You Have A case to Answer

Somewhere in a private room.

"How could you be so silly and careless to let our subject escape?"

One middle aged man putting on a collarless white shirt and a black trouser rented.

In the same room, there were other three people who were seated adjacent to each other as they faced the guy.

These three people were Lynn, Tade and Ged.

On their faces, troubled expressions were evident. This was a sign that they were finding it hard to digest what the middle aged man was telling them.

"It wasn't my idea in the first place,  sir."

Lynn said in an gentle tone.

"Then whose idea was it?"

The middle aged man asked in a tone laced with anger.

Pointing at Rey who was just entering the room, Ged responded,

"It was his idea, sir."

With a growl, the middle aged man glared at the approaching Rey.

"You! Come here. You have a case to answer."

With a shudder, Rey's expression darkened. He then moved and sat on one of the empty chairs that was next to Lynn's.

"What is it, sir?"

Rey asked after a short moment of contemplation.

"So, you were the first person to report to me the disappearance of our subject only to play innocent on this matter?"

The middle aged man question in an angry voice.

"I  Still can't get your point, sir."

Rey responded with a confused expression.

Lowering himself in the lonely chair that was positioned in front of the four, the middle aged man snorted.

"There are some chances that you might have a hand in the escape of our subject together with your faction leader. This is because, you were the one that came up with the idea of giving the subject the freedom to mingle with each one of you freely. And to my disappointment,  Marr also fell for your stupid idea."

The middle aged man stated through gritted teeth.

"But sir, I  was only trying to treat the subject basing on the mood I found him in. When I  got in the bed chamber, I  found the subject already in the bathroom.  And when he got out, he looked calm and composed.  This was what made me feel like he was thinking that we were good samaritans that rescued him considering that some hours earlier, we had tied him up and even covered his eyes. So, there was no way he could deduce that we were the same people especially when we had injected  him with some pills that took away his consciousness before we took him to the plane. "

The moment Rey was done with his statement,  the middle aged man's expression softened for a bit.

This middle aged man was Tegras Prine - The faction overseer of all the factions within these territories.

So, that explained why the rest of the group felt intimidated in front of him. The fact that he held a higher rank than Marr; their faction leader explained every about the authority he passed among the faction members.

These factions were mainly formed for carrying out some tasks mainly for high rank officials and individuals within the territory. They could collaborate with powerful forces to carryout a mission without causing  a stirr.

These factions were mainly used by groups and people that wielded high power to accomplish a mission in areas that such powerful individuals were restricted from entering by the government.

These factions were effective since none of the people that could be sent on a specific mission wielded any power. So, they could only be considered as mundane gangsters in case spotted by any government official during their missions.

The factions' union had established itself to the point that they could also carryout their own missions for their own benefits. Jean's kidnap was one of their private missions. And according to them, Jean was a special catch to them. This was due to the fact that it took them a lot of effort to transport the guy to their territories which unfortunately to them, was an unsuccessful task.

Besides the efforts involved in transporting the individual, there was a reason to why they had to make sure they get the guy. At the back of their minds,  they anticipated something great coming from Jean according to their deductions. This was also one of the reasons to why they were more than willing to pull together the necessary resources to get the guy despite how expensive it could be.

Since one of their personal missions was kidnapping teenagers and selling them to certain secrete groups,  they had the same intentions when they kidnapped Jean. What the secrete groups did with the people they sold to them was none of their business.

"At least your statement carries some sense now. But still, that was a stupid act. What would have cost you to treat the subject for who he was?"

Mr. Prine questioned.

"I am sorry for what happened but I  promise such a thing won't repeat itself in the future,  as I have learnt my lesson."

Rey responded with an innocent face.

"We can't afford to lose neither our subject nor the faction leader. For the subject,  it has cost us a lot to catch him and transport him before his escape. And for the faction leader,  he is a crucial individual to our organization, since he is skilled and has much information about us. I don't see the subject being able to retain him for that long.

On the same matter, what are some of the efforts that you have made in locating and finding these two individuals?"

Mr. Prine asked curiously.

Suddenly,  the other four individuals in the room exchanged curious glances before Lynn took the initiative to speak.

"Sir, me and Jade together with our pilots had tried to mark the area where the two jumped of the plane and Tade had generated the map of the area."

With that, everyone in the room glanced at Tade with questioning eyes.

As if not feeling the pressure of the gazes that were being directed to him, Tade maintained his carefree expression. And a moment later, he pulled out his cellphone from his pocket, unlocked it and then approached Mr. Prine with it.

When he got to where Mr. Prine was seated, he held the cellphone close to his face before opening the App Map and pointing a specific location on the map that was pre-generated.

"This was the location that we suspected the two dropped."

Tade explained calmly.

"Have you ever tried reaching out Marr on phone?"

Mr. Prine inquired.

"Yes, we did although it had passed almost a half an hour when we did that?"

Lynn answered from her seat.

Shifting his gaze towards Tade, Mr. Prine sighed.

"Why did it take you that long before you called his number?"

Blinking severally,  Take stared at the screen of the cell-phone in his hands before answering.

"We were busy trying to estimate the exact location of the guy's."

Take explained in a friendly tone.

"Then what prevented others from putting a call through when the four of you were busy?"

Mr. Prine asked with a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice.

"Sir, is like you are forgetting something."

Tade said in an even tone.

"No need  to remind me, I already realised that. The call could have tempered with the plane's communication signal. "

Mr. Prine said in a frustrated tone.

In response,  Tade nodded his head.

"But you told me that you were able to put through a call a half an hour later, was it after you landed or what?"

Mr. Prine questioned.

With a nod Tade responded.

"That's right.  After we were done marking the area on the map, we had to have an emergency landing in a nearby airstrip. But unfortunately for us, the nearest airstrip was to take us at least twenty minutes before we could reach it. That's when the pilot informed the control roo. Personel to communicate to the management of the nearby airstrip and link us to them for our landing before we could arrive there.

By the time we arrived there and landed, we were already more than thirty minutes late. Although if we could have had the opportunity to put through a call almost immediately,  there could still be some chances that Marr couldn't have received it because he could still be plummeting from the sky."

"What did did Marr tell you when you reached him on the phone?"

Mr. Prine asked out of curiosity.

Suddenly,  everybody in the room directed their gazes towards Tade.

After lingering for a moment,  Tade sighed.

"Unfortunately for us, his phone was unreachable at that moment since it seemed to be switched off."

With a grim expression Mr. Tade bit his lower lip.

"Maybe the phone came off his pockets and hit a rock when he was still plummeting. But since they used a parachute, there are higher chances that he might still be a live somewhere."

Mr. Prine stated in a tone laced with bitterness.

"If he is a live or not, we aren't sure about that because the other part gad a gun in his possession."

Tade said while directing a piercing look at Ged.

"Unless you've forgotten who Marr is."

Mr. Prine stated in a galant tone as he gazed at Tade with a questioning look.

"I know he is a capable individual but, we should never underestimate how quick witted our subject is. And that explains why he was able to outsmart us in our own game."

Tade explained in a calm tone.

"I must say I  could have allowed you to go in search of the two since you already had their likely location. But since it was late and I also needed to understand in depth what transpired so that we could know how to approach this matter, I had to call you.

It is already another day, and you must concur with me that the location of the two must have changed in the passed hours. So, the earlier we start our search the better for us. We can't afford to lose either of the two. You already have their likely location,  so, I will be expecting you to be ready in the next moment so that the search can commence."

The moment,  Mr. Prine was done with his statement,  everybody left the room in haste leaving only him behind.
