering what was the purpose of me giving you that first liquid… But before I tell you that, allow me to start by informing you about the liquid itself. The first liquid wasn't a medicine."

Casper said in a calm tone.

Ironically, Jean didn't feel the calmness in Casper's voice at all, as the message that Casper was trying to pass across carried a lot of weight according to him, since it involved his health.

So, instead of him finding Casper's voice calming, he found it alarming thus depriving him of the little peace of mind that he had started enjoying since he entered Casper's house.

After lingering for a moment, Casper continued…

"I understand what you must be thinking right now. But I just think it would be better if you shake off those weird thoughts of yours and allow me to explain what you need to know."

The moment Jean heard this, he almost protested, but since Casper seemed to have figured out his worries, he found it difficult to refute him.

It was true that he was feeling insecure with every passing moment, as Casper seemed reluctant to break the ice and explain in details about the liquid that he offered him a while ago.

Feeling impatient, Jean decided to voice out his concerns.

"Just tell me the purpose of the liquid. That's all I want to hear…"

Jean said out of desperation.

Just at that moment, Casper raised his chin and let out a mischievous smile as he gazed at Jean.

"Okay, I think you are right to demand for an answer. I will therefore go straight to the point."

With that, Casper went mute for a moment and shifted his gaze towards the container on the table before gazing back at Jean.

The moment Jean noticed Casper's gaze; his ears perked up, ready to hear what he was longing for.

With a snort, Casper continued,

"The liquid in question is mainly meant for quenching excruciating body pain. So, in a simpler term, we can call it Painkiller."

As soon as Jean heard Casper's explanation, he heaved a sigh of relief.

'Thank goodness it was not what I was thinking…'

What Jean was thinking before Casper explained the purpose of the first liquid, was that there was a chance that Casper could have given him the liquid in order for it to mess up his consciousness the way the injection he received while in the vehicle did.

Although he didn't find any of Casper's actions suspicious, he still remained cautious because of what he had passed through since the moment he was kidnapped.

It was not going to be easy for him to relax around strangers after what he had passed through.

"You were getting me worried with your lengthy explanations…"

Jean said with a frown.

In return, Casper let out a muffled chuckle which made Jean's frown to deepen and turn into a scowl.

A few moments later, Casper's expression turned serious once again.

"Now, if you really care about your health, you need to finish that medicine"

Casper stated as he gestured at the container on the table.

Gazing at the container with a complicated look, Jean tilted his head to the side and blinked severally.

"I understand, but the bitterness of the medicine is too much. I have never tasted something as bitter as this medicine in my whole life…"

With that, Jean turned and faced Casper.

"Let the dwindling of the pain not deceive you. Remember that what you took earlier is what is making you think that you are okay. But for your information, if you don't act fast, you might breathe your last any moment from now."

Casper said without batting an eye. And from Jean's deductions, he understood that the guy was serious with what he was saying.

Without even knowing, Jean had already lifted the container and was about to take a second sip of the medicine after taking the first sip already.

At this moment, Jean was unfazed by the bitterness of the medicine, and gulped down the whole container as if he was drinking water. After all, did he have a choice? Didn't he?

In the next two minutes, Jean lowered the container back on the table. Immediately he did this, Casper peeked at the container with interest. When he confirmed its contents, his eyes widened.

The container was surprisingly empty.

Casper found it hard to believe what he saw until he slightly lifted the container off the table. When he made sure that what he was seeing was real, he turned and gazed at Jean.

In return, Jean averted his gaze and pretended to look to the side.

'So, my scheme worked out!'

Casper thought with an expressionless face.

The truth of the matter was that; although Casper told Jean the truth about his life being at risk for not taking the medicine in time, he exaggerated the matter by saying that he was going to die in the next few moments. The reason he did that; was because he sensed that it would be a bit difficult to convince Jean to take the medicine due to its bitterness.

So, that's why he decided to exaggerate the matter in order for him to compel Jean to take the medicine. Which seemed to have worked for him.

Jean on the other side, was giddy with happiness as he thought that he had successfully cheated the looming death that was about to befall him. He was feeling glad for Casper's caring move of informing him about the dangers of his actions.

"Thank you for saving my life…"

Jean said with a genuine smile despite the traces of bitterness that was still lingering in his mouth.

"It's nothing..."

Casper said with a genuine smile.

"There's something else that I would like to ask you"

Jean said while gazing at Casper with a complicated look.

"What could be that?"

Casper asked with a confused expression.

Shifting in his seat, Jean blinked for a couple of times before letting out a snort.

"Some moments ago when you left me outside and came in the direction of the house, I thought that you had enteredthe house the moment I arrived at the house and didn't see you. But to my surprise, you walked in just a few moments after I had entered the house. To be more precise, where were you hiding because I didn't notice you when I was walking in?"

Casper eyed Jean with an amused look before letting a chuckle.

Feeling offended, Jean glowered at Casper and in return, Casper's expression turned serious.

"What is that stare for?"

Casper asked as he waved a hand with a smug.

This act from Casper made Jean to lower his head in embarrassment.

Upto this point, he had come to understand that Casper was a guy whose moods could switch swiftly, and this made it hard for Jean to understand the guy seating beside him.

'This guy seems complicatedtoread. This moment he is happy, the next momenthe's angry. Although he seems to be a goodperson. I should try my best not to offend him especially when I still need him for my recovery and the tracingofmy home. Mom must be worriedabout me by now.'

Jean pondered for a moment..

"You need to be attentive"

Casper resounded after a short moment of silence.


Jean inquired out of confusion. It was clear that he didn't comprehend what Casper was alluding to.

As if understanding Jean's situation, Casper decided to explain his statement.

"What I am trying to tell you is that, I was in the structure to the left of the exit door, and if you could have been keen enough, you could have noticed me in there when you were entering the house."

This wasn't the first time that Jean was being nagged about being attentive. The first person to tell him about this was Natalie. This was when they had entered their new home in Kili City.

So, this moment of familiarity made Jean feel how much he had missed his mum already despite him being away for just some hours. And at the same time he felt sorry for her because of the trouble she was currently going through because of his disappearance.

'Mom must be in a hell of thoughts right now..'

Just as he was still pondering about the matter, Casper resounded once again.

"I know you still have a lot ofquestions, but I would adviseyou to go have a rest. There's still time for you to ask me those questions of yours, as long as you don't wake up tomorrow and demand to leave my premises immediately."

Casper said in a charming tone.

Just at that moment, Jean struggled and got to his feet, before gazing at Casper with a smile.

"Thank you one more time for caring for me. I don't know what could have been my fate if you hadn't come to my rescue."

In response, Casper waved a hand dismissively and let out a cheeky smile.

"Go and have a rest, you dearly need that.."

Casper said in a gentle tone. But to his surprise, Jean remained unmoved and maintained his spot.

'How does he expect me to just walk into his bedroom and decide by myself where to sleep, because I am pretty sure that that little bed can't be enough for the two of us.'
