The Revelation

After staring at the spot with squinted eyes out of fear, he didn't notice any potent change.

Unsure with his deductions, Jean slowly widened his eyes with the aim of having a clear view of the spot.

'Perhaps the strange force isn't active due to the unclear view of the spot that I have been having.'

Jean pondered as he vigilantly studied the spot with a slightly contorted face.

A few minutes later, Jean's expression darkened.

'How comes I am yet to feel anything? Could it be that the spot isn't as dangerous as I thought it was after my previous encounter?'

Rubbing his eyes to confirm if he was seeing things, Jean lingered.

In the next moment, he took a few steps forward and approached the spot. When he got there, he slowly lowered himself and studied the spot closely.

It was not like he wished a bad thing to happen to him, in fact, he was cautious about this. He was only interested in finding out how the spot was able to ensnare him the last time he was here. While still checking on the spot, the memories of the ominous tree in the compound flashed across his eyes.

Since the moment he checked on the tree with his mom during the house tour, he had checked on the tree on multiple occasions. But never for once did he notice the strange feeling from the ominous tree again.

Connecting the dots with this unexpected scene, Jean felt that there was a connection of what was happening and his mom.

The ominous tree was dissipating a strange feeling until he checked on it with his mom. Additionally, when the strange spot had ensnared him, it was his mom that saved him. And now that the spot seems to have lost its mysterious power, Jean had some questions to ask his mom.

But when he remembered how his mom has disappointed him on multiple occasions, he had a rethink about the matter. Just at that moment, a thought formed in his mind.

'If mom is unwilling to answer my questions, why can't I ask grandpa?'

Jean had established a good relationship with his grandpa- Natalie's father. The two were inseparable friends. This was one of the reasons he felt sad to leave his village, this was because Celta village was closer to Kelb village and he could easily visit his grandparents from time to time. But now that he was in the city far from them, it had become difficult for them to meet.

The only way he could communicate with them was through a cellphone. So, currently, he was planning to have a private discussion with his grandpa over the cellphone on the matter and other questions that Natalie had previously failed to answer him. Although this act of his could be considered as absurd considering that never for once did his grandpa mention anything about superpowers to him, he still had a positive feeling about his decision.

With that thought in mind, Jean decided to get to his feet and leave the spot.

Just at that moment, he heard someone approaching from behind. Halfway on his feet, Jean quickly turned back only to spot Natalie heading his way with a complicated expression on her face.

He quickly straightened himself and faked a smile. Since he didn't expect Natalie to look for him this soon, he was startled for a bit to see her in the vicinity this soon.

This was the same moment that he recalled something. Without a second thought, he quickly lowered his gaze a checked his wrist watch.

The watch seemed not to be working as it was still indicating that he still had seventeen minutes left.

But according to his estimation, he had spent more than twenty minutes at the spot. With this thought in mind, he quickly understood why Natalie was here at the moment.

'What could have happened to my wrist watch or could it be...?'

Lowering his gaze to look at the mysterious spot that he was currently stepping on, Jean froze for a moment. Suddenly, dread descended upon him. He had a strong feeling that the malfunctioning of the wrist watch had something to do with the spot he was standing on.

That thought a lone gave him a pang of headache. While still contemplating on the matter, Natalie resounded.

"Could this be the reason to why you had to inform me about your visit to the forest unlike those other times?'

Quickly raising his head and facing Natalie, Jean wore a complicated look.

As if not getting Natalie's question, Jean went ahead and asked a question of his own.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"That should be the same question that I should be asking you."

Natalie stated in an angry voice.

Sensing Natalie's anger, Jean immediately started deserting the mysterious spot. The moment he made the first step away from the spot, he felt the ground under his feet vibrating. The moment he realized this, he hastened his gait and left the spot as quickly as possible.

Natalie who looked indifferent to Jean's actions, stopped in her steps and gazed at the startled boy from a distance while crossing her arms over her chest.

When he had moved away from the spot, he was about to approach Natalie when he realized the latter giving him a piercing look. This sudden realization made him withdraw his idea of moving to where Natalie was standing.

Why would Natalie remain mute about such a mysterious spot when there are some signs that at least she knows something about the spot?

The reason for her reluctance to share information about the place with Jean was only known to her. Perhaps the information was not meant to be shared with anyone or she just doesn't have a detailed explanation about this mysterious spot.

"Come here!"

Just as Jean was thinking of leaving the premises, Natalie resounded once again.

Smiling wryly, Jean mechanically moved towards Natalie. He knew her very well whenever she could be angry. Despite the anger not showing on her face, he still could sense it in her tone.

Before he did this, he had anticipated such scenario occurring. So, he didn't find it strange for Natalie to be mad at him.

When he got to where Natalie was standing, he sighed and raised his head and faced her.

"Mom, I am here."

Jean stated timidly.

Just at that moment, Natalie snorted and glanced at him with interest.

"What were you upto?"

Struggling to maintain eye contact with Natalie, Jean responded.

"I was trying to inspect the forest so that I could find out what changed in the past five months."

Jean had gone five straight months without visiting the forest. The main reason for doing this was because he wanted to get rid of the feeling of visiting this mysterious spot. He had struggled with this feeling for quite a while and especially everytime he could visit the forest.

The feeling was growing stronger with each visit and this was getting him worried as he knew that chances were that he could end up being ensnared by the mysterious force again. Additionally, in case the ensnaring happened, he couldn't have had anyone around to come to his rescue as during this period, his mom was always at work till late in the evening. So, the chances that he could come out unscathed were low and that's why he decided to avoid the forest considering that the end result of his actions were still concealed from him.

Since this was the first time that Jean was trying to lie to his mom, he struggled to keep a straight face. As a result, Natalie was able to discern this and scold him right away.

"Who told you you can lie to me? So, you think I didn't know what you were up to?"

Pausing for a moment, Natalie continued...

"The moment you approached me and told me that you were on your way to the forest, I immediately sensed that something was not right.

I knew you used to visit the forest since the last time we were here, but never for once did you inform me of your visit. So, you telling me that you were going to visit the forest made me smell a rat. Therefore, immediately you disappeared into the forest, I followed you behind."

The moment Jean heard this, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. In simple terms Jean understood that his plans had already been figured out and there was nothing that he was going to hide from Natalie.

"Mom, I am sorry for trying to do something behind your back. I ask for your forgiveness."

Jean said in a gentle tone while facing down.

"There's no need to apologise. Infact, I should blame myself for not sharing the little information that I have about this spot. That must have made you curious considering what happened to you the previous time you were here. I am not surprised that it took you more than four years for you to gather enough courage to return to the spot. It was indeed scary, isn't it?"

Nodding his head in agreement, Jean felt elated by Natalie's words. As a result, his mood was boosted as he looked forward to hearing what Natalie had in store for him about the mysterious spot.

He had yawned for such chance in the past years and now that it had come, he didn't want anything to ruin it.

He was excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because his mom was about to unfold the information that he was craving for all these years since the strange encounter in the forest. But nervous because he didn't know how sensitive the information he was about to receive was considering that his mom has always been reluctant in giving out such information all these past years since the incident.
